22 results for family: Passifloraceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PassifloraceaePassifloraPassionflowerimage of plant
PassifloraceaePassiflora ×alatocaeruleaBelot's PassionflowerDisturbed areas, persistent or locally spread from horticultural use.Garden hybrid.
PassifloraceaePassiflora affinisBracted PassionflowerAlong streams and on slopes over limestone.C. and ec. TX south to COA, NLE, and TAM.image of plant
PassifloraceaePassiflora bifloraTwo-lobed PassionflowerDisturbed uplands, pine rocklands.Native of the Neotropics.
PassifloraceaePassiflora caeruleaBlue Passionflower, Common PassionflowerCultivated, sometimes escaped in disturbed areas.Native of South America.
PassifloraceaePassiflora ciliata var. ciliataFringed PassionflowerPine rocklands, disturbed upland areas.Peninsular FL; West Indies.
PassifloraceaePassiflora edulisPassionfruit, Purple GranadillaRockland hammocks, disturbed upland areas.Native of South America.image of plant
PassifloraceaePassiflora filipesMoist soils of tropical woodlands and palm groves.S. TX, south into Mexico, Central America, and n. South America.
PassifloraceaePassiflora foetida var. gossypiifoliaCorona de CristoThickets, saline depressions, ditches.S. TX south through Mexico, Central America, to n. South America; West Indies.image of plant
PassifloraceaePassiflora foetida var. isthmiaWaif on ore piles.Native from Panama to Ecuador and Colombia.
PassifloraceaePassiflora gracilisAnnual PassionflowerHabitat unknown.Native of Mexico, Central America, and n. South America. Killip (1938) states as introduced in Abbeville County, SC: "introduced, A.P. Anderson in 1898"; there is no recent evidence of its establishment in our area.image of plant
PassifloraceaePassiflora incarnataMaypops, Purple Passionflower, PasionariaRoadsides, fencerows, thickets, fields.S. NJ, DE, MD, sw. PA, OH, and OK, south to s. FL and s. TX.image of plant
PassifloraceaePassiflora luteaYellow Passionflower, Little PassionflowerWoodlands, forests, thickets, maritime forests.DE, PA, OH, IN, IL, MO, and e. KS, south to c. peninsular FL, s. AL, s. MS, s. LA, and s. TX.image of plant
PassifloraceaePassiflora miniataScarlet PassionflowerDisturbed areas.Native of South America.image of plant
PassifloraceaePassiflora morifoliaThickets.Native of South America. Killip (1938) says "reported as well established near Clemson"; no recent evidence supports the establishment of this species in our region.image of plant
PassifloraceaePassiflora multiflora var. multifloraWhite PassionflowerRockland hammocks.S. peninsular FL; West Indies (Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico).image of plant
PassifloraceaePassiflora pallensPineland PassionflowerRockland hammocks, bayheads, strand swamps, disturbed upland areas.S. peninsular FL; West Indies (Cuba, Hispaniola).image of plant
PassifloraceaePassiflora pallidaWest Indian Corkystem PassionflowerHammocks, shell middens.Ne. FL (Dixie and Duval counties) south to s. FL; s. TX to n. Mexico; West Indies; s. Mexico (Yucatan); n. South America (Venezuela).
PassifloraceaePassiflora sexfloraGoatsfootRockland hammocks, in tree-fall gaps.S. peninsular FL; West Indies; Mexico, Central America and South America.image of plant
PassifloraceaePassiflora tenuilobaBirdwing PassionflowerOpen limestone areas.TX and NM south to ne. Mexico (COA, NLE, SLP, and TAM).image of plant
PassifloraceaePassiflora vitifoliaPerfumed PassionflowerDisturbed areas.Native of the Neotropics.
PassifloraceaePassifloraceaePassionflower Familyimage of plant