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15 results for family: Portulacaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PortulacaceaePortulacaPurslane, Portulacaimage of plant
PortulacaceaePortulaca amilisBroadleaf Pink PurslaneSandy fields, lawns, and other dry, sandy, disturbed habitats.Native of South America. Matthews & Levins (1985) describe the spread of this alien species in North America, apparently from an introduction in North Carolina (the earliest North American collection in 1932 in Robeson County, NC). Reported for Lowndes County, MS (Whitson 2010).image of plant
PortulacaceaePortulaca bilobaGrit PurslaneOutcrops of Altamaha Grit.This species has been collected repeatedly on outcrops of the Altamaha Grit in s. GA (Matthews, Faircloth, & Allison 1991); it also occurs in Cuba.image of plant
PortulacaceaePortulaca coronataFlatrock PortulacaOn or around granitic flatrocks, usually under Juniperus virginiana, and on Altamaha Grit outcrops.SC south to GA, endemic to granitic and sandstone outcrops in the Piedmont and rarely Altamaha grit (sandstone outcrops in the upper Coastal Plain).image of plant
PortulacaceaePortulaca grandifloraRose-moss, Cultivated PurslaneIn sandy soil or around granitic flatrocks, other disturbed areas.Native of Argentina.image of plant
PortulacaceaePortulaca halimoidesSilk-cotton PurslaneSandy or gravelly areas; eastwards as a waif along railroad (Reed 1964).Mexico south to n. South America; West Indies.image of plant
PortulacaceaePortulaca minutaTiny PurslaneFreshwater ephemeral pools on limestone.S. FL (Monroe County keys); Bahamas (Great Exuma, South Andros).
PortulacaceaePortulaca nicaraguensisNeotropical PurslaneMangroves, salt flats, also disturbed areas.FL (and maybe other; West Indies; Mexico and Central America; now also more widespread from anthropogenic spread.
PortulacaceaePortulaca oleraceaCommon Purslane, Garden Purslane, Pussley, Pursley, DuckweedGardens, disturbed areas, cracks in sidewalks; partly native in our area (different genotypes, sometimes treated as varieties, subspecies, or species, appear to have different areas of origin but are now widely distributed by introduction).image of plant
PortulacaceaePortulaca pilosaKiss-me-quickDisturbed sandy soils, calcareous glades.NC south to s. FL, west to NM, north in the interior to c. TN, AR, and OK, and in Central America; the native range perhaps obscure.image of plant
PortulacaceaePortulaca rubricaulisBrown-seeded Portulaca, Red-stem Purslane, Stalked PurslaneCoastal grasslands, beaches, coastal rock barrens, shell middens, and strands.S. FL; West Indies; s. Mexico; South America.image of plant
PortulacaceaePortulaca smalliiSmall's PortulacaIn thin soils on granitic and diabase flatrocks, sometimes locally spreading to adjacent fields, mowed areas, or other disturbed areas.Sc. VA south to c. GA.image of plant
PortulacaceaePortulaca umbraticola ssp. lanceolataPrairies, outcrops, disturbed areas.AR, s. OK, NM, and AZ south to TX and Mexico.image of plant
PortulacaceaePortulaca umbraticola ssp. umbraticolaGravelly fields, other disturbed areas.Native of the Neotropics.image of plant
PortulacaceaePortulacaceaePurslane Familyimage of plant