5 results for family: Rhizophoraceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
RhizophoraceaeBruguiera gymnorhizaLarge-leaf Orange MangroveTidal waters.Native of the Indian and western Pacific Ocean.
RhizophoraceaeRhizophoraRed Mangroveimage of plant
RhizophoraceaeRhizophora mangleRed MangroveEstuarine and bay shores, beaches.Well-established from n. FL (St. Johns County on the east coast, Escambia County in the Panhandle), southward into the West Indies and beyond in tropical America (both Atlantic and Pacific coasts). The distinctive floating seedlings of Rhizophora occasionally wash up as jetsam on beaches of GA, NC, and SC, particularly following hurricanes. Dave Owen (pers. comm. and photograph) has provided photographic evidence from Bear Island, Onslow County, NC, 11 Jun 1996. These propagules (repeatedly introduced naturally) may sprout and grow for some time, forming a young sapling with leaves, but do not currently survive in or north of NC because of frost.image of plant
RhizophoraceaeRhizophoraceaeRed Mangrove Familyimage of plant