95 results for family: Iridaceae.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Iridaceae | Alophia | Propellor-flower | | |
Iridaceae | Alophia drummondii | Propellor-flower, Pinewoods-lily, Purple Pleatleaf | Longleaf pine savannas, other sandy woodlands. | E. LA (and MS?) west to TX and OK; Mexico; Guyana. |
Iridaceae | Aristea | Blue Stars, Blue Flies | | |
Iridaceae | Aristea ecklonii | Blue Stars, Blue Flies | Roadside ditch. | Native of s. Africa. |
Iridaceae | Calydorea | Ixia | | |
Iridaceae | Calydorea caelestina | Bartram's Ixia | Pine flatwoods. | Endemic to ne. FL (Chafin 2000); the single GA record is by P.O. Schallert, notoriously sloppy with his location data, and is therefore best discounted unless additional information comes to light. |
Iridaceae | Crocosmia | Montbretia | | |
Iridaceae | Crocosmia ×crocosmiiflora | Montbretia | Disturbed areas, ditches, especially in moist to wet sites, including salt marshes; the parents of the hybrid both native to sub-Saharan Africa. | Reported for Lowndes and Thomas counties, GA (Carter, Baker, & Morris 2009). |
Iridaceae | Crocus | Crocus | | |
Iridaceae | Crocus flavus | Yellow Crocus | Disturbed roadsides. | Native of Europe and the Middle East. |
Iridaceae | Crocus tommasinianus | Woodland Crocus, Early Crocus | Disturbed areas, long-persistent after cultivation around house-sites. | Native of se. Europe. Reported as rarely naturalizing in DE (McAvoy & Bennett 2001); reported as rarely naturalizing in VA (Alexandria) (Wright et al. 2023). |
Iridaceae | Crocus vernus | Dutch Crocus | Disturbed areas, long-persistent after cultivation around house-sites. | Native of montane s. Europe. |
Iridaceae | Dietes | African Iris | | |
Iridaceae | Dietes iridioides | African Iris, Fortnight Lily | Waif from horticultural use. | Native of s. and e. Africa. |
Iridaceae | Freesia | Freesia | | |
Iridaceae | Freesia alba | Freesia | Disturbed areas. | Native of s. Africa. |
Iridaceae | Freesia laxa | Freesia | Lawns, open upland disturbed areas. | Native of s. Africa. |
Iridaceae | Gladiolus | Gladiolus | | |
Iridaceae | Gladiolus ×gandavensis | Garden Gladiolus, Hybrid Gladiolus | Commonly cultivated as ornamentals, rarely persisting or weakly spreading. | Native of s. Africa. | |
Iridaceae | Gladiolus communis | Eastern Gladiolus, False Corn-flag, Sword-lily | Commonly cultivated as ornamentals, rarely persisting or weakly spreading. | Native of Mediterranean Europe and n. Africa. |
Iridaceae | Gladiolus dalenii ssp. dalenii | Dragon's-head-lily, Parrot Gladiolus, African Gladiolus | Sometimes cultivated, rarely persisting or spreading. | Native of s. Africa. Persisting and/or naturalizing at scattered locations in the se. United States (Zomlefer et al. 2018). |
Iridaceae | Gladiolus italicus | Field Gladiolus | Sometimes cultivated, rarely persisting or spreading. | Native of Eurasia. Introduced in TN. Apparently naturalizing in AL (Macon County; Barger et al. 2023). |
Iridaceae | Herbertia | Pleatleaf Iris | | |
Iridaceae | Herbertia lahue | Prairie-nymph, Herbertia, Pleatleaf Iris | Prairies, marshes, meadows. | AL and FL west to TX; central South America. |
Iridaceae | Iridaceae | Iris Family | | |
Iridaceae | Iris | Iris, Flag, Fleur-de-Lis, Blackberry-lily | | |
Iridaceae | Iris albispiritus | Ghost Iris | Wet pine savannas, prairies. | S. FL (the type is from near Fort Myers). | |
Iridaceae | Iris brevicaulis | Short-stemmed Iris, Lamance Iris, Zigzag Iris | Swamps, bottomlands, bogs, seeps, marshes. | OH west to KS, south to Panhandle FL and TX. |
Iridaceae | Iris cristata | Dwarf Crested Iris | Moist forests, rich woods, roadbanks, streambanks. | MD west to IN and MO, south to NC, AL, MS, AR, and e. OK. |
Iridaceae | Iris domestica | Blackberry-lily, Leopard-lily | Dry woodlands, forests, edges of granitic flatrocks, cedar glades, old homesites, suburban areas. | Native of e. Asia. |
Iridaceae | Iris ensata | Japanese Iris | Roadsides; cultivated and rarely escaped. | Native of Japan, n. China, and Sakhalin. Also reported from se. PA (Rhodes & Klein 1993) and s. AL (H. Horne, pers. comm. 2013). |
Iridaceae | Iris flexicaulis | Zigzag Blue Flag | Marshes, bottomlands. | S. LA west to e. TX. | |
Iridaceae | Iris florentina | Cemetery Iris, White Lily-of-the-field, White-Flag Iris | Roadsides, fence rows, old homesites, disturbed areas. | Native of the Middle East. | |
Iridaceae | Iris fulva | Red Flag, Copper Iris | Swamp forests, wet hammocks, usually in shallow water. This species has become somewhat popular as a native wildflower in cultivation. | S. IL, MO, and w. TN south to w. Panhandle FL, AL, and LA (introduced elsewhere). |
Iridaceae | Iris germanica | German Iris, Fleur-de-Lys | Roadsides, old homesites, ditches; cultivated and rarely persistent or escaped. | Native of Europe. |
Iridaceae | Iris giganticaerulea | Giant Blue Iris | Marshes and swamps. | Panhandle FL (L. Anderson, pers.comm., 2021) west to e. TX. | |
Iridaceae | Iris hexagona | Anglepod Blue Flag | Swamps. | SC south to s. FL. Reports from e. GA are apparently all based on Iris savannarum. |
Iridaceae | Iris kimballiae | Kimball’s Iris | Fresh and brackish marshes. | Apparently endemic to the FL Panhandle (Franklin County). | |
Iridaceae | Iris nelsonii | Nelson's Iris | Swamp forests. | Endemic (so far is known) to Vermilion Parish, LA. |
Iridaceae | Iris pallida | Sweet Iris | Cultivated and persistent around buildings in GA and elsewhere (FNA). | Native of s. Europe. |
Iridaceae | Iris prismatica | Slender Blue Iris, Slender Blue Flag | Bogs, wet acidic barrens, marshes, ditches, pools. | NS south to GA, disjunct in w. NC (Henderson County) and sc. TN (Coffee County). |
Iridaceae | Iris pseudacorus | Water Flag, Yellow Flag, Fleur-de-Lys, Yellow Iris | Swamps, marshes, streams, ponds, streambanks, tidal wetlands, cultivated as a water plant. | Native of Eurasia and n. Africa. |
Iridaceae | Iris pumila | Dwarf Iris | Disturbed areas, persistent from cultivation. | Native of c. and e. Europe. |
Iridaceae | Iris rivularis | Sylvan Iris | Floodplain marshes. | Apparently endemic to the watershed of the St. Marys River. | |
Iridaceae | Iris sanguinea | Japanese Iris, Blood Iris | Roadsides, cultivated and rarely escaped. | Native of Japan, n. China, Korea, Japan, and w. Russia. Reported for Cleburne County, AL by Spaulding & Triplett (2022), as I. sanguinea. |
Iridaceae | Iris savannarum | Prairie Iris | Pine savannas, Florida prairies, strand swamps, freshwater marshes. | GA and AL south to s. FL. |
Iridaceae | Iris shrevei | Midwestern Blue Flag | Marshes, swamps, streams. | Sw. QC to MN, south to w. NC, n. AL, e. TN, AR, e. TX, and e. KS. | |
Iridaceae | Iris sibirica | Siberian Iris | Cultivated and escaping or persisting near plantings. | Native of Eurasia (c. and e. Europe west to Lake Baikal, Japan, n. China, Korea, Japan, and e. Russia). |
Iridaceae | Iris tridentata | Savanna Iris | Wet savannas, pine flatwoods, margins of pineland pools. | Se. NC south to ne. FL and Panhandle FL and AL (Mobile County). |
Iridaceae | Iris verna var. smalliana | Upland Dwarf Iris | Dry to somewhat moist, rocky or sandy woodlands and forests. | Sc. PA and WV south to w. NC, e. TN, n. GA, se. GA, Panhandle FL, and AL; disjunct in Ouachita Mountains of AR. |
Iridaceae | Iris verna var. verna | Coastal Plain Dwarf Iris, Sandhill Iris | Longleaf pine sandhills, dry, rocky forests and woodlands. | Se. PA, e. MD, e. VA, e. and c. NC, e., c, and w. SC to e. GA, primarily on the Coastal Plain, but extending into the Piedmont and even rarely the low Mountains. |
Iridaceae | Iris versicolor | Northern Blue Flag, Larger Blue Flag, Poison Flag, Harlequin Blue Flag | Calcareous fens and marshes, mafic fens, tidal marshes and swamps, interdune ponds, shores. | NL west to SK, south to VA, WV, OH, and MN. |
Iridaceae | Iris virginica | Southern Blue Flag | Tidal and nontidal marshes and swamps, stream margins, flatwoods, wet meadows, bogs. | Se. VA south to c. peninsular FL, west to MS, north in the interior to w. TN; disjunct in sc. TN. |
Iridaceae | Iris xiphium | Spanish Iris | Disturbed areas. | Native of Spain and Portugal. | |
Iridaceae | Nemastylis | Celestial-lily | | |
Iridaceae | Nemastylis floridana | Florida Celestial, Fall-flowering Ixia | Wet pine flatwoods, freshwater marshes. | Ne. FL (St. Johns and Putnam counties) to s. FL (Pasco, Polk, Osceola, Okeechobee, and Broward counties). |
Iridaceae | Nemastylis geminiflora | Prairie Celestial, Prairie Pleatleaf | Prairies. | MO and e. KS south to w. LA and TX; disjunct eastward in AL and MS. |
Iridaceae | Nemastylis nuttallii | Nuttall's Pleatleaf, Nuttall's Celestial-lily | Prairies, glades, and barrens on limestone, dolomite, and rarely sandstone. | MO, AR, OK, and ne. TX. |
Iridaceae | Romulea | | | |
Iridaceae | Romulea rosea var. australis | Rosy Sand-Crocus | Disturbed areas. | Native of South Africa. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium | Blue-eyed-grass, Irisette | | |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium albidum | White Blue-eyed-grass | Woodlands, mesic longleaf pine sandhills, open limestone barrens, prairies. | S. NY west to s. WI, south to Panhandle FL and e. TX. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium angustifolium | Common Blue-eyed-grass, Narrow-leaved Blue-eyed-grass, Stout Blue-eyed-grass | Woodlands, forests, meadows, longleaf pine sandhill swales. | VT, NH, and s. ON west to WI, e. KS, and OH, south to GA, AL, LA, and e. TX. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium arenicola | Sandyland Blue-eyed-grass | Pine-oak/heath woodlands and barrens, other sandy habitats. | A Coastal Plain endemic: MA to e. MD (Caroline Co.) (Knapp et al. 2011). | |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium atlanticum | Atlantic Blue-eyed-grass, Eastern Blue-eyed Grass | Dry, sandy or rocky places, moist meadows, bogs, pine savannas, streambanks. | NS and ME west to OH, IN, and MO, south to s. FL and e. TX. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium biforme | Wiry Blue-eyed-grass | Dunes, prairies, other sandy soils. | E. LA west to s. and c. TX and south into Mexico (TAM). |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium calciphilum | Glade Blue-eyed-grass, Alabama Blue-eyed-grass, Limestone Blue-eyed-grass | Calcareous glades. | Endemic to n. AL. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium campestre | Prairie Blue-eyed-grass | Prairies, especially in sandy soils. | MI and SD south to MS and NM. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium capillare | Wiry Blue-eyed-grass | Wet pine savannas and flatwoods, acid seepages in the lower Piedmont. | Mainly Coastal Plain, from se. VA south to ne. FL. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium corymbosum | | Pinelands. | Se. GA and ne. FL west to s. AL. | |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium dichotomum | White Irisette, Isothermal Irisette | Dry to mesic woodlands and forests, usually over mafic rocks (such as amphibolite), at low to moderate elevations (400-1000 m) in the Blue Ridge escarpment. | Endemic to Henderson, Polk, and Rutherford counties, NC, and Greenville County, SC. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium elizabethiae | Elizabeth's Blue-eyed-grass | Dry woodlands and forests over deep sandy soils. | E. TX & w. LA. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium ensigerum | Swordleaf Blue-eyed-grass | Prairies. | OK south to c. TX and Mexico. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium fuscatum | Coastal Plain Blue-eyed-grass | Xeric to dry soils of pine barrens, Carolina bay rims, longleaf pine sandhills, fluvial sand ridges. | E. VA south to n. FL, west to LA. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium helleri | Heller's Blue-eyed-grass | Calcareous coastal prairies and adjacent roadsides. | Endemic in se. to s. TX. | |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium langloisii | Pale Blue-eyed-grass | Sandy woodlands. | AR and OK south to w. LA and s. TX; allegedly disjunct eastward in AL, GA, MS, TN, and nw. GA, but some of these records at least are suspect. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium miamiense | Miami Blue-eyed-grass | Moist disturbed areas. | Ne. FL, s. GA, and se. SC south to s. FL and west to s. MS; West Indies. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium micranthum | Lawn Blue-eyed-grass, Fairy Stars, Annual Blue-eyed-grass | Lawns, roadsides, prairies, pinelands. | Apparently introduced from South America (se. VA south to s. FL, west to e. TX). |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium minus | Least Blue-eyed-grass | Floodplains, mudflats, ditches, oak flatwoods, oak savannas, prairies. | E. LA, n. LA, se. AR, west to c. TX and n. Mexico; disjunct in sw. AL (Black Belt) and reportedly MS. The AL occurrences are reported and discussed by England & Keener (2017). Reported for NC (Sida 1962) and MS {check}. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium montanum var. crebrum | | {habitat in our area not known}. | NL (Newfoundland) and ON south to NY and n. NJ. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium montanum var. montanum | | Forests, fields. | NL west to AK, south to NJ, PA, WV, n. OH, nw. IN, ne. IL, nc. OK, NM. Reported for n. WV (Harmon, Ford-Werntz, & Grafton 2006). |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium mucronatum | Needle-tip Blue-eyed-grass | Forests, woodlands, fields. | ME west to SK, south to SC, GA, TN, MI, and MN. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium myrioflorum | | Deep sandy soils on the South Texas Sandsheet and closely adjacent. | S. TX. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium nashii | Nash's Blue-eyed-grass | Dryish woodlands and forests, longleaf pine sandhills, pine rocklands, scrubby flatwoods. | NC and TN (and sw. VA?) south to s. FL and MS. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium pruinosum | | Prairies and calcareous glades and barrens. | AR south to w. LA and AR; disjunct at scattered localities eastward in e. LA, MS, AL, and sc. TN. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium rufipes | | Xeric-dry longleaf pine sandhills, fluvial sand ridges. | Se. NC to n. FL, west to s. AL. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium sagittiferum | Spear-bract Blue-eyed-grass | Low wet areas. | S. AR and s. OK south to e. LA, w. LA, and e. TX. Supposedly ranges east to AL (FNA), these reports regarded as unsubstantiated (D. Spaulding, 2013, pers. comm.). |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium species 1 [Buck Creek] | Buck Creek Blue-eyed-grass | Serpentine barrens. | Endemic as far as is known to the Buck Creek Serpentine Barren, Clay County, NC. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium species 2 [chalk] | Chalk Belt Blue-eyed-grass | Limestone outcrops and other calcareous woodlands, Jackson prairies | Coastal Plain of GA, AL, and MS. | |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium species 3 | | | | |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium texanum | Texas Blue-eyed-grass | Sandy or loamy coastal prairies, fields, grassy bayous, and adjacent roadsides. | Se. TX. |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium varians | Variable Blue-eyed-grass | Calcareous woodlands, prairies, and adjacent roadsides usually closely adjacent to rocky or gravelly outcroppings. | Endemic in se. TX. | |
Iridaceae | Sisyrinchium xerophyllum | Florida Blue-eyed-grass | Florida scrub and other xeric sandy sites. | S. GA (?) south to s. peninsular FL; also alleged to occur in NC (FNA) but this report does not seem plausible. |
Iridaceae | Trimezia | | | |
Iridaceae | Trimezia steyermarkii | Martinique Trimezia | Disturbed areas. | Native of West Indies. |