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6 results for family: Marantaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
MarantaceaeMarantaimage of plant
MarantaceaeMaranta arundinaceaArrowrootWet hammocks.Native of tropical America.image of plant
MarantaceaeMarantaceaeArrowroot Familyimage of plant
MarantaceaeThaliaThaliaimage of plant
MarantaceaeThalia dealbataPowdery Thalia, Powdery Alligator-flagSwamp forests, wet ditches, brackish marshes.Ne. SC south to GA, west to c. TX and e. OK, north in the Mississippi Embayment to w. KY, s. IL, and se. MO.image of plant
MarantaceaeThalia geniculataBent Alligator-flag, Lilies, Bent ThaliaPonds, sloughs, marshes, strand swamps, cypress domes.FL, s. AL, and se. GA; Central and South America; West Indies; w. Africa.image of plant