11 results for family: Menyanthaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
MenyanthaceaeMenyanthaceaeBuckbean Familyimage of plant
MenyanthaceaeMenyanthesBuckbean, Bogbeanimage of plant
MenyanthaceaeMenyanthes trifoliataBuckbean, BogbeanMucky soils of mountain fens at high elevations over amphibolite (in the Blue Ridge), boggy marshes over calcareous rocks (in the Ridge and Valley), seepage swamps (in the Coastal Plain).This circumboreal species is widespread in n. North America and n. Eurasia, ranging south in North America to NJ, DE, w. VA, IN, s. MO, and CA, and disjunct to Long Hope Valley, Watauga County, NC. The NC populations are disjunct about 400 km from the next nearest populations in VA and WV. McDowell (1984) reported the first documentation of the species for NC.image of plant
MenyanthaceaeNymphoidesFloating Heartimage of plant
MenyanthaceaeNymphoides aquaticaBig Floating Heart, Banana Floating HeartLimesink ponds (dolines), other acidic and nutrient-poor water-filled depressions, sluggish streams, beaverponds, primarily in the Outer and Middle Coastal Plain.A Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic: NJ south to FL and west to TX.image of plant
MenyanthaceaeNymphoides cordataLittle Floating HeartUpland depression ponds, sluggish streams, beaverponds, primarily in the fall-line Sandhills.NL (Newfoundland) and ON south MD; disjunct in the Coastal Plain of NC and SC; disjunct from sw. GA and Panhandle FL west to e. LA.image of plant
MenyanthaceaeNymphoides cristataCrested Floating Heart, Water SnowflakePonds and lakes.Native of China and India. Apparently first naturalizing in North America in FL in 2000; introduced for water gardens and aquariums, and considered a noxious aquatic weed in our area.image of plant
MenyanthaceaeNymphoides grayanaBahama Floating HeartPonds.C. peninsular FL (Tippery, Les, & Peredo 2015) south to Lee County; Bahamas; e. Cuba.image of plant
MenyanthaceaeNymphoides humboldtianaLakes, ponds, and other sluggish water.FL; West Indies; Mexico (CHP, VER), Central America, and South America.image of plant
MenyanthaceaeNymphoides indicaWater SnowflakePonds.Native of the Paleotropics.image of plant
MenyanthaceaeNymphoides peltataYellow Floating HeartPonds.Native of Europe. This European native is sparingly naturalized in e. North America; it is sold for cultivation in water gardens, and will likely become more widely naturalized. Reported as established in Calhoun County, AL (Barger et al. 2023).image of plant