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38 results for family: Ruscaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
RuscaceaeAspidistraAspidistraimage of plant
RuscaceaeAspidistra elatiorAspidistra, Cast-iron PlantMaritime forests, suburban woodlands, vacant lots.Native of Japan. See Barger et al. (2012) for additional details about its occurrence in s. AL and Franck et al. (2016) for additional details about its known occurrences in FL. Also reported for AR (Serviss et al. 2019).image of plant
RuscaceaeConvallariaLily-of-the-Valleyimage of plant
RuscaceaeConvallaria majalisEuropean Lily-of-the-ValleyOld homesites, roadsides, persistent after cultivation, and casually escaping to nearby woodlands and forests.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
RuscaceaeConvallaria pseudomajalisAmerican Lily-of-the-ValleyMountain forests, particularly in rocky woodlands or forests on or near ridgetops under northern red oak at about 1000 to 1500 m elevation, sometimes at lower elevations (down to at least 700 m) and under Quercus montana.Endemic to the Southern Appalachians: WV and VA through NC and TN to ne. GA (Jones & Coile 1988) and nw. SC (there appears to be no documentation for old reports by Bartram, Rafinesque, and Greene of this species for PA).image of plant
RuscaceaeDanaeAlexandrian Laurel, Danaëimage of plant
RuscaceaeDanae racemosaAlexandrian LaurelSuburban forests; rare, uncommon in cultivation, rarely escaping to suburban forests.Native of sw. Asia.image of plant
RuscaceaeDasylirionSotolimage of plant
RuscaceaeDasylirion texanumTexas SotolDry rocky areas.C. and w. TX south to n. Mexico (CHH, COA, DGO, NLE, SLP, TAM).image of plant
RuscaceaeDracaenaSansevieria, Dragon Treeimage of plant
RuscaceaeDracaena angolensisDisturbed upland areas.Native of Africa.image of plant
RuscaceaeDracaena hyacinthoidesSansevieria, Bowstring-hemp, Mother-in-law’s-tongueDisturbed hammocks, other disturbed areas.Native of Africa.image of plant
RuscaceaeDracaena trifasciataDisturbed uplands.Native of w. Africa.image of plant
RuscaceaeLiriopeLiriope, Lilyturfimage of plant
RuscaceaeLiriope exiliflora
RuscaceaeLiriope graminifoliaGrassleaf Lily-turfSuburban woodlands, from horticultural use.Native of e. Asia.image of plant
RuscaceaeLiriope muscariLiriope, Big Blue LilyturfCommonly planted, persistent and escaping, locally abundant.Native of China, Japan, and Taiwan.image of plant
RuscaceaeLiriope spicataCreeping LilyturfCommonly planted, persistent and escaping, locally abundant.Native of China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.image of plant
RuscaceaeMaianthemumMayflower, Solomon's-plumeimage of plant
RuscaceaeMaianthemum canadenseCanada Mayflower, "False Lily-of-the-valley", Two-leaved Solomon's-SealMoist forests, especially at high elevations.NL (Labrador) and NL (Newfoundland) west to NT, south to MD, NC, n. GA (Jones & Coile 1988), KY and SD.image of plant
RuscaceaeMaianthemum racemosumEastern Solomon's-plume, May-Plume, Treacleberry, "False Solomon's-seal"Moist to dry forests.The species (as here circumscribed narrowly to exclude the western M. amplexicaule) ranges from NS west to MB, south to GA, FL Panhandle, OK, and ne. TX.image of plant
RuscaceaeMaianthemum stellatumStarry Solomon's-plume, StarflowerAlluvial forests, calcareous fens, seepage swamps.NL (Newfoundland) west to BC, south to NJ, w. VA, e. TN, IN, MO, CA, and n. Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE, SON).image of plant
RuscaceaeMaianthemum trifoliumThree-leaf Solomon's-plumeFens and bogs, swamp forests.NL west to YU, south to n. NJ, sw. PA, n. OH, MI, WI, MN, MB, SK, AB, and BC; also ne. Asia.image of plant
RuscaceaeNolinaBeargrassimage of plant
RuscaceaeNolina atopocarpaFlorida BeargrassPine flatwoods and pine savannas.Endemic to Panhandle FL (Liberty, Franklin, and Wakulla counties) and peninsular FL.image of plant
RuscaceaeNolina brittonianaBritton’s BeargrassLongleaf pine sandhills and Florida scrub, scrubby flatwoods, sand pine scrub, xeric yellow and white sands.N. peninsular FL (Marion County) south to sc. FL (Highlands County) and w. peninsular FL (Manatee County).image of plant
RuscaceaeNolina georgianaGeorgia Beargrass, Sandhill LilyLongleaf pine sandhills, sometimes locally common on slightly less xeric lower sandhill slopes, shallow soils near rock outcrops.Nc. SC south to sc. GA; this species was attributed to FL (Small 1933), but is not accepted for that state by more recent sources (Clewell 1985; Wunderlin & Hansen 2011; Hess in FNA 2002a).image of plant
RuscaceaeNolina lindheimerianaLindheimer's BeargrassLimestone outcrops.Mainly Edwards Plateau, c. TX, rarely eastwards.image of plant
RuscaceaeNolina texanaTexas Beargrass, SacahuistaRocky soils.S. OK and n. NM south to c. and s. TX and c. Mexico (CHH, COA, DGO, NLE, SLP, SON, ZAC).image of plant
RuscaceaeOphiopogonMondo Grassimage of plant
RuscaceaeOphiopogon jaburanJaburan Lily-turfimage of plant
RuscaceaeOphiopogon japonicusMondo Grass, Black MondoSuburban forests.Native of China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea.image of plant
RuscaceaePolygonatumSolomon's-sealimage of plant
RuscaceaePolygonatum biflorum var. biflorumSmall Solomon's-sealMoist to dry forests.CT, NY, and s. ON west to MI, NE, and IN, south to n. FL, s. AL, and e. TX.image of plant
RuscaceaePolygonatum biflorum var. commutatumLarge Solomon's-seal, King Solomon's-sealMoist forests, roadbanks.NH west to s. MB, south to SC, GA, MS, LA, and TX.image of plant
RuscaceaePolygonatum biflorum var. hebetifoliumApalachicola Solomon’s-sealRich bluff forests.Endemic to FL Panhandle.
RuscaceaePolygonatum pubescensDowny Solomon’s-seal, Hairy Solomon’s-sealMoist forests, especially cove forests, but also in montane oak forests.S. QC west to s. MB, south to nw. SC (S. Tessel, pers.comm., 2023), n. GA, ne. AL, IN, ne. IA, and MN.image of plant
RuscaceaeRuscaceaeRuscus Familyimage of plant