19 results for family: Pontederiaceae.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Pontederiaceae | Cabanisia | | | |
Pontederiaceae | Cabanisia paniculata | Brazilian Water-hyacinth | Drainage ditches; apparently only a waif. | Native of tropical America, not collected in our region since 1907 (Horn in FNA 2002a; Small 1933). |
Pontederiaceae | Eichhornia | Water Hyacinth | | |
Pontederiaceae | Eichhornia azurea | Rooted Water-hyacinth | Ditches, rivers. | Native of s. Mexico to South America, and West Indies. |
Pontederiaceae | Heteranthera | Mud-plantain | | |
Pontederiaceae | Heteranthera dubia | Water Stargrass | Streams, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, especially in areas with calcareous substrates. | QC west to WA, south to Cuba and Central America, but rare or absent in much of the se. United States. The attribution of this species to SC is in error (as by Kartesz 1999), based on a misidentified specimen (C. Horn, pers. comm.). |
Pontederiaceae | Heteranthera limosa | Blue Mud-Plantain | Shallow water and muddy shores of rivers, ponds, lakes, and reservoirs, wet ditches, agricultural fields, other wet areas. | KY, MN, SD, and CO, south to AL (Diamond & Woods 2009), MS, LA, TX, and AZ; Mexico, Central and South America, West Indies. Attributed to VA in Small (1933), but the documentation is not known. |
Pontederiaceae | Heteranthera mexicana | Mexican Mud-Plantain | In ditches and ponds, apparently ephemeral in appearance depending on rainfall. | N. and s. TX south into Mexico. |
Pontederiaceae | Heteranthera missouriensis | Mississippi Mud-Plantain, Missouri Mud-Plantain | In shallow, stagnant water in floodplains, or emersed on mud, also ditches. | IL west to NE, south to MS, centered in the Mississippi River Alluvial Plain. |
Pontederiaceae | Heteranthera pauciflora | Atlantic Mud-Plantain, Few-flowered Mud-Plantain | In shallow, stagnant water in floodplains (including freshwater tidal), or emersed on mud. | On the Atlantic Coastal Plain from NJ south through PA to ne. NC |
Pontederiaceae | Heteranthera reniformis | Kidneyleaf Mud-Plantain | In shallow, stagnant water in floodplains, or emersed on mud. | CT west to NE, south to FL and TX and into South America; West Indies. First reported for SC by Hill & Horn (1997). |
Pontederiaceae | Heteranthera rotundifolia | Roundleaf Mud-Plantain | Ponds. | KY (Larue County; Medley 1993), IL, nw. IA, sw. MN, SD, n. CO, and CA south to n. AR, se. TX, NM, and Mexico and Central America; West Indies. |
Pontederiaceae | Oshuna | Water-hyacinth | | |
Pontederiaceae | Oshuna crassipes | Water-hyacinth | Ponds, ditches, sluggish water. | Native of tropical America. O. crassipes is "generally considered the world's most serious aquatic weed" (Rosatti 1987). Originally native to tropical South America, O. crassipes is now a widespread naturalized weed throughout the tropics and subtropics. In the northern part our area, water hyacinth is rare, probably not long persisting. Farther south, it can be an aggressive aquatic weed. |
Pontederiaceae | Pontederia | Pickerelweed | | |
Pontederiaceae | Pontederia cordata var. cordata | Heartleaf Pickerelweed | Swamps, seepage areas, marshes, pond-shores, lake-shores. | NS west to MN, south to s. FL and TX; Belize; s. Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. |
Pontederiaceae | Pontederia cordata var. lancifolia | Lanceleaf Pickerelweed | Marshes, pond-shores, lake-shores. | S. MA (alleged to occur as far north as ME, but these reports may be entirely based on misidentifications of var. cordata) to s. FL, west to e. TX, mostly on the Coastal Plain, with a few records around the Great Lakes; Cuba; s. Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. |
Pontederiaceae | Pontederia rotundifolia | Tropical Pickerelweed | | S. Mexico to Argentina. | |
Pontederiaceae | Pontederiaceae | Pickerelweed Family | | |