54 results for family: Rhamnaceae.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Rhamnaceae | Berchemia | Supplejack | | | 
Rhamnaceae | Berchemia scandens | Supplejack, American Rattan, Alabama Supplejack, Carolina Supplejack | Swamp forests, bottomlands, streambanks, also upland in mesic to even xeric forests, woodlands, glades, and prairies over calcareous rock or sediment. | Se. VA south to s. FL, west to TX, north in the interior to nc. TN, w. TN, s. IL, and s. MO; Mexico (Chiapas) and Guatemala. | 
Rhamnaceae | Ceanothus | Redroot, New Jersey Tea, Ceanothus | | | 
Rhamnaceae | Ceanothus Ă—serpyllifolius | Thymeleaf Ceanothus | Longleaf pine sandhills. | GA and AL south to c. peninsular FL. | |
Rhamnaceae | Ceanothus americanus var. americanus | Common New Jersey Tea, Northeastern Ceanothus | Woodland borders, dry woodlands, gladelike openings, dry ridge forests and woodlands (pine or oak) in the Mountains. | ME west to WI, south to FL Panhandle and AL. | 
Rhamnaceae | Ceanothus americanus var. intermedius | Southeastern New Jersey Tea, Southeastern Ceanothus | Longleaf pine sandhills, dry sandy woodlands and forests, rocky openings around granitic or quartzitic rocks in the Piedmont. | NJ (or possibly MA) south to c. peninsular FL, west to LA, mostly on the Coastal Plain, but disjunct inland to sandy soils around outcrops of siliceous rocks. | 
Rhamnaceae | Ceanothus americanus var. pitcheri | Hairy New Jersey Tea, Midwestern Ceanothus | Prairies, woodland margins. | IN west to IA and NE, south to nw. GA and e. and c. TX. | 
Rhamnaceae | Ceanothus herbaceus | Prairie Redroot, Prairie Ceanothus | Prairies, glades, upland woodlands, eastwards in flood-scoured rocky and/or sandy riverbanks. | Primarily midwestern: MI west to MT, south to nw. IN, AR, TX, and Mexico; disjunct eastward in QC, NH, VT, NY, KY, TN, and DC. | 
Rhamnaceae | Ceanothus microphyllus | Sandhill Ceanothus | Longleaf pine sandhills. | E. GA south to c. peninsular FL, west to s. AL, approaching to within a few kilometers of SC (in Screven and Chatham counties, GA), and should be sought in se. SC (except that its outlandish appearance makes it difficult to overlook!). | 
Rhamnaceae | Colubrina | Nakedwood, Snakebark | | | 
Rhamnaceae | Colubrina arborescens | Common Snakebark, Coffee Colubrina, Greenheart | Coastal berms, pine rocklands, rockland hammocks, disturbed uplands. | S. FL (Miami-Dade and Monroe counties); West Indies; e. and se. Mexico and Central America. | 
Rhamnaceae | Colubrina asiatica | Latherleaf, Asian Nakedwood, Hoop-with | Beach dunes, coastal berms, coastal strands, disturbed uplands, maritime hammocks, rockland hammocks. | Native of s. and se. Asia. | |
Rhamnaceae | Colubrina cubensis var. floridana | Florida Snakebark, Florida Nakedwood, Bahama Snakebark | Pine rocklands and rockland hammocks. | S. FL (Miami-Dade County); Bahamas. | 
Rhamnaceae | Colubrina elliptica | Nakedwood, Soldierwood, Smooth Snakebark | Rockland hammocks, disturbed uplands. | S. FL; West Indies; Mexico through Central America to n. South America (Venezuela). | 
Rhamnaceae | Colubrina greggii | Sierran Nakedwood, Manzanita | Palm groves, thornscrub. | S. TX and Mexico (COA, Guanajuato, HID, NLE, QRC, SLP, TAM, Zacatecas). | 
Rhamnaceae | Colubrina texensis | Texas Snakewood, Texas Colubrina, Guayule, Texas Hogplum | Rocky slopes. | Se., s., and w. TX south to COA, NLE, and TAM. | 
Rhamnaceae | Condalia | Snakewood | | | 
Rhamnaceae | Condalia hookeri | Bluewood, Capul Negro, Brasil, Logwood, Purple Haw | Thickets. | C. TX south to NLE and TAM. The Arkansas record reported in Gentry et al. (2013) is a misidentification and should be disregarded. | 
Rhamnaceae | Condalia spathulata | Costilla, Tinyleaf Condalia | Scrub. | C. and s. TX, COA, TAM, and NLE. | |
Rhamnaceae | Condalia viridis | Green Snakewood | Dry grasslands and woodlands over limestone. | C. and w. TX (primarily Edwards Plateau and Stockton Plateau) south to n. Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE). | |
Rhamnaceae | Endotropis | American Buckthorn | | | 
Rhamnaceae | Endotropis alnifolia | Alder-leaved Buckthorn, American Alder-Buckthorn | Northern forests, mafic or calcareous (dolomitic) seeps, usually with Parnassia grandifolia. | NL (Newfoundland) west to BC, south to NJ, PA, w. MD (Knapp et al. 2011), sw. VA, ne. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), OH, n. IN, n. IL, IA, and CA. | 
Rhamnaceae | Endotropis lanceolata | Lance-leaved Buckthorn | Dry to moist thickets and woodlands over calcareous rocks, bottomland hardwood forests. | PA west to WI and SD, south to AL and TX. | 
Rhamnaceae | Frangula | Buckthorn | | | 
Rhamnaceae | Frangula alnus | European Alder-Buckthorn, Glossy Buckthorn | Forested areas, other disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. This species is a seriously invasive weed in ne. United States, south to (at least) NJ, s. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993; Rhoads & Block 2007), KY, and se. TN (Marion County) (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997, Kral 1981), and w. NC (where recently found in a forested area along the Blue Ridge Parkway). | 
Rhamnaceae | Frangula caroliniana | Carolina Buckthorn, Indian-cherry, Yellow-wood, Polecat-tree | Dry to moist barrens, woodlands, and forests, Coastal Plain limestone bluffs and shell middens, especially over mafic or calcareous rocks. | Sw. VA west to s. OH and s. MO, south to c. peninsular FL and TX. | 
Rhamnaceae | Gouania | Chewstick | | | 
Rhamnaceae | Gouania lupuloides | Chewstick, Whiteroot, Jaboncillo, Toothbrush-tree | Maritime hammocks, mesic hammocks, rockland hammocks, coastal berms. | C. and s. FL peninsula, disjunct northwards in Clay County, ne. FL; West Indies; Mexico through Central America. | 
Rhamnaceae | Hovenia | Raisin-tree | | | 
Rhamnaceae | Hovenia dulcis | Japanese Raisin-tree | Suburban woodlands, escaped form cultivation. | Native of China. Goldman (1998) presents a discussion of this species’ introduction into North America, with a color photograph. Also reported as naturalizing in the Coastal Plain portion of Fairfax County, VA (Steury 2011). | 
Rhamnaceae | Karwinskia | | | | 
Rhamnaceae | Karwinskia humboldtiana | Coyotillo | Ravines and stream bottoms. | S. and Trans-Pecos TX south to a widespread distribution in Mexico. | 
Rhamnaceae | Krugiodendron | Leadwood | | | 
Rhamnaceae | Krugiodendron ferreum | Black Ironwood, Leadwood, Strongback | Maritime hammocks, rockland hammocks, coastal berms. | Peninsular FL (mainly extreme s. FL and the Keys, and on the east coast from Brevard County southwards); West Indies; Mexico south to Central America. | |
Rhamnaceae | Paliurus | | | | |
Rhamnaceae | Paliurus spina-christi | Jerusalem-thorn | Riparian areas. | Native of Mediterranean Europe. | |
Rhamnaceae | Pseudoziziphus | | | | 
Rhamnaceae | Pseudoziziphus celata | Florida Ziziphus | Florida scrub. | Endemic to c. peninsular FL. | 
Rhamnaceae | Reynosia | Darling-plum, Red Ironwood | | | 
Rhamnaceae | Reynosia septentrionalis | Darling-plum | Coastal berms, coastal strands, maritime hammocks, rockland hammocks. | S. FL (Miami-Dade and Monroe counties); West Indies (Cuba, Bahamas). | 
Rhamnaceae | Rhamnaceae | Buckthorn Family | | | 
Rhamnaceae | Rhamnus | Buckthorn | | | 
Rhamnaceae | Rhamnus cathartica | Common Buckthorn, European Buckthorn | Disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. Reported for VA by Harvill et al. (1991), but the report was actually based on specimens of R. davurica (Virginia Botanical Associates 2019); bonafide specimens have since been found in Arlington, Giles, Tazewell, and Wythe counties (Virginia Botanical Associates 2019); reported as "now escaping and widespread near Roaches Run", Arlington County, VA (Steury 2011). | 
Rhamnaceae | Rhamnus davurica | Davurian Buckthorn | Suburban woodlands, fields, floodplains, rarely naturalized but potentially very invasive. | Native of e. Asia (n. China). Reported from Clarke and Frederick counties, VA (Virginia Botanical Associates 2019). Reported from suburban areas near Louisville, KY, and Knoxville, TN (D. Estes, pers. comm.). | 
Rhamnaceae | Rhamnus japonica | Japanese Buckthorn | Disturbed areas. | Native of Japan. | |
Rhamnaceae | Rhamnus utilis | Chinese Buckthorn | Disturbed areas. | Native of China. | 
Rhamnaceae | Sageretia | Mock Buckthorn | | | 
Rhamnaceae | Sageretia minutiflora | Small-flowered Buckthorn | Shell middens and shell hammocks, dry calcareous hammocks and maritime forests, in FL and AL in floodplain forests (especially calcareous). | Se. NC south to s. FL, west to s. MS. | 
Rhamnaceae | Sageretia thea | Chinese Sweet-plum | Roadsides, bottomlands, disturbed areas, spreading from horticultural use. | Native of s. Asia. | 
Rhamnaceae | Sarcomphalus | | | | |
Rhamnaceae | Sarcomphalus obtusifolius | Lotebush, Clepe | Rocky prairies, other open, rocky or sandy areas. | S. OK, NM, and se. AZ south through TX to Mexico. | 
Rhamnaceae | Ziziphus | Jujube | | | |
Rhamnaceae | Ziziphus jujuba | Chinese Jujube, Common Jujube, Chinese Date | Disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. Reported from ec. GA (Jones & Coile 1988) | 
Rhamnaceae | Ziziphus mauritiana | Indian Jujube | Rockland hammocks, disturbed areas. | Native of e., se., and s. Asia. | 