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33 results for family: Lycopodiaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
LycopodiaceaeDendrolycopodiumGroundpine, Tree-clubmossimage of plant
LycopodiaceaeDendrolycopodium dendroideumTree Groundpine, Round-branch Clubmoss, Prickly Tree-clubmossOpenings, grassy balds, high elevation spruce-fir and northern hardwood forests.The northernmost of the L. obscurum complex, ranging from n. QC and NL (Newfoundland) west to AK, south to s. NJ, w. NC, MO, MN, SD, CO, MT, ID, and WA. Petrewski (2020) found that plants previously attributed to D. dendroideum in e. Asia are not part of this species.image of plant
LycopodiaceaeDendrolycopodium hickeyiDelicate Tree-clubmoss, Pennsylvania Groundpine, Hickey's Tree-clubmossGrassy balds, bog margins, forest openings, acidic ridgetop forests.N. QC and NL (Newfoundland) west to MN, south to NJ, sw. NC, and n. IN.image of plant
LycopodiaceaeDendrolycopodium obscurumCommon Groundpine, Flat-branched Tree-clubmossAcidic forests.NS and NB west to MI and WI, south to n. GA, ne. AL, s. IN, n. IL (?), and c. MN; China, Japan, Korea, e. Russia.image of plant
LycopodiaceaeDiphasiastrumFlat-branched Clubmoss, Running Cedarimage of plant
LycopodiaceaeDiphasiastrum ×habereriDry forests.Known from widely scattered localities in our area; not always in close proximity to its parents.
LycopodiaceaeDiphasiastrum ×verecundumBashful Ground-Cedar
LycopodiaceaeDiphasiastrum complanatumNorthern Running-CedarThe presence of this species as far south as s. NY and ne. PA is complicated. Alleged by Gleason & Cronquist (1991) to reach "south in our range to Pa. and Minn.". Wherry et al. (1979) cited numerous occurrences in PA which have since been annotated as D. ×habereri; however, Rhoads and Block (2007) later rejected this species from PA, apparently due to a lack of specimens. It has been documented in Sullivan County, NY, which sits at the PA/NY border; however, Werier et al. (2022) explain that many specimens collected in NY labeled as D. complanatum may actually be D. digitatum. Lastly, some specimens collected in northeastern PA appear to potentially be D. complanatum (S. Grund, pers. comm.; 2022); however, these and the aforementioned specimens need critical examination before we can confirm or deny the legitimate (historical or current) presence of this species in PA.
LycopodiaceaeDiphasiastrum digitatumSouthern Running-Cedar, Common Running-Cedar, Fan Ground-Pine, Turkeyfoot, Silver-pineDry to mesic, usually acid forests and openings, especially common in disturbed sites, such as successional pine forests.NL (Newfoundland) west to MN, south to SC, GA, AL, MS, and AR.image of plant
LycopodiaceaeDiphasiastrum sabinifoliumJuniper Clubmoss, Juniper-leaf Ground-cedarForests and meadows.NL west to ON, south to NY, ne. PA, and MI.
LycopodiaceaeDiphasiastrum tristachyumBlue Running-cedar, Ground-cedarDry forests, glades, balds, barrens, forest openings.NL (Labrador) west to AB, south to nw. SC, ne. GA, MO, MN, and e. ND.image of plant
LycopodiaceaeLycopodiaceaeClubmoss Familyimage of plant
LycopodiaceaeLycopodiellaBog-Clubmossimage of plant
LycopodiaceaeLycopodiella ×bruceiPine savannas, seepages, wet pine flatwoods, wet prairies, bogs, ditches, and other wet, sandy sites.E. NC south to c. peninsular FL, west to e. TX and s. AR, rarely inland.
LycopodiaceaeLycopodiella ×copelandiiPine savannas, seepages, wet pine flatwoods, wet prairies, bogs, ditches, and other wet, sandy sites.image of plant
LycopodiaceaeLycopodiella ×gilmaniiNorthern Bog-ClubmossAcid seeps.Earlier tentative reports of Lycopodiella margueriteae J.G. Bruce, W.H. Wagner, & Beitel for the Mountains of Virginia are apparently based on this hybrid.
LycopodiaceaeLycopodiella ×robustaSeeps.ME south to PA.
LycopodiaceaeLycopodiella alopecuroidesFoxtail Bog-clubmossPine savannas, seepages, wet pine flatwoods, wet prairies, bogs, ditches, and other wet, sandy sites.Primarily Southeastern Coastal Plain: se. MA south to FL and west to e. TX, and disjunct in the Cumberland Plateau of KY, TN, and VA, the Allegheny Mountains of WV (Morton et al. 2004), the e. Highland Rim of TN, and in ME (Haines 2001); s. Mexico south through Central America to n. South America; Cuba.image of plant
LycopodiaceaeLycopodiella alopecuroides × prostrata
LycopodiaceaeLycopodiella appressaSouthern Bog-clubmossPine savannas, wet pine flatwoods, seepages, bogs, wet prairies.Primarily Southeastern Coastal Plain: se. NL (Newfoundland) and MA, south to FL, west to OK, AR, and TX, and disjunct inland in KY, TN, NC, w. SC, and WV, s. OH.image of plant
LycopodiaceaeLycopodiella inundataNorthern Bog-clubmossGravelly or sandy seepage areas, bogs.A circumboreal species, ranging south in the Appalachians to w. NC, where it was first found in 1986, and ne. TN (McCullough 2022).image of plant
LycopodiaceaeLycopodiella margueriteaeNorthern Prostrate Bog-clubmossWet, acid sites.Sc. PA; nw. PA and ne. OH; MI and n. IN; WI.
LycopodiaceaeLycopodiella prostrataFeatherstem Clubmoss, Prostrate Bog-clubmossPine savannas, wet pine flatwoods, seepages, bogs, wet prairies.A Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic: se. NC south to c. FL and west to AR and e. TX, with scattered occurrences disjunct inland (as in n. GA, n. AL, and c. AR).image of plant
LycopodiaceaeLycopodiumRunning Clubmossimage of plant
LycopodiaceaeLycopodium clavatumRunning ClubmossOpenings, balds, roadbanks, open forests.Circumboreal, south in e. North America along the Appalachians to NC, n. GA, and ne. AL (Clay Co.; Diamond 2020); also c. Mexico south through Central America to n. South America (Brazil); West Indies.image of plant
LycopodiaceaeLycopodium lagopusOne-cone ClubmossHigh elevation heathlands.Circumboreal, south in North America to c. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993), Tucker County, in e. WV (Gottlieb 2002), n. IL, MT, WA, and AK.image of plant
LycopodiaceaePalhinhaeaNodding Clubmoss
LycopodiaceaePalhinhaea cernuaNodding Clubmoss, Staghorn ClubmossWet savannas, ditches and other disturbed moist areas.E. SC south to s. FL, west to s. AR and e. TX; Neotropics; Paleotropics.image of plant
LycopodiaceaePseudolycopodiellaCarolina Bog Clubmossimage of plant
LycopodiaceaePseudolycopodiella carolinianaCarolina Bog Clubmoss, Slender ClubmossPine savannas, seepages.MA south to s. FL and west to e. TX. Attributions of a wider distribution of this species (West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America, Asia, Africa) are based on a much broader circumscription of the species than that adopted by Cook (2015).image of plant
LycopodiaceaePseudolycopodiella species 1Florida Bog ClubmossWet pine savannas, bogs.Se. NC south to c. FL, west to w. LA; West Indies; s. Mexico and Central America.
LycopodiaceaeSpinulumBristly-Clubmossimage of plant
LycopodiaceaeSpinulum annotinumStiff Clubmoss, Bristly-ClubmossHigh elevation hardwood or coniferous forests.A species of N. North America and n. Europe, south in North America to n. NJ, MN, SD, NM, AZ, and OR, and in the Appalachians to WV, sw. VA, w. NC (2022), and e. TN (Blount County); Asian material is segregated as S. lioui Li Bing Zhang (Chen et al. 2021). This species was reported for NC by Lellinger (1985) and FNA, and is apparently indicated as occurring in NC on the range map in Mickel (1979); there is apparently no documentation for these reports, though the species occurs in Grayson County, VA, a county adjacent to NC. In 2022, it was found in Haywood County, NC.image of plant