206 results for family: Malvaceae.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Malvaceae | Abelmoschus | Okra, Gumbo | | |
Malvaceae | Abelmoschus esculentus | Okra, Gumbo | Frequently cultivated in gardens, rarely persistent or self-seeding the year following. | Native of Africa. Reported for AR (Serviss & Peck 2017). |
Malvaceae | Abutilon | Abutilon, Indian-mallow, Indian-hemp | | |
Malvaceae | Abutilon abutiloides | Bushy Abutilon | Chaparral, disturbed areas. | S. TX, s. NM, and s. AZ south to s. Mexico; West Indies. | |
Malvaceae | Abutilon berlandieri | | Scrub, other open, dry habitats. | S. TX south to COA, NLE, and TAM. | |
Malvaceae | Abutilon fruticosum | Texas Indian-mallow, Pelotazo | Prairies, limestone outcrops, other open, dry areas. | N. AR, OK, and ne. NM south through TX and NM to Mexico (CHH, COA, COL, JAL, NLE, PUE, SLP, TAM, VER, ZAC). | |
Malvaceae | Abutilon grandifolium | Hairy Indian-mallow | Disturbed areas. | Native of South America. |
Malvaceae | Abutilon hirtum | | Disturbed areas. | Native of the Old World tropics. |
Malvaceae | Abutilon hulseanum | | Disturbed areas, pine flatwoods (FL), palm groves (TX). | N. peninsular FL (Alachua County) south to s. peninsular FL; West Indies; South America. |
Malvaceae | Abutilon hypoleucum | | Dry shrublands and disturbed open areas. | Rio Grande Valley of s. TX and adjacent n. Mexico. | |
Malvaceae | Abutilon incanum | | {not present in Flora area} | |
Malvaceae | Abutilon permolle | Velvety Abutilon, Coastal Plain Indian-mallow | Rockland hammocks, disturbed uplands. | C. and s. peninsular FL; West Indies; s. Mexico, Central America, and South America. |
Malvaceae | Abutilon theophrasti | Velvetleaf, Pie-marker, Butterprint, China-jute | Crop fields, roadsides, disturbed areas. | Native of s. Asia. |
Malvaceae | Abutilon trisulcatum | Amantillo | Subtropical woodlands, shrublands. | S. TX south to Mexico and Central America; West Indies. | |
Malvaceae | Abutilon wrightii | | Dry, open habitats. | S., c, and w. TX, s. NM, and se. AZ south to n. Mexico. | |
Malvaceae | Alcea | Hollyhock | | |
Malvaceae | Alcea rosea | Hollyhock, Amapola Grande | Roadsides, dumps, frequently cultivated, less commonly escaped or persistent. | Native of Eurasia. Reported for AR (Serviss & Peck 2017). | |
Malvaceae | Alcea rugosa | Russian Hollyhock | Disturbed areas, cultivated and less commonly escaped or persistent. | Native of e. Europe and w. Asia. Reported for MD (FNA). |
Malvaceae | Allowissadula | | | |
Malvaceae | Allowissadula holosericea | | Open areas, roadsides. | Ec. TX west to se. NM, south to Mexico (COA, NLE, SLP, TAM, others). |
Malvaceae | Allowissadula lozanoi | | Scrub, disturbed areas. | S. TX south to TAM and NLE. |
Malvaceae | Althaea | Marsh-mallow | | |
Malvaceae | Althaea officinalis | Marshmallow | Marshes. | Native of Europe. |
Malvaceae | Anoda | Anoda | | |
Malvaceae | Anoda cristata | Spurred Anoda, Violeta | Cultivated and fallow fields, other disturbed areas. | Native of sw. United States, Mexico, and Central and South America. |
Malvaceae | Anoda pentaschista | | Open woodlands and tropical thickets, agricultural fields, disturbed areas. | S. TX, w. TX, s. NM, s. AZ, s. CA south to s. Mexico. | |
Malvaceae | Ayenia | Ayenia, Kidneypetal | | |
Malvaceae | Ayenia euphrasiifolia ssp. euphrasiifolia | Eyebright Ayenia | Pine rocklands, marl prairies, disturbed areas over limestone. | S. peninsular FL; Cuba. | |
Malvaceae | Ayenia limitaris | Rio Grande Ayenia, Tamaulipan Kidneypetal | Subtropical evergreen/deciduous woodlands on alluvial deposits on floodplains and terraces, on calcareous or clay soils, in the Rio Grande Valley. | Extreme s. TX (Cameron, Hidalgo, and Willacy counties), TAM, COA, JAL, ZAC, AGU. | |
Malvaceae | Ayenia pilosa | Dwarf Ayenia | Edges of thickets. | S. TX, w. TX, s. NM, south to n. Mexico. | |
Malvaceae | Bastardia | | | |
Malvaceae | Bastardia viscosa var. viscosa | Sticky Bastardia | Palm groves , tropical thickets, disturbed areas. | Lower Rio Grande Valley of s. TX, south through Mexico and Central America to n. South America; West Indies. |
Malvaceae | Billieturnera | | | |
Malvaceae | Billieturnera helleri | Billieturnera, Copper Sida | Saline soils. | S. TX south to ne. Mexico (COA, NLE, TAM). |
Malvaceae | Callirhoe | Poppy-mallow | | |
Malvaceae | Callirhoe alcaeoides | Pale Poppy-mallow, Plains Winecup | Calcareous prairies, glades, and other open habitats. | E. NE south through e. and OK to c. TX; disjunct and scattered eastward in IA, MO, AR, nw. LA, IL, s. IN, c. KY, c. TN, and c. AL (Dorr 1990). |
Malvaceae | Callirhoe bushii | Bush's Poppy-mallow | Prairies, glades, bottomland forests. | Sw. IA south through MO and e. KS to AR and OK. | |
Malvaceae | Callirhoe digitata | Winecup, Fringed Poppy-mallow, Finger Poppy-mallow | Prairies and calcareous glades. | MO, and se. KS south to nw. LA and s. OK. |
Malvaceae | Callirhoe involucrata var. involucrata | Purple Poppy-mallow | Upland prairies, disturbed areas. | IL, sw. MN, NE, and WY south to AR, nw. LA, TX, and ne. NM; adventive eastwards at isolated locations. |
Malvaceae | Callirhoe involucrata var. lineariloba | | Grasslands and open woodlands on gravelly or sandy soil, disturbed areas, roadsides. | KS and CO south through OK, NM, and TX to Mexico. | |
Malvaceae | Callirhoe leiocarpa | Tall Poppy-mallow, Tall Winecup | Prairies, roadsides, oak woodlands. | Se. KS south through OK to s. TX. | |
Malvaceae | Callirhoe papaver | Woods Poppy-mallow | Longleaf pine woodlands, dry hammocks, glades, barrens, prairies, forest openings. | N. peninsular FL, Panhandle FL, and sw. GA (Carter, Baker, & Morris 2009) west to e. TX and s. AR (Dorr 1990). |
Malvaceae | Callirhoe pedata | Palmleaf Poppy-mallow | Prairies, open woodlands, and (eastwards, in nw. GA) occasionally mowed roadside and adjacent powerline right-of-way, with other species of calcareous prairie habitats, one occurrence recorded to date. | W. AR and OK, south to sc. TX; disjunct in nw. GA. |
Malvaceae | Callirhoe triangulata | Sand Poppy-mallow, Clustered Poppy-mallow | Longleaf pine sandhills, sandy scrub, and other dry, open habitats. | Sc. NC south to GA (and n. FL?), and west to ec. MS; also sw. WI and ne. IA south to s. IN, s. IL, and se. MO. |
Malvaceae | Cienfuegosia | Flymallow | | |
Malvaceae | Cienfuegosia drummondii | Yellow Fugosia | Open areas over heavy and saline soils. | Se. and s. TX; South America (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay). |
Malvaceae | Cienfuegosia yucatanensis | Yucatan Flymallow, Yellow Hibiscus | Coastal rock barrens, rockland hammock edges and gaps. | S. FL (Monroe County keys); West Indies (Bahamas, Cuba); Mexico (CAM, ROO, YUC). |
Malvaceae | Corchorus | Jute | | |
Malvaceae | Corchorus aestuans | Jute | Roadsides, other disturbed ground. | Native of Asia. Reported for Thomas County, GA (Carter, Baker, & Morris 2009). |
Malvaceae | Corchorus hirsutus | Woolly Corchorus, Jackswitch, Cadillo, Mallet | Disturbed areas. | Native of tropical America. |
Malvaceae | Corchorus hirtus | Hairy Jute, Red Jute, Orinoco Jute, Moralia | Disturbed areas. | Native of E. Indies. |
Malvaceae | Corchorus siliquosus | Slippery Bur, Smooth Corchorus | Roadsides, disturbed rockland hammocks, other disturbed upland areas. | Native of West Indies, Mexico, Central America and perhaps s. FL. |
Malvaceae | Firmiana | Chinese Parasol-tree, Phoenix Tree | | |
Malvaceae | Firmiana simplex | Chinese Parasol-tree, Phoenix Tree | Planted and naturalized nearby. | Native of se. Asia, probably China. |
Malvaceae | Gossypium | Cotton | | |
Malvaceae | Gossypium barbadense | Sea-island Cotton, Egyptian Cotton, Pima Cotton, Extra-long-staple Cotton | Historically cultivated, presumably no longer present in our area. | Native of South America, Central America, and the West Indies. |
Malvaceae | Gossypium hirsutum | Upland Cotton, Short-staple Cotton | Coastal hammocks, rockland hammock edges, coastal rock barrens (in FL peninsula), disturbed areas, a frequently cultivated crop, especially in sandy soils of the Coastal Plain, rarely adventive or a waif where grown. | Native of Central America, South America, the West Indies, and s. FL. |
Malvaceae | Grewia | | | | |
Malvaceae | Grewia asiatica | Phalsa | Disturbed areas. | Native of Asia. |
Malvaceae | Grewia biloba var. parviflora | Grewia | Roadbanks, apparently locally escaping from horticultural plantings. | Native of the China and Korea. |
Malvaceae | Herissantia | Bladdermallow | | |
Malvaceae | Herissantia crispa | Bladdermallow, Friega Plato | Rockland hammocks, coastal hammocks, coastal berms, coastal rock barrens (FL), chaparral, thornscrub (TX), disturbed areas over limestone. | S. FL; West Indies; s. TX west to s. CA, south through Mexico and Central America to South America. |
Malvaceae | Hermannia | Burstwort | | |
Malvaceae | Hermannia texana | Texas Burstwort, Texas Hermannia | Upland prairies and juniper-oak woodlands, Tamaulipan scrub, dunes. | C. and s. TX south to Mexico (COA, NLE, SLP, TAM). |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus | Hibiscus, Rose-mallow | | |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus acetosella | African Rose-mallow, Redleaf Hibiscus, Cranberry Hibiscus, False Roselle | Pine flatwoods, disturbed areas. | Native of Africa. |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus aculeatus | Savanna Hibiscus, Comfort-root | Wet to moist pine savannas, swamp forests, coastal marsh transitions, dry sandy or loamy soils of maritime forest edges. | Se. NC south to sc. peninsular FL, west to LA and extreme e. TX. |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus bifurcatus | Rough Pink Hibiscus | Habitat unknown in FL, probably cultivated only. | Native of West Indies, Central America, and South America. |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus cannabinus | Kenaf, Brown Indian-hemp | Disturbed areas. | Native of the Paleotropics. |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus clypeatus ssp. clypeatus | Congo Mahoe | Riparian woodlands. | Se. TX, ne. and se. Mexico to Central America (Belize, Guatemala); West Indies. |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus coccineus | Scarlet Hibiscus | Marshes (including inland salt marshes), swamp forests, roadside swales, cultivated as an ornamental in yards, in much of our area presumably introduced from farther south, but sometimes appearing native. | S. GA and s. AL south to s. FL, west to s. AL, and s. MS (a wider distribution is the result of naturalization from horticultural use). Reported from e. MD and Coastal Plain of DE (W. Longbottom, pers.comm. 2022). |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus dasycalyx | Neches River Hibiscus | Alluvial marshes. | Endemic to e. TX (Cherokee, Harrison, Houston, and Trinity counties). |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus furcellatus | Lindenleaf Rose-mallow | Florida scrub, scrubby flatwoods, mesic flatwoods, depression marshes, dry disturbed areas. | Peninsular FL (east coast from Brevard County south to Broward County); West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and South America. |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus grandiflorus | Large-flowered Hibiscus, Swamp Hibiscus | Tidal marshes, swamps, lakeshores, wet pine flatwoods and savannas. | E. GA (Chatham Co., adjacent to the SC border) (Jones & Coile 1988) and historically apparently in se. SC (Mellichamp 1889) south to s. FL, west to e. LA; w. Cuba. |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus laevis | Smooth Rose-mallow, Halberd-leaved Marsh-mallow, Showy Hibiscus | Freshwater marshes, exposed riverbanks, sandbars. | S. PA south to FL Panhandle, west to TX; north in the interior to around the Great Lakes. |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus lasiocarpos | Western Rose-mallow | Marshes, swamps. | KY, IN, IL, MO, KS, and NM south to Panhandle FL (?), AL, MS, LA, TX, and CHI (Villaseñor 2016). |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus leucophyllus | | Coastal prairies. | W. LA west to se. TX. |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus martianus | Heartleaf Hibiscus, Tulipán del Monte, Mountain Rosemallow | Thornscrub and open woodlands. | S. TX to w. TX, south to c. Mexico. |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus moscheutos | Eastern Rose-mallow, Mallow Rose | Marshes, swamps, river sandbars. | E. MA west to MI, south to c. peninsular FL and e. TX. |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus mutabilis | Dixie Rose-mallow; Confederate Rose-mallow | Disturbed areas, persistent (at least) from horticultural use. | Native of Asia. |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus poeppigii | Poeppig’s Hibiscus, Cupidito | Rockland hammocks, coastal rock barrens. | S. FL (Miami-Dade and Monroe counties); West Indies; Mexico (CAM, CHP, ROO, SLP, TAM, VER, YUC), Central America (Guatemala). |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus radiatus | Monarch Hibiscus | Disturbed areas. | Native of Asia. |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus rosa-sinensis | Garden Hibiscus, Garden Rose-mallow, Shoeblack-plant | Disturbed areas; apparently of garden origin. | |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus schizopetalus | Fringed Rose-mallow, Chinese-lantern | Disturbed areas. | Native of Africa. |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus striatus ssp. lambertianus | Striped Rose-mallow | Marshes, especially coastal. | Se. and s. TX; s. Mexico (TAB), Central America, and South America; West Indies (Cuba, Jamaica). |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus syriacus | Rose-of-Sharon, Shrubby Althaea | Escaped or persistent after cultivation, often spreading by rhizomes. | Native of e. Asia. |
Malvaceae | Hibiscus trionum | Flower-of-an-Hour, Venice Mallow, Bladder Ketmia | Fields, roadsides, railroad yards, disturbed areas. | Native of Europe or Africa. Reported for Ware County, GA (Carter, Baker, & Morris 2009). |
Malvaceae | Iliamna | Globe-mallow | | |
Malvaceae | Iliamna corei | Peters Mountain Mallow | In shallow soil in crevices of outcroppings of Clinch sandstone, near the summit of Peters Mountain. | Endemic to the summit of Peters Mountain, Giles County, VA. |
Malvaceae | Iliamna remota | Kankakee Globe-mallow | Shores and gravel bars along rivers, and along railroad embankments. | W. VA; nw. IN and ne. IL. |
Malvaceae | Kosteletzkya | Seashore-mallow | | |
Malvaceae | Kosteletzkya depressa | White Fen-rose | Tidal marshes, coastal berms. | S. FL; West Indies; s. TX south through Mexico and Central America to South America. |
Malvaceae | Kosteletzkya pentacarpos | Seashore-mallow, Saltmarsh-mallow, Fen-rose | Brackish to freshwater tidal marshes. | NY (Long Island) south to s. FL, west to TX; West Indies (Cuba); also early introduced in Europe, Linnaeus's name based on its occurrence in Venice). |
Malvaceae | Kosteletzkya smilacifolia | Florida Seashore-mallow | Freshwater marshes. | Endemic in peninsular FL. |
Malvaceae | Krapovickasia | Physalastrum | Oak woodlands, grassy areas. | Native of n. Mexico (NLE, SLP, TAM). | |
Malvaceae | Krapovickasia physaloides | | Oak woodlands, grassy areas. | Native of n. Mexico (NLE, SLP, TAM), and maybe TX. | |
Malvaceae | Lavatera | Rose Mallow | | | |
Malvaceae | Lavatera trimestris | Rose-mallow | Disturbed areas. | Native of Mediterraean Europe and w. Asia. | |
Malvaceae | Malachra | Leafbract | | |
Malvaceae | Malachra alceifolia | Yellow Leafbract | Disturbed coastal uplands. | Native of West Indies, Mexico, Central America, and South America. Reported for Miami-Dade County (Lange, Bradley, & Sadle [in prep.]). |
Malvaceae | Malachra capitata | Malva de Caballo | Palm groves, thickets, fields, disturbed areas. | S. FL (possibly introduced only); West Indies, se. TX south through Mexico and Central America to South America. |
Malvaceae | Malachra urens | | Tidal marshes, disturbed areas. | S. FL; West Indies (Cuba, Puerto Rico). |
Malvaceae | Malva | Mallow | | |
Malvaceae | Malva alcea | Vervain Mallow | Cultivated as a horticultural ornamental, escaped or persistent to roadsides, disturbed areas, old house-sites. | Native of Eurasia. |
Malvaceae | Malva moschata | Musk Mallow, Rose Mallow | Pastures, roadsides, barnyards. | Native of Europe. |
Malvaceae | Malva neglecta | Common Mallow, Cheeses | Pastures, roadsides, barnyards. | Native of Europe. |
Malvaceae | Malva nicaeensis | Bull mallow | On ballast, disturbed area. | Native of Mediterranean Europe. | |
Malvaceae | Malva parviflora | Little Mallow, Small-flowered Mallow | Disturbed areas. | Native of Mediterranean Europe. |
Malvaceae | Malva pusilla | Small Mallow, Dwarf Mallow, Cheeses | Pastures, roadsides, barnyards. | Native of Europe. | |
Malvaceae | Malva setigera | Rough Marshmallow | Waif on ballast. | Native of Mediterranean Europe and w. Asia. | |
Malvaceae | Malva sylvestris | Common Mallow, High Mallow, Cheeses | Pastures, roadsides, barnyards. | Native of Europe. |
Malvaceae | Malva verticillata | Whorled Mallow | Disturbed areas. | Native of e. Asia. Reported as an introduction as far south as s. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993; Rhoads & Block 2007), MD, WV (Strausbaugh & Core 1978), DE, and DC. | |
Malvaceae | Malvaceae | Mallow Family | | |
Malvaceae | Malvastrum | False-mallow | | |
Malvaceae | Malvastrum americanum | American False-mallow, Malva Loca | Palm groves (TX), tropical thickets, disturbed areas. | FL, e. and s. TX south through Mexico and Central America to South America; West Indies; also in the Old World tropics. |
Malvaceae | Malvastrum aurantiacum | Wright's Mallow | Stream banks, floodplain prairies, pastures. | Endemic to TX. |
Malvaceae | Malvastrum corchorifolium | | Disturbed areas, coastal hammocks. | FL and AL south to Central America; West Indies. | |
Malvaceae | Malvastrum coromandelianum | Three-lobe Mallow | Coastal hammocks, disturbed areas; eastwards a waif on ballast or wool waste. | Native of tropical America (TX to Argentina). Northern occurrences, such as in PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993) and NJ (Kartesz 1999), represent old records of ballast or wool waste waifs. |
Malvaceae | Malvastrum hispidum | Yellow Mallow, Hairy False-mallow | Limestone barrens. | KY, w. VA (Lee County [Fleming & Ludwig 1996]), c. TN, and n. AL; e. IN; IL west to IA, KS, and OK. |
Malvaceae | Malvaviscus | Wax-mallow | | |
Malvaceae | Malvaviscus arboreus | | Disturbed areas, waif or weakly spreading from horticultural use. | Native of New World tropics. |
Malvaceae | Malvaviscus drummondii | Wax-mallow, Turk's-cap Mallow, Drummond Wax-mallow | Open areas, streambanks, disturbed areas. | Native west of the Mississippi, in LA, s. AR, e. and c. TX south into n. Mexico. First reported for NC and SC by Leonard (1971b). Although Turner & Mendenhall (1993) cite Leonard’s specimens as M. arboreus var. arboreus, they were correctly determined by Leonard as M. drummondii. |
Malvaceae | Malvaviscus penduliflorus | Turk’s-cap Mallow, Mazapan | Disturbed areas. | Native of tropical America. | |
Malvaceae | Malvella | Alkali-mallow | | | |
Malvaceae | Malvella lepidota | Scurfy Alkali-mallow | Saline soil of mud flats and shores. | Nc. TX, AZ, and NM south to n. Mexico. | |
Malvaceae | Malvella leprosa | Broadleaf Alkali-mallow | Heavy, saline soils. | W. KS, UT, ID, and WA south to c. TX, w. TX, NM, AZ, Mexico, and South America. | |
Malvaceae | Malvella sagittifolia | Arrowleaf Alkali-mallow | Saline soils, mudflats. | Se. TX, n. TX, s. CO and AZ south to Mexico. | |
Malvaceae | Melochia | Chocolate-weed | | |
Malvaceae | Melochia corchorifolia | Chocolate-weed | Sandy fields, especially in low, wet places. | Native of the Old World tropics. |
Malvaceae | Melochia nodiflora | | Disturbed uplands. | Native of the Neotropics. | |
Malvaceae | Melochia pyramidata var. pyramidata | Pyramid-flower, Anglepod Melochia, Smooth Melochia | Disturbed areas. | S. FL; West Indies; LA and TX south through Mexico and Central America to South America. |
Malvaceae | Melochia spicata var. spicata | Bretonica-peluda | Calcareous pine flatwoods, disturbed areas. | Probably native in peninsular FL, and widely distributed in tropical America, the original distribution somewhat uncertain. |
Malvaceae | Melochia tomentosa var. tomentosa | Teabush, Woolly Pyramidbush, Velvety Melochia, Broomwood | Pine rocklands (FL), open subtropical woodlands and brushlands (TX). | S. FL (where perhaps extirpated); West Indies; s. Texas, Mexico, Central America, and South America. |
Malvaceae | Meximalva | Meximalva | | |
Malvaceae | Meximalva filipes | Texas-fan, Meximalva | In grasslands, shrublands, and woodlands on limestone or caliche. | C. and s. TX, ne. Mexico. |
Malvaceae | Modiola | Bristly-mallow | | |
Malvaceae | Modiola caroliniana | Bristly-mallow | Lawns, roadsides, disturbed areas, pondshores, edges of brackish marshes; probably adventive in our area from an original native range in South America. | The original distribution unclear: sometimes considered as ranging as a native from SC south to FL, west to TX, south into the tropics, and adventive northward, but probably wholly introduced in the southeastern United States from a native distribution in South America. |
Malvaceae | Napaea | Glade-mallow | | |
Malvaceae | Napaea dioica | Glade-mallow | Floodplains. | Scattered from MD, OH, IN, IL, sw. WI, and se. MN; disjunct in w. VA. The original distribution of this scarce species has been much debated; see the interesting discussion of this species’ occurrence in VA in Wieboldt et al. (1998). |
Malvaceae | Pavonia | | | |
Malvaceae | Pavonia hastata | Swampmallow | Mesic flatwoods, roadsides, disturbed areas. | Native of tropical America. In se. GA (Jones & Coile 1988). |
Malvaceae | Pavonia lasiopetala | Wright's Pavonia | Rocky woodlands. | Edwards Plateau and adjacent areas, n. Mexico. |
Malvaceae | Pavonia paludicola | Mangrove Mallow | Tidal swamps, tidal marshes, mangroves, disturbed wetlands. | S. FL; West Indies; Central America and South America. |
Malvaceae | Pavonia spinifex | Gingerbush, Pavonia | Hammocks. | E. SC; ne. FL and peninsular FL; Bermuda; Bahamas; West Indies; tropical America. Reported for the vicinity of Charleston, SC on the basis of a specimen collected by Bachman (Chapman 1878). Small (1933) considered this species as likely native, at least in FL. |
Malvaceae | Pseudabutilon | | | | |
Malvaceae | Pseudabutilon umbellatum | | Dry shrublands, adjacent disturbed areas. | S. TX, Mexico, Central America, and South America; West Indies. | |
Malvaceae | Rhynchosida | | | |
Malvaceae | Rhynchosida physocalyx | Spearleaf Sida | Disturbed areas, forests, woodlands, prairies. | TX, NM, and AZ south to Mexico and South America. |
Malvaceae | Ripariosida | Virginia-mallow | A monotypic genus, a robust perennial herb, of nc. United States. | |
Malvaceae | Ripariosida hermaphrodita | Virginia Sida, Virginia-mallow | Sandy or rocky areas along riverbanks. | C. PA and MD west to s. OH, south to DC, WV, w. VA, and ne. TN; disjunct in nw. OH and ne. IN (where presumably native) and with additional collections from e. MA, NY (Long Island), s. NJ, s. MI, and s. ON (where presumably adventive or persistent from horticultural use) (Spooner et al. 1985). |
Malvaceae | Sida | Sida | | |
Malvaceae | Sida abutilifolia | Creeping Sida, Spreading Fanpetals | Rockland hammocks (FL), coastal rock barrens (FL), rocky or sandy grasslands or woodlands, dry disturbed areas. | S. FL; West Indies; sw. United States (OK, TX, NM, AZ) south through Mexico and Central America to South America. Sometimes (unwarrantedly) considered all or partly introduced in the United States. | |
Malvaceae | Sida antillensis | West Indian Sida | Disturbed coastal uplands, sandy areas. | S. FL (where possibly only introduced); West Indies; Central America. | |
Malvaceae | Sida ciliaris | Bracted Sida, Fringed Sida, Salmon Sida | Dry open areas, disturbed areas. | E., se., and s. TX south to Mexico; West Indies; South America. | |
Malvaceae | Sida cordata | | Waif on ore piles. | Native of tropical and subtropical Asia. |
Malvaceae | Sida cordifolia | Malva Blanca, Greatleaf Sida, Llima | Disturbed sandhills, disturbed hammocks, roadsides, disturbed areas. | Native of Old World tropics (perhaps India). | |
Malvaceae | Sida elliottii var. elliottii | Coastal Plain Sida | Stream banks, sandy openings, pineland pond margins, limestone glades and barrens, mesic hammocks. | Var. elliottii ranges from se. VA south to n. FL, west to LA and north in the interior to c. TN and se. MO. |
Malvaceae | Sida elliottii var. parviflora | Chapman’s Sida | Pine rocklands, mesic pine flatwoods, disturbed uplands. | Peninsular FL; se. TX south into montane e. Mexico to Guatemala. | |
Malvaceae | Sida glabra | Smooth Sida | Agricultural areas. | Native of Neotropics. |
Malvaceae | Sida lindheimeri | Showy Sida | Beaches, open sandy areas, open woodlands, scrub, disturbed areas. | Native of TX south into Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE, TAM, VER). | |
Malvaceae | Sida linifolia | Flaxleaf Sida | On ballast, last collected in 1886 and seemingly only a waif. | Native of West Indies. |
Malvaceae | Sida littoralis | Florida Sida | Maritime hammocks, disturbed open areas. | Apparently endemic to c. peninsular FL (Lee County, Captiva and La Costa islands) | |
Malvaceae | Sida planicaulis | Flatstem Sida, Brazilian Wireweed | Disturbed oak hammocks. | Native of Brazil. | |
Malvaceae | Sida rhombifolia var. rhombifolia | Arrowleaf Sida, Axocatzin | Roadsides, fields, gardens, disturbed areas. | Southeastern North America west to TX, south through Mexico, Central America, and n. South America; West Indies; the original distribution of this species is uncertain, but Fryxell & Hill in FNA (2015) suggest it is native to the Old World tropics. |
Malvaceae | Sida rubromarginata | Redleaf Sida | Disturbed areas. | Endemic to peninsular FL (reported from Leon, Hillsborough and Sarasota counties). | |
Malvaceae | Sida santaremensis | Brazilian Sida, Moth Fanpetals | Sandy disturbed areas. | Native of South America. | |
Malvaceae | Sida spinosa | Prickly Sida, Prickly-mallow, False-mallow | Disturbed areas, wet fields. | Native of the Neotropics and Paleotropics. |
Malvaceae | Sida tragiifolia | | On limestone or caliche. | S. TX, w. TX, and s. AZ south to n. Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE, SON, TAM). | |
Malvaceae | Sida ulmifolia | Broomweed, Wireweed | Disturbed areas. | Native of the Tropics, the original northern limit uncertain. Usually considered native in peninsular FL, but the area of nativity uncertain. |
Malvaceae | Sida urens | Bristly Sida, Tropical Fanpetals | Disturbed areas. | Native of tropical America. Discovered as an introduction in Broward County in 2008 (Fryxell & Hill 2015m). |
Malvaceae | Sidastrum | | | | |
Malvaceae | Sidastrum paniculatum | Cadillo liso | Shrublands and coastal thickets. | S. TX, Mexico, Central America, and South America; West Indies; Africa. | |
Malvaceae | Sphaeralcea | Globemallow | | |
Malvaceae | Sphaeralcea angustifolia | Copper Globe-mallow | Sandy or rocky soils, disturbed areas. | W. NE, s. CO, s. UT, NV, and CA south to s. Mexico. |
Malvaceae | Sphaeralcea bonariensis | | Waif on ballast. | Native of Argentina. | |
Malvaceae | Sphaeralcea coccinea | Scarlet Globe-mallow, Cowboy's Delights | Sandy and gravelly open areas, roadsides. | MB west to BC, south to TX, NM, AZ, and n. Mexico (CHH, NLE). | |
Malvaceae | Sphaeralcea hastulata | Spear Globemallow | Plains, grasslands or shrublands, especially in caliche, saline, or gyp areas. | TX, NM, and AZ south to Mexico. | |
Malvaceae | Sphaeralcea lindheimeri | Woolly Globemallow | Sandy soils. | S. TX. | |
Malvaceae | Sphaeralcea pedatifida | Palmleaf Globemallow | Thornscrub in sandy and rocky areas. | S. TX south to COA and TAM. | |
Malvaceae | Talipariti | Mahoe | | |
Malvaceae | Talipariti pernambucense | Mahoe, Sea Hibiscus | Coastal strands, coastal berms. | Native of tropical America (probably not native to s. FL). |
Malvaceae | Talipariti tiliaceum | Yellow Mahoe | Coastal strands, coastal berms, hammocks, disturbed areas. | Native of tropical Asia. |
Malvaceae | Thespesia | Portia-tree | | |
Malvaceae | Thespesia populnea | Portia-tree, Seaside Mahoe | Coastal strands, coastal berms, hammocks, disturbed areas. | Native of tropical Asia. |
Malvaceae | Tilia | Basswood, Whitewood, Linden, Linn | | |
Malvaceae | Tilia ×europaea | Common European Linden, Lime | Suburban woodlands; uncommonly planted, rarely naturalizing. | Native of Europe. | |
Malvaceae | Tilia americana var. americana | Northern Basswood | Rich coves, rocky slopes, metabasalt boulderfields, rich north-facing river bluffs, calcareous Coastal Plain ravines. | NB and MB south to e. VA, w. NC, and OK. |
Malvaceae | Tilia americana var. caroliniana | Southern Basswood, Carolina Basswood | Mesic forests, in the outer Coastal Plain usually associated with shell deposits, Indian shell middens, or underlying coquina limestone ("marl"). | NC south to c. peninsular FL and west to OK and c. TX. |
Malvaceae | Tilia americana var. heterophylla | Mountain Basswood, White Basswood, Linn | Rich coves and mesic to dry slopes (the drier sites usually on limestone), often one of the most abundant trees in Southern Appalachian cove forests. | Centered in the Southern Appalachians: sw. PA and WV south to c. NC, wc. GA, FL Panhandle, and westward as disjunct populations to the Ozarkian Highlands of s. MO and n. AR. |
Malvaceae | Tilia cordata | Small-leaved Linden, Small-leaved Lime | Suburban woodlands, uncommonly planted, rarely naturalizing. | Native of Europe. Reported as naturalizing into suburban woodlands in Arlington County, VA (Wright et al. 2023). |
Malvaceae | Tilia petiolaris | Pendant Silver Linden | From horticultural use. | Native of se. Europe and w. Asia. | |
Malvaceae | Tilia platyphyllos | Large-leaved Linden, Large-leaved Lime | Uncommonly planted, rarely and sparsely naturalizing in our area. | Native of Europe. |
Malvaceae | Triumfetta | | | |
Malvaceae | Triumfetta pentandra | Five-stamen Burbark | Disturbed areas. | Native of tropical America. |
Malvaceae | Triumfetta rhomboidea | Diamond Burbark | Disturbed areas. | Native of tropical America. |
Malvaceae | Triumfetta semitriloba | Mosote, Burweed | Disturbed areas. | Native of tropical America. In sw. GA (Jones & Coile 1988) and s. peninsular FL. |
Malvaceae | Urena | Caesarweed | | |
Malvaceae | Urena lobata | Caesarweed, Bur Mallow, Congo Jute | Swamps, moist flatwoods, etc., roadsides, vacant lots; an especially bad weed of moist habitats. | Native of se. Asia. Introduced to se. SC via landscaping plantings, spreading to vacant lots and roadsides (P. McMillan, pers. comm., 2005). |
Malvaceae | Urena sinuata | | Disturbed areas, also as a waif on ballast. | Native of tropical s. Asia. Reported for Broward County, FL (Lange, Bradley, & Sadle [in prep.]). |
Malvaceae | Waltheria | Raichie | | |
Malvaceae | Waltheria bahamensis | | Pine rocklands, hammocks, beaches. | S. FL; Bahamas. |
Malvaceae | Waltheria indica | Sleepy Morning, Basora Prieta, Uhaloa, Hierba del Soldado | Pine rocklands, marl prairies, coastal grasslands, coastal rock barrens, rocky or sandy open areas (TX), disturbed uplands. | FL peninsula; West Indies; S. and se. TX and s. AZ south through Mexico and Central America to South America; extensive in the Paleotropics. |
Malvaceae | Wissadula | Velvetleaf | | |
Malvaceae | Wissadula hernandioides | Big Yellow Velvetleaf | Tropical woodlands (TX), disturbed areas. | Native of tropical America. | |
Malvaceae | Wissadula parvifolia | | | Endemic to s. TX. |
Malvaceae | Wissadula periplocifolia | | Open woodlands and sacahuista grasslands. | S. TX south through Mexico to South America; West Indies. | |