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23 results for family: Hyacinthaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
HyacinthaceaeAlbucaimage of plant
HyacinthaceaeAlbuca bracteataSea-onionDisturbed areas.Native of s. Africa.image of plant
HyacinthaceaeChionodoxa forbesiiGlory-of-the-SnowUncommonly escaping from horticultural use to suburban woodlands.Native of w. Asia.image of plant
HyacinthaceaeChionodoxa luciliaeGlory-of-the-snowLawns, disturbed areas.Native of w. Turkey.image of plant
HyacinthaceaeHyacinthaceaeHyacinth Familyimage of plant
HyacinthaceaeHyacinthoidesBluebellimage of plant
HyacinthaceaeHyacinthoides hispanicaSpanish BluebellPersistent from horticultural use.Native of Europe.image of plant
HyacinthaceaeHyacinthoides nonscriptaEnglish BluebellPersistent after cultivation.Native of Europe.image of plant
HyacinthaceaeHyacinthusHyacinthimage of plant
HyacinthaceaeHyacinthus orientalisHyacinthPersistent after cultivation.Native of w. Asia.image of plant
HyacinthaceaeMuscariGrape-hyacinthimage of plant
HyacinthaceaeMuscari armeniacumGarden Grape-hyacinth, Armenian Grape-hyacinthCultivated as an ornamental, persistent and naturalized in lawns, old fields, suburban woodlands, and disturbed areas.Native of Mediterranean e. Europe and w. Asia.image of plant
HyacinthaceaeMuscari botryoidesCompact Grape-hyacinthCultivated as an ornamental, persistent and naturalized in lawns, old fields, suburban woodlands, and disturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant
HyacinthaceaeMuscari comosumTassel Grape-hyacinthCultivated as an ornamental, persistent and naturalized in lawns, old fields, suburban woodlands, and disturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant
HyacinthaceaeMuscari neglectumGrape-hyacinthCultivated as an ornamental, persistent and naturalized in lawns, old fields, suburban woodlands, and disturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant
HyacinthaceaeOrnithogalumStar-of-Bethlehemimage of plant
HyacinthaceaeOrnithogalum nutansDrooping Star-of-BethlehemLawns and suburban woodlands, commonly cultivated.Native of w. Asia.image of plant
HyacinthaceaeOrnithogalum umbellatumStar-of-Bethlehem, Snowflake, Nap-at-noonLawns, old fields, bottomlands, forests, commonly cultivated.Native of Europe.image of plant
HyacinthaceaeScilla amoenaStar-HyacinthPlanted as an ornamental, rarely persisting.image of plant
HyacinthaceaeScilla hyacinthoidesHyacinth SquillFencerows.Native of Mediterranean Europe.
HyacinthaceaeScilla sibericaSiberian SquillSuburban woodlands.Native of Russia.image of plant