11 results for family: Huperziaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
HuperziaceaeHuperziaFirmoss, Clubmossimage of plant
HuperziaceaeHuperzia ×bartleyiBartley's FirmossRock outcrops.Apparently widely distributed from NY west to w. WI, ne. IA, south to w. NC, nw. SC, nw. AL, and e. MO, in a scattered pattern associated with the overlap in distribution between its two parents, but not everywhere associated with both parents.
HuperziaceaeHuperzia ×buttersiiButters's FirmossShale banks.Known from Scioto County, OH, in large numbers, growing with smaller numbers of H. selago. Expected to occur in the overlap regions of its parents.
HuperziaceaeHuperzia ×protoporophilaRock outcrops and cliff bases.Known from Chimney Rock Park, Rutherford County, NC (the lowest elevation occurrence of H. appressa in NC), from Roan Mountain, Mitchell County, NC, and Grandfather Mountain, Avery County, NC.
HuperziaceaeHuperzia appressaAppalachian FirmossRock outcrops at high elevations (very rarely at middle elevations), rarely also in seepage or along banks of small streams at high elevations, and in fens (on hummocks).QC and NL (Newfoundland) west to ON, MI, and MN and south along the Appalachians to w. NC, e. TN, and ne. GA. Previous reports of this Huperzia appressa from Greenland, Europe, and e. Asia are based on misidentifications of Huperzia continentalis, Huperzia selago, and other species (Testo, Haines, & Gilman 2016). Previous reports of Huperzia selago from the Central and Southern Appalachians re based on this species.image of plant
HuperziaceaeHuperzia lucidulaShining Firmoss, Shining ClubmossMoist forests and ravines.NL (Newfoundland) to MB, south to nw. SC, n. GA, n. AL, s. IL, and nw. AR (Peck 2011); disjunct in NM (Santa Fe County); disjunct in China (Jilin) (FoC).image of plant
HuperziaceaeHuperzia porophilaRock Firmoss, Rock ClubmossRock outcrops and cliffs, especially in the spray of waterfalls, at low to medium elevations, usually on sandstone or felsic metamorphic or metaigneous rocks (acidic schists, gneisses, granitic gneisses), and most characteristically on ledges or in crevices in overhung settings along the cliff face where the plants receive little or no direct sunlight.Centered in the sedimentary Central Appalachians, H. porophila ranges from ne. PA, WV, OH, WI, ON, and MN south to w. NC, nw. SC, ne. GA, nw. AL, and e. MO.image of plant
HuperziaceaeHuperzia selagoNorthern FirmossShale banks.This species is circumboreal, ranging south in North America to NY, New England, and the Great Lakes region, and disjunct to s. OH.
HuperziaceaeHuperziaceaeFirmoss Familyimage of plant
HuperziaceaePhlegmariurusHanging Firmossimage of plant
HuperziaceaePhlegmariurus dichotomusHanging FirmossCypress swamps, epiphytic on Pond Apple (Annona glabra) and Florida Water Ash (Fraxinus cubensis).S. FL (Big Cypress Swamp); West Indies; Mexico (CHP, OAX, PUE, SLP, TAM, VER) south through Central America to n. South America.image of plant