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164 results for family: Rubiaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
RubiaceaeBorreriaimage of plant
RubiaceaeBorreria dasycephalaCarretillaDisturbed areas.Native of Brazil.
RubiaceaeBorreria densifloraBouquet ButtonweedDisturbed areas.Native of the Neotropics.image of plant
RubiaceaeBorreria latifoliaWinged ButtonweedDisturbed pine flatwoods, pastures.Native of the Neotropics.image of plant
RubiaceaeBorreria tenellaReported for Pensacola, Escambia County, FL by Small (1933); presumably merely a ballast waif.image of plant
RubiaceaeBorreria terminalisEverglades ButtonweedPine rocklands.Endemic to s. FL peninsula (Miami-Dade and Monroe counties).image of plant
RubiaceaeBorreria verticillataShrubby Buttonweed, Bóton Blanco, Yerba de GarroDisturbed areas.Native of Neotropics. The native distribution of this widespread and weedy neotropical species is difficult to determine.image of plant
RubiaceaeCasasiaSeven-Year-Appleimage of plant
RubiaceaeCasasia clusiifoliaSeven-year-appleCoastal hammocks.S. FL; West Indies.image of plant
RubiaceaeCatesbyaimage of plant
RubiaceaeCatesbya parvifloraSmall-flowered LilythornPinelands, pine rocklands, coastal berms, hammocks in the Monroe County (FL) keys.S. FL (Monroe County keys); West Indies.image of plant
RubiaceaeCephalanthusButtonbushimage of plant
RubiaceaeCephalanthus occidentalisButtonbush, Honeyballs, Globe-flowersStreambanks, riverbanks, depressional wetlands, lakes, marshes, often in standing water.NL, ME, ON, MI, WI, MN, NE, NM, AZ, and CA south through Mexico to Guatemala and Honduras; Cuba (where uncertainly native).image of plant
RubiaceaeCephalanthus salicifoliusMexican ButtonbushWet areas.S. TX south to sc. Mexico.
RubiaceaeChiococcaSnowberry, Milkberryimage of plant
RubiaceaeChiococca albaSnowberry, Milkberry, Pissabed, Perlilla, CanicaCoastal hammocks, shell middens, hammock edges and adjacent habitats.N. FL (St. Johns and Dixie counties) south to s. FL; West Indies (including Bahamas and Bermuda); s. TX south through Mexico to Central America.image of plant
RubiaceaeChiococca parvifoliaPineland SnowberryCoastal berms and grasslands, rockland hammocks, pine rocklands, shell middens.S. FL; West Indies.image of plant
RubiaceaeChiococca pinetorumRockland SnowberryPine rocklands.S. FL and nw. Bahamas.image of plant
RubiaceaeCoccocypselumimage of plant
RubiaceaeCoccocypselum hirsutumYerba de GuavaDisturbed mesic pine flatwoods.Native of West Indies, Mexico, and Central America.image of plant
RubiaceaeDentellaimage of plant
RubiaceaeDentella repensLickstoopWaif on ore piles.image of plant
RubiaceaeDiodiaimage of plant
RubiaceaeDiodia harperiHarper's ButtonweedPondshores, other moist sites.E. NC south to s. peninsular FL, west to e. TX and AR.image of plant
RubiaceaeDiodia virginianaLarge ButtonweedDitches, wet fields, wet swales along highways, other moist to wet habitats.CT, PA, IL, and KS south to FL and TX; West Indies; Mexico (YUC) and Central America.image of plant
RubiaceaeEdrastimaOldenlandiaimage of plant
RubiaceaeEdrastima unifloraOldenlandiaPondshores, muddy drawdown shores, moist to wet ecotones of Coastal Plain streamheads, other moist to wet places.Mostly a species of the Southeastern Coastal Plain: NY (Long Island) south to s. FL and west to TX, north in the interior to MO. Alleged by some to be non-native, and of African origin (Ward 2012a). Discovered in PA Coastal Plain in 2009 (S. Grund, pers.comm., 2019).image of plant
RubiaceaeErithalisimage of plant
RubiaceaeErithalis fruticosaBlacktorchCoastal hammocks and dunes.S. FL; West Indies; s. Mexico (CAM, ROO, VER, YUC), Central America and n. South America.image of plant
RubiaceaeErnodeaBeach-creeper, Golden Creeper, Coughbushimage of plant
RubiaceaeErnodea cokeriCoker's Creeper, Coker's ErnodeaPine rocklands.S. FL; n. Bahamas.image of plant
RubiaceaeErnodea littoralisBeach-creeper, Coughbush, Golden CreeperBeach dunes, coastal grasslands, coastal strands, disturbed uplands, pine rocklands.S. FL; Bahamas; West Indies; Mexico (CAM, ROO, VER, YUC), Central America, and n. South America (Colombia).image of plant
RubiaceaeExostemaPersoon) Bonplandimage of plant
RubiaceaeExostema caribaeumCaribbean PrincewoodRockland hammocks.S. FL; West Indies; Mexico and Central America.image of plant
RubiaceaeGaliumBedstraw, Cleavers, Woodruffimage of plant
RubiaceaeGalium albumMoist roadsides, disturbed areas.Native of Europe. Reported from ne. United States, and very possibly in our area, but hidden under a broad interpretation of G. mollugo.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium anglicumPastures, disturbed areas.Native of w. Europe.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium aparineCleavers, Sticky-willyMeadows, thickets, disturbed areas, forests.Nearly cosmopolitan, from n. North America south through Central and South America.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium arkansanum var. arkansanumHairy-flower Arkansas Bedstraw{habitats}Endemic to the Interior Highlands of s. MO, AR, and e. OK.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium arkansanum var. pubiflorumHairy-flower Arkansas BedstrawNovaculite woodlands in the Ozarks; also potentially along adjacent glades and ridges.Endemic to the Ouachita Mountains of AR.
RubiaceaeGalium arvenseBlue Woodruff, Field MadderDisturbed areas.Native of Europe. South to WV, MD, DE (USDA NRCS 2007), and se. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993).image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium asprellumRough BedstrawFens, bogs, streambanks, wet meadows, usually in at least somewhat base-rich soils.NL (Newfoundland) west to MN, south to n. VA, w. NC, ne. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), and MO (Yatskievych 2013). The report for sc. TN is an error (D. Estes, pers. comm., 2005).image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium bermudenseCoastal BedstrawMaritime forests, longleaf pine sandhills, dry sandy forests.S. NJ south to FL, west to LA, primarily on the Coastal Plain; Bahamas; Bermuda.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium borealeNorthern BedstrawLimestone and dolostone bluffs, outcrops, and rocky woodlands, calcareous or ultramafic (serpentine) barrens.Circumboreal, south in North America to n. DE, w. MD, sw. VA, sc. MO, NM, AZ, and CA.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium circaezansForest Bedstraw, Licorice BedstrawMesic to dry forests.QC west to MN and NE, south to FL and TX.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium concinnumShining BedstrawMesic to dry forests.NJ west to MN and NE, south to sw. VA, e. TN, nc. TN, AR, and MS (where first reported by J. Kees, pers.comm. 2022).image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium cruciataSmooth Bedstraw, Common CrosswortDisturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium divaricatumLamarck’s Bedstraw, Wall BedstrawDisturbed areas.Native of s. Europe.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium glaucumWaxy BedstrawDisturbed areas.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium labradoricumLabrador BedstrawBogs, swamps.NL west to NT, south to n. NJ, sc. PA, ne. OH, MI, , n. IN, n. IL, n. IA, e. SD, SK, AB, and BC.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium lanceolatumLanceleaf Bedstraw, Wild-licoriceMesic to dry hardwood forests.QC west to MN, south to w. NC and e. TN.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium latifoliumPurple Bedstraw, Wideleaf BedstrawMoist hardwood forests.C. PA and KY south to n. GA and n. AL, a Southern and Central Appalachian endemic.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium mollugoSmooth Bedstraw, Hedge BedstrawMoist roadsides, disturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium obtusum var. filifoliumCarolina BedstrawMarshes, swamps, creekbanks, alluvial forests.S. NJ south to c. GA, primarily on the Coastal Plain.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium obtusum var. obtusumBluntleaf BedstrawMarshes, swamps.NS west to SD, south to FL and TX.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium odoratumSweet Woodruff, WaldmeisterCommonly cultivated, rarely escaped or persistent, rarely along railroad tracks.Native of Europe.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium orizabense ssp. laevicauleBald Bedstraw, Smoothstem BedstrawMesic forests, maritime forests, swamp edges.Se. VA south to FL, west to se. TX; West Indies.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium palustreMarsh BedstrawMarshes, wet soil.NL (Labrador) and ON south to MD, s. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993), MD, WV, OH, IN, and IL; also in Europe and nw. North America.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium parisienseWall BedstrawDisturbed areas.Native of s., w., and c. Europe.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium pedemontanumPiedmont Bedstraw, Piedmont CrosswortLawns, grassy roadsides, pastures.Native of s. Europe. In GA Mountains and Piedmont (T. Govus, pers. comm. 2005). Reported for DE and MD by Longbottom, Naczi, & Knapp (2016).image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium pilosumHairy BedstrawForests, woodland borders, longleaf pine sandhills, prairies, coastal prairies, clearings.S. NH west to MI, n. IL, MO, and KS, south to c. peninsular FL and TX.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium proliferumLimestone BedstrawLimestone slopes.C. and s. TX west to s. CA, south to n. Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE, SLP, SON, TAM).image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium rubioidesEuropean BedstrawPersisting and apparently spreading from cultivation.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium sherardiaBlue Field-madderLawns, roadsides, other disturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium spuriumDisturbed areas.NJ and northwards, but probably more widespread in our area than known at this time (records included under Galium aparine); n. Eurasia.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium texenseTexas BedstrawGravelly limestone slopes.W. AR and OK south to s. TX.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium tinctorium var. floridanumFlorida Three-lobed Bedstraw, Stiff Marsh BedstrawSwamps, marshes, and ditches.MA south to FL, west to e. TX, mostly on the Coastal Plain, but extending inland to w. VA, w. NC, se. KY, s. IL, and se. MO.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium tinctorium var. tinctoriumSouthern Three-lobed Bedstraw, Stiff Marsh BedstrawSwamps, marshes, and ditches.NL (Newfoundland) west to MN and NE, south to SC, n. GA, KY, and ne. MO.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium tricornutumSmall BedstrawDisturbed areas.Native of Europe. This species has been reported from Cherokee and Greenwood counties, SC, nearby GA, and se. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993).image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium trifidum var. trifidumNorthern Three-lobed BedstrawMoist places, bogs, and swamps.Circumboreal, south in North America to DE, PA, NJ, s. OH, s. IN, IL, IA, NE, CO, n. UT, and WA.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium triflorumSweet-scented BedstrawMesic to dry upland forests, floodplain forests, seepage swamps, old fields, disturbed areas, usually on base-rich soils.Circumboreal, south in North America to FL and Mexico (TAM, VER).image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium uniflorumOne-flowered BedstrawMoist slope forests and alluvial forests.Se. VA south to FL, west to AR and e. TX.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium verumYellow Bedstraw, Our Lady's BedstrawMeadows, pastures, roadsides.Native of Europe.image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium virgatumOzark BedstrawGlades, ledgetops, rocky prairies, open blackland prairies (GA), waif around wool-combing mill (SC), other disturbed areas.Native from TN, c. GA (Houston County), and AL west to KS, OK, and TX (not listed for Mexico in Villaseñor 2016).image of plant
RubiaceaeGalium wirtgeniiYellow BedstrawDisturbed areas.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
RubiaceaeGardeniaGardeniaimage of plant
RubiaceaeGardenia jasminoidesGardeniaPersistent from horticultural plantings, perhaps spreading (H. Horne, pers. comm., 2014).Native of China and Japan.image of plant
RubiaceaeGuettardaVelvetseedimage of plant
RubiaceaeGuettarda ellipticaHammock Velvetseed, Common VelvetseedHammocks, pinelands.S. FL; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and n. South America (Colombia).image of plant
RubiaceaeGuettarda scabraRough VelvetseedHammocks, pinelands.S. FL; West Indies; n. South America.image of plant
RubiaceaeHameliaFirebushimage of plant
RubiaceaeHamelia patens var. glabraMexican Firebush, African FirebushSuburban woodlands, disturbed areas.Native of Central America and n. South America.image of plant
RubiaceaeHamelia patens var. patensFirebushMaritime hammocks, mesic hammocks, rockland hammocks, marl prairies, pine rocklands, floodplain forests, strand swamps, disturbed upland areas.S. FL; West Indies; n. Mexico south through Central America to c. South America.
RubiaceaeHexasepalumimage of plant
RubiaceaeHexasepalum radulaChrome ore piles and ballast, a waif.Native of South America.image of plant
RubiaceaeHexasepalum teresPoorjoeDunes, sandy roadsides, glades, hardpans, other dry habitats.MA, NY and WI, south to FL, TX, and CA, south through Mexico and Central America.image of plant
RubiaceaeHoustoniaBluet, Diamond-flowerimage of plant
RubiaceaeHoustonia caeruleaQuaker Ladies, Innocence, Common Bluet, PissabedForests, woodlands, openings, lawns, a wide variety of disturbed sites.ME, ON, and WI south to s. GA, s. AL, w. LA, and OK.image of plant
RubiaceaeHoustonia canadensisCanada BluetDry limestone barrens (sometimes locally abundant in shallow soils over limestone), limestone woodlands and outcrops.ME and s. ON west to MI and n. IL, south to sw. VA, se. and c. TN, nw. GA, w. TN, and se. MO (J. Thomas, pers. comm., 2016).image of plant
RubiaceaeHoustonia croftiaeCroft's BluetSandy open areas, sparsely vegetated areas in grasslands or among shrubs.Endemic to s. TX (Duval, Hidalgo, Jim Wells, Refugio, San Patricio, Starr, Webb, and Zapata counties).
RubiaceaeHoustonia floridanaRockland BluetPine rocklands, marl prairies.S. FL (Miami-Dade and Monroe counties); n. Bahamas.image of plant
RubiaceaeHoustonia humifusaMat BluetsSandy prairies, dunes, other sandy places, disturbed areas.OK and NM south through se., s. and w. TX.
RubiaceaeHoustonia lanceolataMidwestern Summer Bluet, Lanceleaf Bluet, Glade Mountain HoustoniaCalcareous prairies and barrens, dry woodlands, banks, rock outcrops, shallow soils around mafic and calcareous rock outcrops.H. lanceolata ranges from s. ME and w. NY west to s. OH, and sw. MO, south to w. NC, n. GA, AL, MS, AR, and e. OK. The distribution and ecology of H. lanceolata in our area are poorly known; it apparently occupies drier and typically more circumneutral sites than H. purpurea.image of plant
RubiaceaeHoustonia longifolia var. compactaEastern Longleaf BluetDry rock outcrops and adjacent open woodlands, longleaf pine sandhills, dry sandy woodlands, dry roadbanks, glades and barrens.Var. compacta is centered in the central Appalachians of VA, WV, e. KY, and se. OH, with extensions north to VT, west into n. IL, and south in the Piedmont and adjacent Coastal Plain to SC, GA, and Panhandle FL.image of plant
RubiaceaeHoustonia longifolia var. glabraGranite Dome BluetSeasonally and periodically wet soils of shallow soil mats and crevices of granitic domes.Var. glabra is endemic to the granitic dome district centered around Highlands, NC, occurring in sw. NC, nw. SC, and ne. GAimage of plant
RubiaceaeHoustonia longifolia var. longifoliaNorthern Longleaf BluetDry sandy or rocky habitats.New England and maritime Canada west to MN and SK, south to n. NJ, PA, n. IN, n. IL.image of plant
RubiaceaeHoustonia micranthaSouthern BluetDunes, sandy soils, granitic flatrocks, other glades, disturbed areas, roadsides.E. and c. GA west to sc. KY, sw. TN, s. MO, nw. AR, south to w. FL Panhandle, s. MS, s. LA, and e. TX. In 2017-2018, found eastwards of its known native distribution on roadsides and other disturbed areas in Wake County, NC (B. England, pers. comm., 2017, 2018). Reported for Barren County, KY (Brock 2020).image of plant
RubiaceaeHoustonia montanaRoan Mountain BluetIn crevices of rock outcrops at the summits of high elevation peaks of the Southern Blue Ridge, also in thin, frost-heaved, gravelly soils of grassy balds near summit outcrops, from 1250-1950 m in elevation.This species is endemic to the high Blue Ridge of nw. NC, ne. TN, and sw. VA, most notably occurring on Roan Mountain, Grandfather Mountain, Bluff Mountain, and Three Top Mountain. This species was recently found in sw. VA, at Grayson Highlands State Park, Grayson County (G.P. Fleming & K.D. Patterson, pers. comm., 2013).image of plant
RubiaceaeHoustonia nigricans var. 1
RubiaceaeHoustonia nigricans var. nigricansDiamond-flower, Glade Bluet, Prairie BluetLimestone barrens, limestone glades, limestone rocky bluffs, blackland prairies, longleaf pine sandhills, coastal dunes, coastal grasslands, scrubby pine flatwoods.Sw. VA (Ludwig 1999), s. MI, IA, NE, and e. CO, south to s. FL, TX, e. NM, and along the Sierra Madre Oriental to Hidalgo, Mexico. Turner (1995b) reports Houstonia nigricans var. nigricans (as Hedyotis nigricans var. nigricans) from Pickens County, SC; the documentation is not known to me, and suitable habitats there are unlikely.image of plant
RubiaceaeHoustonia nigricans var. pulvinataFlorida Dune Diamond-flowerCoastal dunes.FL peninsula (Flagler and St. Johns counties).
RubiaceaeHoustonia ouachitanaOuachita Bluet, Ouachita HoustoniaOak forests, bottomlands, openings, generally in more mesic places than H. tenuifolia.Ouachita Mountains of sw. AR and se. OK.
RubiaceaeHoustonia parvifloraGreenman's BluetTallgrass prairies.S. TX; disjunct to nw. AR.
RubiaceaeHoustonia procumbensCreeping Bluet, Fairy-footprints, Roundleaf Bluet, InnocenceBeach dunes, moist to wet sandy pinelands and savannas, sandy firelanes.Se. NC south to s. FL, west to se. LA.image of plant
RubiaceaeHoustonia purpureaSummer Bluet, Mountain BluetMoist and dry woodlands and forests, thinner soils around rock outcrops, and in a variety of disturbed sites, such as paths, old roads, and roadbanks.DE, MD, and s. PA west to s. OH, s. IL, and sw. MO south to SC, sw. GA, Panhandle FL, MS, s. LA, e. TX, and e. OK.image of plant
RubiaceaeHoustonia pusillaTiny BluetWoodlands, prairies, glades, barrens, lawns, cemeteries, and other disturbed sites.MD south to Panhandle FL, west to TX, and inland from IL west to NE, south to TN and TX. The natural habitats and original distribution of this species are obscure.image of plant
RubiaceaeHoustonia roseaRose BluetBottomlands, lawns, disturbed areas.AL west to se. MO, OK, and TX.image of plant
RubiaceaeHoustonia rupestrisCliff Diamond-flowerLimestone river bluffs and cliffs.Largely restricted to limestone cliff-tops along the Kentucky River Palisades, the Cumberland River in KY and TN, and perhaps the Sequatchie Valley in TN.image of plant
RubiaceaeHoustonia serpyllifoliaAppalachian Bluet, Thyme-leaf BluetStreambanks, grassy balds, moist forests, seepy rock outcrops, spray cliffs, and moist disturbed areas.A Southern and Central Appalachian endemic: PA south to nw. SC and ne. GA.image of plant
RubiaceaeHoustonia subviscosaNodding BluetSandy soils, dunes.Nc. TX south through se. and s. TX to (?) ne. Mexico.
RubiaceaeHoustonia tenuifoliaDiffuse-branched BluetUsually in dry woodlands, often rocky (especially mafic rocks) or sandy.This species is centered in the Southern Appalachians and the Ozarks, extending into provinces adjacent to both areas of concentration, ranging overall from PA west to MO and OK, south to SC, GA, and TX; disjunct in Panhandle FL.image of plant
RubiaceaeIxoraIxora, Jungle-flameimage of plant
RubiaceaeIxora coccineaScarlet Jungle-flameDisturbed areas.Native of Asia.image of plant
RubiaceaeIxora pavettaTorch-tree, Smallflower Jungle-flameDisturbed areas.Native of Asia.image of plant
RubiaceaeMitchellaPartridge-berryimage of plant
RubiaceaeMitchella repensPartridge-berry, Two-eyed-berry, Running BoxDeciduous and coniferous forests, stream-banks, heath balds, maritime forests, on rotten logs and hummocks in bottomlands and other wetter habitats.NS west to MN, south to c. peninsular FL and TX; disjunct in montane Mexico (CAM, CHP, GRO, HGO, NLE, OAX, PUE, QRO, SLP, TAM, VER) and Guatemala.image of plant
RubiaceaeMitracarpusGirdle-podimage of plant
RubiaceaeMitracarpus hirtusGirdle-podDisturbed areas, roadsides.Native of tropical America. Reported for GA Coastal Plain (Charlton County) (Carter, Baker, & Morris 2009) and SC Coastal Plain (Jasper County) (Bradley et al. [in prep.]).image of plant
RubiaceaeMorindaimage of plant
RubiaceaeMorinda citrifoliaIndian-mulberry, NoniBeaches, disturbed areas on the coast.Native of Asia and Australia.image of plant
RubiaceaeMorinda royocRedgal, Cheeseshrub, Wild-mulberry, RhubarbCoastal hammocks, other hammocks.C. and s. FL peninsula; West Indies; s. Mexico (CAM, CHP, ROO, TAB, YUC), Central America, and South America.image of plant
RubiaceaeOldenlandiaOldenlandiaimage of plant
RubiaceaeOldenlandia bosciiBosc's Bluet, Bosc's Mille-grainesClay-based Carolina bays, rivershore and millpond drawdown shores, sagponds, other seasonally saturated habitats.A Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic: se. VA south to FL and west to TX.image of plant
RubiaceaeOldenlandia corymbosaDiamond-flowerMoist lawns, gardens.Native of Africa or possibly South America. Reported for NC by Nesom (2000e).image of plant
RubiaceaeOldenlandia salzmanniiRoadside ditches, marshes.Native of South America. Introduced in s. AL and w. Panhandle FL.image of plant
RubiaceaeOldenlandiopsisOldenlandiopsis, Creeping-Bluetimage of plant
RubiaceaeOldenlandiopsis callitrichoidesCreeping-bluet, OldenlandiopsisWet or moist disturbed urban areas.Native of the West Indies and Mexico (YUC) and Central America.image of plant
RubiaceaePaederiaSkunk-vineimage of plant
RubiaceaePaederia cruddasianaSewervine, Stinkvine, FevervineDisturbed areas.Native of s. Asia.image of plant
RubiaceaePaederia foetidaSkunkvineDisturbed areas.Native of se. Asia. Diamond (1999) reports its naturalization in Randolph County, NC; Carter, Baker, & Morris (2009) report its naturalization in several counties in the GA Coastal Plain; reported also in s. AL (Mobile County) by Barger et al. (2019).image of plant
RubiaceaePentasimage of plant
RubiaceaePentas lanceolataEgyptian StarclusterDisturbed hammocks, disturbed areas, sometimes spreading weakly from cultivation.image of plant
RubiaceaePentodonimage of plant
RubiaceaePentodon pentandrusPentodonPond edges, drawdowns, sloughs, wet meadows, moist ground.Apparently native of sub-Saharan Africa, now distributed in e. SC south to s. FL, west to se. TX; West Indies.image of plant
RubiaceaePinckneyaPinckneya, Fever-treeimage of plant
RubiaceaePinckneya bracteataPinckneya, Fever-treeMargins of acidic, peaty (blackwater) swamps.Se. SC south to ne. FL and Panhandle FL.image of plant
RubiaceaePsychotriaWild Coffeeimage of plant
RubiaceaePsychotria ligustrifoliaSmooth Wild Coffee, Bahama Wild CoffeeRockland hammocks, pine rocklands.S. FL; West Indies (Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands).image of plant
RubiaceaePsychotria nervosaWild CoffeeHammocks.Ne. FL (Duval County) south to s. FL; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and n. South America.image of plant
RubiaceaePsychotria punctataDotted Wild CoffeeRockland hammocks, disturbed areas.Native of Africa. Naturalized in the Florida Keys (Monroe County) and mainland FL in Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach counties (Wetterer 2022).image of plant
RubiaceaePsychotria tenuifoliaShortleaf Wild CoffeeHammocks, swamps, pine rocklands, disturbed areas.S. FL; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and South America.image of plant
RubiaceaeRandiaIndigoberryimage of plant
RubiaceaeRandia aculeata var. aculeataWhite Indigoberry, Inkberry, Box BriarHammocks, pine rocklands, coastal strands, disturbed areas.S. and c. peninsular FL; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and South America.image of plant
RubiaceaeRandia rhagocarpaCrucillo, Texas RandiaOpen chaparral, brushlands, and thickets.S. TX, TAM, NLE, SLP, and VER.
RubiaceaeRichardiaRichardiaimage of plant
RubiaceaeRichardia brasiliensisTropical RichardiaRoadsides, fields, vacant lots, urban areas, disturbed areas.Native of South America.image of plant
RubiaceaeRichardia grandifloraLargeflower RichardiaYards, 'improved' pastures, disturbed areas.Native of South America (mainly Brazil). Near the northern edge of its current documented distribution, it was reported for Alachua County (Kunzer et al. 2009), "rapidly spreading".
RubiaceaeRichardia humistrataDisturbed areas, pine savannas, pine flatwoods.Native of South America. Also collected in 1886 as a ballast waif in Camden County, NJ; first noted on the Gulf Coast only in 1941, but perhaps early introduced there on ballast as well, such as at Pensacola.image of plant
RubiaceaeRichardia scabraRough Mexican-cloverRoadsides, fields, vacant lots, urban areas, disturbed areas.Native of South America. Lewis & Oliver (1974) consider this species to be native from our area south through Central America into northern South America, based on the semi-contiguous distribution, but occurrences in our region seem to be in altered habitats.image of plant
RubiaceaeRichardia tricoccaPrairie RichardiaBrushy areas and woodlands.E., c., and s. TX south to s. Mexico.
RubiaceaeRubia tinctoriaMadderNative of Eurasia.
RubiaceaeRubiaceaeMadder Familyimage of plant
RubiaceaeSarcocephalusimage of plant
RubiaceaeSarcocephalus latifoliusAfrican-peachNative of Africa.image of plant
RubiaceaeSpermacoceButtonweedimage of plant
RubiaceaeSpermacoce glabraSmooth ButtonweedMoist shores, bottomlands, riverside drawdowns, rocky riversides in the mountains, disturbed areas in the Coastal Plain.C. MD, s. OH, c. IN, c. IL, MO, and e. KS south to s. SC, Panhandle FL, s. AL, s. MS, LA, and e. TX. Perhaps only introduced in some parts of our area; see Wieboldt et al. (1998) for discussion.image of plant
RubiaceaeSpermacoce keyensisFlorida ButtonweedPinelands.S. FL; West Indies. Reported for s. TX (Correll & Johnston 1970).image of plant
RubiaceaeSpermacoce ocymoidesWet pine flatwoods, floodplain forests.FL, AL, MS, south through the New World tropics.image of plant
RubiaceaeSpermacoce remotaWoodland ButtonweedWet hammocks, bottomland forests, marshes.Sw. GA, s. AL, and FL; Central America, South America, and the West Indies.image of plant
RubiaceaeSpermacoce tenuiorIn clay soils along creeks.S. TX south through Mexico and Central America to South America. Reported from sw. GA and MS (Kartesz 1999, 2010) {IDs need checking; seems a bit unlikely}.image of plant
RubiaceaeSpermacoce tetraquetraPineland ButtonweedPinelands, hammocks, disturbed areas.S. FL; West Indies; s. Mexico and Central America.image of plant
RubiaceaeStrumpfiaStrumpfiaimage of plant
RubiaceaeStrumpfia maritimaStrumpfia, Seaside-rosemary, Pride of Big PineCoastal strands, pine rocklands.S. FL (Monroe County keys); West Indies; s. Mexico (ROO, YUC); South America (n. Venezuela).image of plant