41 results for family: Myrtaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
MyrtaceaeCorymbiaBloodwood, Ghost Gumimage of plant
MyrtaceaeCorymbia torellianaCadaga Eucalypt; Torelli's EucalyptusDisturbed uplands.Native of Queensland, Australia.image of plant
MyrtaceaeEucalyptusGum, Eucalyptus, Stringybarkimage of plant
MyrtaceaeEucalyptus amplifoliaDisturbed uplands.Native of Australia.image of plant
MyrtaceaeEucalyptus camaldulensis ssp. acutaRed Gum, Red Gum Eucalypt, Murray Red Gum, River Red Gum, Blue GumPlantations, disturbed areas.Native of Australia.
MyrtaceaeEucalyptus cinereaSilver-dollar Eucalyptus, Silver-dollar Tree, Argyle-apple, Mealy StringybarkPlanted (becoming very popular across the warmer parts of the se. United States as an ornamental), sometimes persistent and appearing naturalized.Native of se. Australia.image of plant
MyrtaceaeEucalyptus degluptaRainbow Eucalyptus, Mindanao Gum, DegluptaDisturbed uplands.Native of tropical Asia (Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines).image of plant
MyrtaceaeEucalyptus grandisGrand Eucalyptus, Rose Gum, Flooded Gum, Saligna GumDisturbed uplands.Native of Australia.image of plant
MyrtaceaeEucalyptus robustaSwamp-mahoganyDisturbed uplands and wetlands.Native of Australia.image of plant
MyrtaceaeEugeniaStopperimage of plant
MyrtaceaeEugenia axillarisWhite StopperHammocks, pine rocklands, coastal strands, coastal berms, shell mounds.N. FL peninsula (Levy County on the west coast and Volusia County on the east coast) south to s. FL; West Indies; Mexico through Central America to n. South America.image of plant
MyrtaceaeEugenia confusaRedberry Stopper, Ironwood, Redberry EugeniaRockland hammocks, coastal berms.S. FL; West Indies.
MyrtaceaeEugenia foetidaSpanish Stopper, Boxleaf StopperMaritime and rockland hammocks, shell mounds, coastal berms, coastal strands.Peninsular FL (Brevard County on the east coast and Manatee County on the west coast southwards); West Indies; Mexico (CAM, CHP, OAX, ROO, YUC) and Central America.image of plant
MyrtaceaeEugenia rhombeaRed StopperRockland hammocks.S. FL; West Indies; Mexico (CHP, GRO, OAX, ROO, TAM, VER, YUC), and Central America.
MyrtaceaeEugenia unifloraSurinam-cherry, PitangaHammocks, coastal strands, disturbed uplands.Native of South America.
MyrtaceaeMelaleucaCajeput, Bottlebrush, Punktreeimage of plant
MyrtaceaeMelaleuca citrinaCrimson BottlebrushDisturbed areas.Native of Australia.image of plant
MyrtaceaeMelaleuca linariifoliaCajeput TreeDisturbed uplands.Native of Australia.image of plant
MyrtaceaeMelaleuca quinquenerviaPunktree, Paperbark Tree, Melaleuca, Cajeput TreeWetlands, disturbed areas.Native of Australia. Melaleuca quinquenervia was introduced in s. FL in the 1880s and became an ecosystem-altering invasive species (see Dray, Bennett, & Center 2006 for summary).image of plant
MyrtaceaeMelaleuca viminalisWeeping Crimson BottlebrushDisturbed areas.Native of Australia.image of plant
MyrtaceaeMosieraimage of plant
MyrtaceaeMosiera longipesMangroveberry, Bahama Stopper, Long-stalked StopperPine rocklands, rockland hammocks, marl prairies.S. peninsular FL; West Indies (Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, and Curaçao).image of plant
MyrtaceaeMyrciaA genus of…image of plant
MyrtaceaeMyrcia aromaticaPale Lidflower, SpicewoodRockland hammocks.S. FL; West Indies; Mexico and Central America.image of plant
MyrtaceaeMyrcia zuzygiumMyrtle-of-the-riverRockland hammocks.S. FL; West Indies (Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico).image of plant
MyrtaceaeMyrcianthesStopperimage of plant
MyrtaceaeMyrcianthes fragransTwinberry, Simpson’s Stopper, Pale Stopper, NakedwoodHammocks, floodplain forests, coastal berms, bayheads.N. peninsular FL (on the east coast from St. Johns County southward) to s. FL; West Indies; Mexico through Central America to n. South America.image of plant
MyrtaceaeMyrtaceaeMyrtle Familyimage of plant
MyrtaceaeMyrtusMyrtleimage of plant
MyrtaceaeMyrtus communisMyrtlePersistent from horticultural use.Native of Mediterranean Europe, n. Africa, and w. Asia.image of plant
MyrtaceaePimentaAllspice, Pimento, Pimientaimage of plant
MyrtaceaePimenta dioicaAllspice, PimientaDisturbed uplands.Native of the Neotropics (Mexico, Central America, West Indies).image of plant
MyrtaceaePsidiumGuavaimage of plant
MyrtaceaePsidium cattleyanumStrawberry GuavaDisturbed areas.Native of Brazil. Reported for most counties in the FL peninsula north to Marion and Volusia counties (Kartesz 2010; Wunderlin & Hansen 2008).image of plant
MyrtaceaePsidium guajavaGuavaDisturbed areas, hammocks.Native of the Neotropics. Reported for most counties in the FL peninsula north to Volusia and Lake counties (Kartesz 2010; Wunderlin & Hansen 2008).image of plant
MyrtaceaePsidium guineenseGuinea GuavaDisturbed areas.Native of tropical America.image of plant
MyrtaceaeRhodomyrtusRose Myrtleimage of plant
MyrtaceaeRhodomyrtus tomentosa var. tomentosusRose Myrtle, Downy Myrtle, Downy Rosemyrtle, Isenberg-bushPine flatwoods, other natural and disturbed habitats.Native of s. China, se. Asia, and the Philippines.image of plant
MyrtaceaeSyzygiumimage of plant
MyrtaceaeSyzygium cuminiJava-plum, JambolanDisturbed hammocks.Native of the Paleotropics.image of plant
MyrtaceaeSyzygium jambosMalabar-plum, Rose-appleDisturbed hammocks.Native of Asia.image of plant