34 results for family: Isoetaceae.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Isoetaceae | Isoetaceae | Quillwort Family, Merlin's-grass Family | | | |
Isoetaceae | Isoetes | Quillwort, Merlin's-grass | | | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes appalachiana | Appalachian Quillwort | Seepages, small woodland streams, ephemeral wetlands, backwaters. | N. NJ and PA south to ne. FL, s. AL, and ne. MS. See McAvoy (2021) for its occurrence in DE. | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes boomii | Boom's Quillwort | Shallow water of slow-moving streams. | Known from Laurens County, GA, AL, and FL. | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes butleri | Butler's Quillwort | Seepage areas on calcareous glades, sometimes also in seepage on non-calcareous rocks. | KY, IL, MO and e. KS south to e. TX and c. and nc. TX; disjunct eastwards in sc. KY, c. TN, n. GA and n. and c. AL. | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes chapmanii | Chapmanās Florida Quillwort | Springs, stream bottoms, river bottoms, ditches. | FL Panhandle. | |
Isoetaceae | Isoetes echinospora | Spiny-spore Quillwort | In acid lakes, ponds, and rivers (submerged to emersed), tidal mud flats. | Circumboreal, in North America from Greenland, NL (Labrador), and AK south to DE, n. OH, MI, WI, CO, and CA. | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes engelmannii | | Usually in permanent water bodies with active current. | | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes flaccida | Winged Florida Quillwort | Springs, stream bottoms, strand swamps, river bottoms, ditches. | S. GA and se. AL south to s. FL. | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes georgiana | Georgia Quillwort | Streams. | Known only from GA (Colquitt, Dodge, Irwin, Tift, Turner, and Worth counties). | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes graniticola | | Granite flatrocks. | Endemic to ec. AL and adjacent GA. A tetraploid species (2n=44). | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes hyemalis | Wintergreen Quillwort | Blackwater streams and sandy streambanks. | E. VA (Accomack County; McAvoy 2021) and sc. VA south through e. and c. NC to GA, AL, and FL Panhandle (Nelson 2000), in the Coastal Plain and lower Piedmont. | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes junciformis | Rush Quillwort | Ephemeral wetland swales in bottomland hardwood swamps. | In sw. GA Coastal Plain (Tift and probably Calhoun counties, GA). | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes lacustris | Lake Quillwort | Submerged in lakes and permanent streams. | Apparently extirpated from the historic locality in VA. | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes louisianensis | Louisiana Quillwort | Small streams, braided swamps, seepage areas. | S. AL, MS, and LA. Reported for GA by Duncan & Kartesz (1981); this species is extremely unlikely in GA and is treated as rejected for that state. | |
Isoetaceae | Isoetes mattaponica | Mattaponi River Quillwort | Tidal rivers. | Apparently endemic to freshwater tidal marshes along rivers flowing into the Chesapeake Bay (such as the Chickahominy, Pamunkey, and Mappaponi). | |
Isoetaceae | Isoetes melanopoda ssp. melanopoda | Blackfoot Quillwort | Floodplains. | S. IN, IL, and MO south to ne. LA; probably represented eastward to c. TN and s. MS (the available material ambiguous) (Brunton & Britton 2006). | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes melanopoda ssp. silvatica | Eastern Blackfoot Quillwort | Clay soils in low woods, seeps on sandstone or granitic rocks, in NJ in clay-based depressions on Cape May. | VA south (in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain) to sw. GA, sc. AL, and s. MS; disjunct in s. NJ. | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes melanospora | Black-spored Quillwort | In pools on granite flatrocks. | Endemic to GA. Material previously attributed here from Forty Acre Rock, SC, is a new species. | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes microvela | | Banks of rivers in the outer Coastal Plain. | Endemic to e. NC. | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes mississippiensis | Mississippi Quillwort | Submersed in sluggish Coastal Plain streams. | Endemic to s. MS. | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes piedmontana | Piedmont Quillwort | In seepage on or near granitic flatrocks, rarely on sandstone (Altamaha grit and Ridge and Valley). | VA south and west to ec. and n. AL; material in c. TX has been placed here, but is likely to warrant description as a separate taxon. | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes riparia var. reticulata | Reticulate Shore Quillwort | Tidal areas. | DC to VA. | |
Isoetaceae | Isoetes riparia var. riparia | Shore Quillwort | Shores. | Isoetes riparia is extirpated from most of its historic localities. | |
Isoetaceae | Isoetes saccharata | | Tidal waters, lakes. | DE to VA. | |
Isoetaceae | Isoetes septentrionalis | Northern Shore Quillwort | Freshwater ponds and shores. | ME, QC, and ON south to n. NJ and se. and c. PA. | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes species 1 | | Pools on granite flatrocks. | Forty Acre Rock, Lancaster County, SC. | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes species 2 | Snow's Quillwort | On Altamaha grit sandstone. | Coastal Plain of GA. | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes tegetiformans | Merlin's-grass | In shallow pools on granite flatrocks. | Endemic to a few granite flatrocks in ec. GA (notably Heggies Rock), near the SC line. | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes tennesseensis | | Rocky river shoals. | Endemic to Polk County, TN, near the North Carolina-Georgia state line, in the Hiwassee River. | |
Isoetaceae | Isoetes texana | Texas Quillwort, Tejas Quillwort | Alkaline ponds in wet prairie interdune swales. | Endemic to Coastal Plain of TX (Aransas and Calhoun counties). | |
Isoetaceae | Isoetes tuckermanii | Tuckerman's Quillwort | Shores, freshwater tidal marshes. | NS south to n. NJ (reports of this species further south are apparently in error). | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes valida | Mountain Quillwort, Carolina Quillwort | Bogs (growing in Sphagnum), pools, ponds, and seeps. | C. PA to s. AL. Reports from MS are false, based on I. mississippiensis. | 
Isoetaceae | Isoetes virginica | Virginia Quillwort | In woodland streams, intermittent streams, and diffuse streamhead wet forests. | VA to SC. | 