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8 results for family: Parnassiaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
ParnassiaceaeLepuropetalonLepuropetalonimage of plant
ParnassiaceaeLepuropetalon spathulatumLepuropetalon, Little-people, PetiteplantIn moist open areas, such as seepage on granitic flatrocks, ditches, seasonally wet depressions.Se. NC and SC south to GA and FL Panhandle (Kunzer et al. 2009), west to e. TX and Mexico; also in Chile and Uruguay.image of plant
ParnassiaceaeParnassiaGrass-of-Parnassus, Parnassiaimage of plant
ParnassiaceaeParnassia asarifoliaAppalachian Parnassia, Kidney-leaved Grass-of-Parnassus, Appalachian Grass-of-Parnassus, Brook ParnassiaBogs, sphagnous seeps, brookbanks, generally in more acidic habitats than P. grandifolia, up to elevations over 1800 m.VA, e. WV, sw. AR south to GA; disjunct in the Coastal Plain of e. TX and sc. AR (in acidic seepages), but primarily in the Appalachian and Ozarkian highlands.image of plant
ParnassiaceaeParnassia carolinianaSavanna Parnassia, Carolina Grass-of-Parnassus, EyebrightWet longleaf pine, pond pine, or pond cypress savannas (especially but not strictly where shallowly underlain by coquina limestone), sandhill seepage bogs.Se. and sc. NC south through SC; disjunct in the Panhandle of FL, the distribution (at least now) fragmented and disjunct. In NC, locally common in three small areas, centered around Maple Hill (Pender and Onslow counties), Old Dock (Columbus and Brunswick counties), and the Green Swamp (Brunswick County).image of plant
ParnassiaceaeParnassia glaucaFen Parnassia, American Grass-of-Parnassus, Fen Grass-of-ParnassusFens.NL (Newfoundland), QC, and SK south to NJ (Ocean County), s. PA (Rhoads & Block 2007), OH, IN, IA, and SD.image of plant
ParnassiaceaeParnassia grandifoliaLimeseep Parnassia, Bigleaf Grass-of-ParnassusFens, gravelly seepages, inland primarily or solely over calcareous, mafic, or ultramafic rocks; in the Coastal Plain in seepage over marl on nearly vertical river bluffs on the Cape Fear River (NC), and in acidic seepage bogs in pinelands.VA, WV, s. MO, and OK south to n. GA, Panhandle FL, s. MS (Sorrie & Leonard 1999), AR, and e. TX, primarily in the Appalachian and Ozarkian highlands. The discovery of populations of this species in Brunswick and Columbus counties, NC, was remarkable. In the Panhandle of FL and the West Gulf Coastal Plain of LA and TX it also occurs in wet savannas and pitcherplant bogs (MacRoberts, MacRoberts, & Jackson 2004), in FL sometimes in close proximity to P. caroliniana; Parnassia in Coastal Plain savannas should not necessarily be assumed to be P. caroliniana.image of plant
ParnassiaceaeParnassiaceaeGrass-of-Parnassus Familyimage of plant