139 results for family: Polygonaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PolygonaceaeAcetosaSorrel, Sour Dockimage of plant
PolygonaceaeAcetosa acetosellaRed Dock, Sheep Sorrel, Sourgrass, Field SorrelPastures, fields, roadsides, rock outcrops, grassy balds, gardens.Native of Eurasia. Variation in Acetosa acetosella has been studied in considerable detail in Eurasia, and a number of infrataxa named; the application of these to North American material is unclear at this time.image of plant
PolygonaceaeAcetosa bucephalophoraHorned Dock, Red Dock, Ruby DockBallast, other disturbed areas.Native of Mediterranean Europe, Africa, and w. Asia.
PolygonaceaeAcetosa hastatulaWild Dock, Heartwing DockGlades, barrens, xeric sands; eastwards in fields (especially sandy fields or dunes in the Coastal Plain), roadsides, disturbed areas.E. MA, NY, IN, IL, MO, and KS, south to c. peninsular FL, TX, and NM. The eastern part of the distribution seems to be strictly or mostly in altered habitats, suggesting the possibility that the eastern extent (east of the Mississippi River) of the distribution is adventive.image of plant
PolygonaceaeAcetosa pratensisGarden Sorrel, Green SorrelGardens, disturbed areas.Native of Eurasia, introduced and weakly naturalized as a weed at least far south as se. PA (Rhoads & Block 2007) and s. NJ (Kartesz 2010).image of plant
PolygonaceaeAntigononLove-chain, Coralvine, Corallitaimage of plant
PolygonaceaeAntigonon leptopusLove-chain, Queen's-jewels, Confederate-vine, Corallita, Corallina, Coralvine, Tallahassee-vine, Rosa de Montana, CoamecatlCultivated and persisting; commonly cultivated, rarely persisting or escaping.Native of tropical America.image of plant
PolygonaceaeBrunnichiaBuckwheat-vineimage of plant
PolygonaceaeBrunnichia ovataBuckwheat-vine, Eardrop-vine, Ladies'-eardrops, RedvineFloodplain forests, swamp forests.Ne. SC south to n. FL, west to e. TX, and north in the interior to w. TN, w. KY, s. IL, and se. MO. Introduced in se. VA.image of plant
PolygonaceaeCoccolobaPigeon-plum, Sea-grapeimage of plant
PolygonaceaeCoccoloba diversifoliaPigeon-plum, Tie-tongueMaritime hammocks, rockland hammocks, coastal berms, shell mounds.S. and c. peninsular FL; West Indies; Mexico (CHP, OAX, QOO, SLP, VER, YUC), Central America, and South America.
PolygonaceaeCoccoloba uviferaSea-grapeDunes, sandy shores, coastal hammocks, beach strands.C. and s. peninsular FL; s. MS (where uncertainly native); West Indies, s. TX (where possibly only naturalized), Mexico (CAM, OAX, ROO, SIN, TAB, TAM, VER, YUC) south through Central America and South America.
PolygonaceaeDuraviaKnotweedimage of plant
PolygonaceaeDuravia species 1Douglas’s KnotweedDisturbed areas.Native of n. and w. North America, to n. Mexico (BCN, SON). Reported for VA in FNA.image of plant
PolygonaceaeDuravia species 2Glade Knotweed, Slender KnotweedGlades, barrens, and thin, rocky soils, over various rock types (including granite, diabase, amphibolite, greenstone, metagabbro, and shale), also in dry sands.ME, ON, MN, SD, WY, south to GA, AL, MS, LA, TX.image of plant
PolygonaceaeEmexEmex, Devil’s-thorn, Cape Spinachimage of plant
PolygonaceaeEmex spinosaEmexDisturbed areas, not recently collected and perhaps only a waif.Native of Mediterranean Europe.image of plant
PolygonaceaeEriogonumWild-buckwheatimage of plant
PolygonaceaeEriogonum alatum var. glabriusculumWinged Wild-buckwheatPrairies, rocky hillsides, grasslands.C. and w. OK, Panhandle TX, and ec. NM.
PolygonaceaeEriogonum alleniiShale-barren Wild-buckwheatOpen and sunny situations in shale barrens (and rarely sandstone).Endemic to shale barrens of w. VA and e. WV.image of plant
PolygonaceaeEriogonum annuumAnnual Wild-buckwheatDisturbed areas.ND and MT south to sw. AR, TX, NM, and n. Mexico (CHH).image of plant
PolygonaceaeEriogonum floridanumScrub Wild-buckwheatFlorida scrub, longleaf pine sandhills.N. peninsular FL (Marion and Putnam counties) south to c. peninsular FL at the southern end of the Lake Wales Ridge (Highlands county).image of plant
PolygonaceaeEriogonum greggiiGregg's Wild-buckwheatIn sparse grasslands and low shrublands on shallow sandy soils over caliche (Carr 2016).S. TX (Hidalgo and Starr counties) and ne. Mexico (COA, NLE).
PolygonaceaeEriogonum harperiHarper's Wild-buckwheatLimestone glades and barrens.Endemic of sc. KY, nc. TN, and n. AL.image of plant
PolygonaceaeEriogonum longifoliumLongleaf Wild-BuckwheatCalcareous and acidic glades, Coastal Plain sand barrens, calcareous glades (eastern Ozarks), sandy and clayey woodlands.S. MO and KS south to w. LA, TX, and se. NM.image of plant
PolygonaceaeEriogonum multiflorumHeart-sepal Wild-buckwheat, Many-flower Wild-buckwheatSandy soils.Sw. AR and OK south to w. LA and TX.image of plant
PolygonaceaeEriogonum riograndisRio Grande Wild-buckwheatS. TX.
PolygonaceaeEriogonum tomentosumSandhill Wild-buckwheat, Southern Wild-buckwheat, Dog-tongueLongleaf pine sandhills, usually in white sand, primarily in the fall-line Sandhills and on riverine dunes in the middle and upper Coastal Plain.S. NC (at least formerly) south to c. peninsular FL, west to s. AL. There seems no reason to doubt the label data of an 1890's Biltmore Herbarium collection from Bladen County, NC (Pittillo, Horton, & Herman 1972), as E. tomentosum is fairly common not far away in SC; the species has apparently not been seen in NC since.image of plant
PolygonaceaeFagopyrumBuckwheatimage of plant
PolygonaceaeFagopyrum esculentumBuckwheatFields, disturbed areas, railroad rights-of-way, escaped from cultivation.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
PolygonaceaeFagopyrum tataricumTartarian Buckwheat, India-wheatDisturbed areas.Native of Asia.
PolygonaceaeFallopiaClimbing Buckwheatimage of plant
PolygonaceaeFallopia baldschuanicaSilver-lace-vine, China Fleece-vineDisturbed areas, roadsides.Native of Asia.image of plant
PolygonaceaeFallopia convolvulusBindweed, Climbing Buckwheat, Black Bindweed, Nimble-willDisturbed areas.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
PolygonaceaeFallopia dumetorumDisturbed areas, thickets.Native of Eurasia. Introduced at least as far south as scattered locations in c. and se. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993; Rhoads & Block 2007), WV, KY, and TN. NS and MI south to FL and TX (FNA).image of plant
PolygonaceaeFallopia scandensCommon Climbing BuckwheatMoist to wet open habitats.NS, ON and MB, south to c. peninsular FL and se. TX.image of plant
PolygonaceaeKoenigia polystachyaHimalayan Knotweed, Kashmir PlumePersistent and spreading from plantings.Native of Himalayan Asia.image of plant
PolygonaceaeMuehlenbeckiaimage of plant
PolygonaceaeMuehlenbeckia axillarisCreeping Wirevine, Sprawling Wirevine, Matted LignumPlanted horticulturally, rarely escaping and spreading aggressively.Native of sw. Australia and New Zealand.image of plant
PolygonaceaeParogonumimage of plant
PolygonaceaeParogonum ciliinodeFringed Climbing Buckwheat, Fringed Black BindweedAround rock outcrops, in openings, glades, and open woodlands at high elevations.NL (Newfoundland) west to SK, south to PA, w. NC, n. GA, e. TN, IN, IL, and MN.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicariaSmartweed, Tearthumb, Jumpseedimage of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria amphibia ssp. laevimarginataWater SmartweedMarshes, wet disturbed areas.NL (Newfoundland), NU, and AK south to SC, TN, TX, and CA, and southward into the New World tropics.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria arifoliaHalberd-leaf TearthumbMarshes, wet thickets.NS west to MN. south to se. GA, ne. FL (Slaughter 2014; Franck et al. 2016), w. NC, and w. TN.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria bicornisPink SmartweedMoist disturbed areas, ditches.IL, IA, SD, and WY south to LA, TX, and NM.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria capitataPink-head KnotweedDisturbed blackland prairies, other disturbed areas.Native of s. Asia. See Singhurst, Mink, & Holmes (2013) for additional information about the naturalization of this species in TX. Reported for Orleans Parish, LA. Reported for Montgomery County, AL (Diamond & Keener 2021).
PolygonaceaePersicaria careyiCarey's KnotweedMoist soils, disturbed areas.NB west to ON and MN, south to VA, KY, IL, seemingly widely scattered. Reported for sc. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993; Rhoads & Block 2007), DE, NJ, and MD (Kartesz 1999).image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria chinensisChinese KnotweedDisturbed areas.Native of Asia. Introduced in MD and NJ.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria coccineaRed-carelessShores, streams, sluggish water.Throughout North America.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria densifloraDense-flower SmartweedSwamp forests.The Persicaria glabra complex is widespread in the Neotropics, in North America north to s. NJ, VA, KY, MO, and TX. The distribution of Persicaria densiflora is unclear.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria extremiorientalisEast Asian SmartweedDisturbed areas, roadsides, roadsides.Native of Japan, China, Korea, and Sakhalin. Reported for Horry County, SC (Bradley et al. [in prep.]).image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria filiformisJapanese JumpseedSuburban woodlands, escaping from horticultural use.Native of e. Asia. Reported as naturalizing in Baltimore County, MD, and Arlington County, VA (Simmons et al. 2020), but probably more widespread than currently mapped.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria hirsutaHairy SmartweedPondcypress savannas, depression ponds in pinelands.Se. NC south to c. peninsular FL, west to s. MS.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria hydropiperCommon Smartweed, Waterpepper, Marshpepper SmartweedWet pastures, barnyards, ditches.Native of Europe.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria hydropiperoidesWaterpepperSwamp forests, streams, ditches.NS, ON, and AK, south to FL, TX, and CA, and into the New World tropics.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria lapathifoliaWillow-weed, Dockleaf Smartweed, Pale SmartweedBottomlands, bottomland fields, disturbed areas.Nearly cosmopolitan in current distribution, the original distributions hard to interpret, sometimes regarded as having both native and introduced elements in North America.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria longisetaLongbristle Smartweed, Bristly Lady’s-thumb, Creeping SmartweedDisturbed areas, lawns, ditches.Native of Asia.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria maculosaLady’s-thumb, Heart’s-easeDisturbed areas.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria meisneriana var. beyrichianaMexican TearthumbWet savannas, blackwater river floodplains, ditches; sometimes considered only introduced in southeastern North America, but probably native.E. SC south to FL, west to LA; Mexico (CHP, VER) and Central America south to n. South America; Brazil; se. Africa. Reported for Mobile County, AL (Barger et al. 2023).image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria minorSmall Water-pepperDisturbed moist areas, marshes.Native of Europe. Reported for Camden County, NJ by Schmidt (2023).image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria nepalensisNepalese SmartweedRiver banks, shores, other moist disturbed areas. Sometimes grown as a groundcover.Native of e. Asia.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria orientalisKiss-me-over-the-garden-gate, Prince’s-feather, Prince’s-plume, Princess-featherBarnyards, disturbed areas, garden edges.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria pensylvanicaPinkweed, Common Smartweed, Pennsylvania SmartweedDisturbed areas, bottomlands.NL (Newfoundland), ON, MT, and CA, south to FL, TX, AZ, and to c. Mexico; disjunct (perhaps only introduced?) in AK, Ecuador, Europe.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria perfoliataMile-a-minute-vine, Asiatic Tearthumb, Devil's-tail TearthumbRoadsides, banks, powerline rights-of-way.Native of e. Asia. Introduced and spreading rapidly in n. VA, MD, PA, DC, and WV. Adler (1999) reports it as occurring in PA, MD, VA, WV, DE, OH, NJ, and DC. Poindexter (2010a) reports its discovery at three separate locations in Alleghany County, NC.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria posumbuAsian Lady's-thumb, Creeping Himalayan SmartweedFloodplains, other moist shaded forests.Native of e. Asia.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria punctataDotted SmartweedSwamp forests, bottomlands, marshes.NS, ON, and BC south to FL, TX, and CA, south into the New World tropics.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria robustiorWater SmartweedPeaty shores or semi-aquatic in water.NS, QC, MI, MO, south irregularly to s. FL and TX, and south into tropical America. Probably under-represented as to states of occurrence because of frequent synonymization.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria sagittataArrowleaf Tearthumb, Arrowvine, Scratch-grassMarshes, bogs, beaver impoundments, wet thickets.NL (Newfoundland) west to MB, south to Panhandle FL and e. TX; China, Manchuria, India, Siberia, Korea, and Japan.image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria setaceaSwamp SmartweedSwamp forests, bottomland forests.MA, MI, MO, and OK south to s. FL and TX. Discovered in Ripley County, IN (S. Namestnik, pers.comm. 2022).image of plant
PolygonaceaePersicaria virginianaJumpseed, Virginia KnotweedFloodplains, other moist forests.NH, QC, MN, and NE, south to n. peninsular FL and TX; disjunct in c. Mexico (PUE, VER).image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonaceaeSmartweed Familyimage of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonellaJointweedimage of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonella americanaSouthern JointweedLongleaf pine sandhills, other dry woodlands, glades, and barrens with sandy or rocky soil.Sc. NC south to c. TX, north in the interior to ec. TN, se. MO, and AR; disjunct in Panhandle TX and NM.image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonella articulataNorthern WireweedLongleaf pine sandhills, dunes, and other dry, sandy habitats.ME and s. QC west to MN, south on the Coastal Plain to VA and ne. NC, otherwise south to se. PA, NY, s. ON, MI, n. IN, n. IL, and e. IA; the record cited for GA in Jones & Coile (1988) is a misidentification.image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonella basiramiaFlorida Jointweed, Tufted WireweedFlorida scrub. Naturally occurring in white sand gaps of rosemary (Ceratiola ericoides) scrub, but often also occurring abundantly along adjacent firelanes and artificial sand openings.Endemic to c. FL (Polk and Highlands counties).image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonella brachystachyaFlorida October-flowerLongleaf pine sandhills, Florida scrub.Endemic to c. and s. peninsular FL.image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonella ciliataHairy JointweedLongleaf pine sandhills and Florida scrub.Endemic to c. and s. FL peninsula.image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonella croomiiCarolina October-flowerLongleaf pine sandhills, primarily in the fall-line Sandhills and middle Coastal Plain.Se. and sc. NC south to SC and GA.image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonella fimbriataSandhill JointweedLongleaf pine sandhills.E. GA (not far from SC) and se. AL south to Panhandle FL.image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonella gracilisWireweedLongleaf pine sandhills.Sc. NC south to s. FL, west to s. MS, perhaps adventive toward the northern part of the range.image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonella macrophyllaLargeleaf WireweedSand pine scrub, coastal dunes.S. AL and Panhandle FL.image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonella myriophyllaWoody Wireweed, Sandlace, Small’s JointweedWhite and yellow-sand scrub and xeric sandhills. Also sometimes occurring in scrubby flatwoods and along sandy firelanes adjacent to scrub.C. FL peninsula, north to Lake and Orange counties. 90% or more of populations occurring on the Lake Wales Ridge.image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonella parksiiCarrizo JointweedOpenings in post oak savannas and woodlands in deep, loose, white sands (especially the Carrizo Formation).Endemic to e. TX (Atascosa, Bexar, Burleson, Guadalupe, Leon, Milam, Robertson and Wilson counties).image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonella polygamaCommon October-flowerLongleaf pine sandhills, other dry sandy habitats.Se. VA south to s. FL, west to se. TX (perhaps absent in GA). P. polygamum occurs in the outer Coastal Plain of VA and NC, extending into the middle Coastal Plain and fall-line Sandhills in SC (Richland, Lexington, and Aiken counties, SC).image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonella robustaLargeflower JointweedLongleaf pine sandhills, Florida scrub.E. FL Panhandle south to c. peninsular FL.image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonumKnotweedimage of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonum achoreumBottomland forests, marshes, streambanks, also disturbed areas.NS and NT south to CT, s. IL, MO, KS, CO, UT, NV, and OR.image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonum argyrocoleonSilver-sheath Knotweed, Persian KnotweedDisturbed areas, especially saline.Native of w. Asia. Reported for NC by Burk (1961), with collection at NCU.image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonum aviculare ssp. aviculareKnotweedDisturbed areas.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonum aviculare ssp. depressumDooryard KnotweedBottomlands, marshes, disturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonum aviculare ssp. neglectumNeedle-leaf KnotweedFields, disturbed areas.Native of Europe. Documented from scattered locations in s. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993); DE, NJ, and MD (Kartesz 1999); and WV (as P. aviculare ssp. rurivagum) (Costea & Tardif 2003).image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonum aviculare ssp. rurivagumDisturbed areas.
PolygonaceaePolygonum buxiformeSmall's KnotweedBottomlands, swamps, marshes, also disturbed areas, roadsides.NL (Newfoundland), NL (Labrador), NU, and NT, variously reported south to SC, AL, MS, LA, TX, and CA.image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonum erectumErect KnotweedBottomland forests, streambanks, disturbed areas, open places.ME, ON, and AB south to GA, LA, and NM.
PolygonaceaePolygonum glaucumSeabeach Knotweed, Seaside KnotweedOcean beaches, sound-side sandy shores, dune bases.Along the coast, MA south to ne. FL; also in Panhandle FL and s. AL (perhaps not native on the Gulf Coast).image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonum patulumRed KnotgrassOn ballast, presumably just a waif.Native of Mediterranean Europe and n. Africa.
PolygonaceaePolygonum plebeiumCommon KnotweedWaif at old sea-port.Native of Europe.
PolygonaceaePolygonum prolificumLongfruit Knotweed, Bushy Knotweed, Prolific KnotweedBrackish marshes, disturbed areas.PE, QC, MB, and BC, south to GA, AL, LA, TX.image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonum ramosissimumBrackish marshes and shores; overwash flats, dunes.NS west to NU and BC, south to GA, LA, TX, CA. Reported for SC (Kartesz 1999).image of plant
PolygonaceaePolygonum striatulumSeasonally moist areas in sterile prairies or in seasonal seepage on granite.Endemic to TX.
PolygonaceaeReynoutriaimage of plant
PolygonaceaeReynoutria ×bohemicaBohemian Knotweed, Hybrid Japanese KnotweedDisturbed areas, sandbars.Native of e. Asia.
PolygonaceaeReynoutria japonica var. japonicaJapanese Knotweed, Japanese Bamboo, Japanese BuckwheatRoadsides, disturbed areas, river banks and sandbars, often forming dense thickets.Native of e. Asia.image of plant
PolygonaceaeReynoutria sachalinensisGiant Knotweed, SachalineDisturbed areas, roadsides.Native of e. Asia.image of plant
PolygonaceaeRheumRhubarbimage of plant
PolygonaceaeRheum rhabarbarumRhubarb, Pie-plantUncommonly cultivated (primarily in gardens in the cooler portions of our area), rarely persistent or escaped.Native of e. Asia (though introduced from Europe).image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumexDockimage of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex altissimusPale Dock, Tall Dock, Peachleaf DockBottomlands, swamps, marshes, roadsides, disturbed areas.ME and MN south to GA, AL, TX, AZ, and n. Mexico (CHH, SLP, SON).image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex britannicaGreat Water DockMarshes.NL west to NU, south to s. NJ, PA, KY, IL, IA, NE. The specimen reported for VA as R. orbiculatus Gray (R. britannica of FNA) in Castanea 42:261 (1977) has subsequently been annotated to R. obtusifolius; no valid collections of R. britannica are known for VA.image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex browniiBrown's DockLawns, disturbed areas, floodplains, wool-combing waif.Native of Australia. Reported for Baldwin County, AL (H. Horne, pers. comm., Nov 2015).image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex chrysocarposAmamastla DockSwamps, disturbed wet areas.Panhandle FL (where possibly not native?) and se. LA west to TX and ne. Mexico (TAM). Recently discovered in s. AL (Mobile County) (H. Horne, pers. comm., 2018).image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex conglomeratusClustered Green DockMarshes, disturbed areas, bottomland forests, pastures.Native of Europe.image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex crispus ssp. crispusCurly Dock, Yellow DockDisturbed areas, pastures, fields.Native of Europe.image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex cristatusGreek DockRoadsides, railroad margins.Native of se. Europe.
PolygonaceaeRumex cuneifoliusDisturbed areas, not recently collected and perhaps only a waif.Native of South America. A rare introduction from South America in AL, FL.
PolygonaceaeRumex dentatusToothed DockDisturbed areas, fields, shores.Native of Eurasia.
PolygonaceaeRumex fascicularisSwamps and marshes.Peninsular FL, and perhaps north to se. NC.image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex floridanusFlorida DockSwamps and marshes.NC south to FL, west to LA. Reported for Orangeburg County, SC (S.W. Leonard, pers. comm.).image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex fueginusAmerican Golden DockSaline marshes, disturbed areas inland.QC west to AK, south to PA, OH, IN, IL, AR, TX, NM, AZ, CA, and Mexico; s. South America.image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex hymenosepalusSand Dock, Wild Rhubarb, Canaigre, Tanner's DockDry sandy areas.OK, MT, n. NV, and n. CA south to c. and w. TX, NM, AZ, and n. Mexico (BCN, BCS, CHH, COA, SON).
PolygonaceaeRumex longifoliusYard DockDisturbed areas.Native of Eurasia.
PolygonaceaeRumex maritimusGolden Dock, Maritime DockBallast and disturbed coastal areas.Native of Europe.
PolygonaceaeRumex obovatusTropical DockMaritime shores, riverbanks, pond margins.Native of South America.image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex obtusifoliusBitter DockPastures, barnyards, disturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex occidentalisWestern DockDisturbed areas.Native of western North America.
PolygonaceaeRumex paraguayensisParaguayan DockMoist maritime shores.Native of South America.image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex patientiaPatience Dock, Monk's-rhubarbDisturbed areas.Native of Mediterranean Europe.image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex persicarioidesCoastal DockCoastal and saline habitats, marshes and shores.Bicoastal. Long Island NY (historical), n. to MA; disjunct in NL (Newfoundland) and P.E.I. Westward in CA, OR, and BC.image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex pulcherFiddle DockDisturbed areas, bottomland fields, bottomland forests.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex sanguineusBloody Dock, Red-veined Dock, Bloody Sorrel, Wood DockDisturbed areas.Native of Europe. Introduced at least as far south as se. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993), MD, NJ, and AL (Kartesz 1999), perhaps only as a waif. Reported for AL, MS, LA, and VA by Small (1933).image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex spiralisTexas Tall DockSandy and gravelly shores, usually in moist, calcareous, clayey soils.Endemic to TX.
PolygonaceaeRumex stenophyllusNarrowleaf DockDisturbed areas, wool-combing mill waste.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex triangulivalvisWillowleaf DockStreambanks, ponds, marshes, sloughs, also disturbed areas.Throughout North America, south to WV, DE, PA, KY, western states, and n. Mexico (CHH, SLP).image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex venosusVeiny Dock, Wild Begonia, Wild Hydrangea, Sour GreensSandy dunes.WI, MB, SK, AB, WA south to IA, se. OK, n. TX, n. NM, n. AZ, NV, and CA.image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex verticillatusSwamp DockTidal freshwater marshes and swamps, but also inland in disturbed areas.QC, ON, MN, and SD, south to s. FL and se. and c. TX.image of plant
PolygonaceaeRumex violascensViolet DockWet areas in bottomlands.W. TX (Trans-Pecos), s. NM, AZ, and CA south into n. Mexico (BCN, BCS, CHH, COA, SON).
PolygonaceaeTriplaris melaenodendronLong JohnDisturbed areas.Native of tropical America.