7 results for family: Nyssaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
NyssaceaeNyssaTupelo, Sour Gum, Black Gumimage of plant
NyssaceaeNyssa aquaticaWater Tupelo, Tupelo Gum, Cotton GumRiver swamps, less typically in isolated upland ponds, where inundated for substantial periods of time.Se. VA south to Panhandle FL, west to se. TX, north in the Mississippi Embayment to se. MO, s. IL, and e. KY, primarily on the Coastal Plain, but with scattered locations in other physiographic provinces, such as in sc. TN.image of plant
NyssaceaeNyssa bifloraSwamp Tupelo, Water Gum, Swamp Black GumBlackwater river swamps, depressions in pinelands, pocosins, either where inundated for substantial periods of time or in more-or-less permanently saturated organic peaty soils.NJ south to s. FL, west to e. TX, primarily on the Coastal Plain, but scattered inland to c. NC, w. SC, c. TN, w. KY (Clark et al. 2005), se. MO, and c. AR.image of plant
NyssaceaeNyssa ogecheOgeechee Lime, Ogeechee Tupelo, Ogeechee PlumRiver swamps and wet forests with peaty soils, also in upland depression ponds.A Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic: se. SC south to c. peninsular FL, west to s. AL.image of plant
NyssaceaeNyssa sylvaticaSour Gum, Black Gum, PepperidgeDry or mesic upland forests, less commonly in bottomlands, pine savannas, or upland depressions, where occasionally inundated briefly.S. ME west to MI and se. WI, south to c. peninsular FL, west to e. TX and e. OK; disjunct in Mexico (CHP, HGO, NLE, PUE, TAM, VER).image of plant
NyssaceaeNyssa ursinaBear Tupelo, Apalachicola TupeloStringers, flatwoods depressions.Endemic to Panhandle FL (Apalachicola lowlands region; Bay, Calhoun, Franklin, Gulf, Liberty, and Wakulla counties).image of plant
NyssaceaeNyssaceaeTupelo Familyimage of plant