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10 results for family: Meliaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
MeliaceaeKhayaAfrican Mahoganyimage of plant
MeliaceaeKhaya senegalensisAfrican MahoganyDisturbed rockland hammocks.Native of Africa.image of plant
MeliaceaeMeliaChinaberryimage of plant
MeliaceaeMelia azedarachChinaberry, Carolina Mahogany, Umbrella-tree, Pride-of-India, White Cedar, Persian Lilac, Canelón, ParaísoDisturbed areas, abandoned rural yards and fields; commonly cultivated in our area (mainly in the Coastal Plain) and commonly escaped.Native of se. Asia (Indomalesia).image of plant
MeliaceaeMeliaceaeMahogany Familyimage of plant
MeliaceaeSwieteniaMahoganyimage of plant
MeliaceaeSwietenia macrophyllaHonduras MahoganySuburban and urban areas, planted and persistent or spreading.Native of Mexico and Central America.image of plant
MeliaceaeSwietenia mahagoniWest Indian Mahogany, Madeira-RedwoodTropical hammocks, adjacent disturbed areas, also extensively planted.S. FL; West Indies.image of plant
MeliaceaeToonaToon, Toonaimage of plant
MeliaceaeToona sinensisChinese Mahogany, Chinese ToonSuburban woodlands, urban areas.Native of se. Asia. Naturalizing rather aggressively at a single locality in Montgomery County, MD (Longbottom, Naczi, & Knapp 2016; W. Knapp, pers. comm., 2011, 2015). In 2022, reported on iNaturalist as naturalizing in various states, including NY, PA, VA, and TN, and planted in others.image of plant