9 results for family: Salviniaceae.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Salviniaceae | Azolla | Mosquito Fern | | |
Salviniaceae | Azolla caroliniana | Eastern Mosquito Fern, Water fern | Stagnant waters of interdune ponds, limesink ponds, old millponds, beaver ponds, floodplain sloughs, often locally abundant. | Widespread in the se. United States, extending irregularly north (partly from introductions) into s. New England and MN, and south into the tropics. |
Salviniaceae | Azolla filiculoides | Large Mosquito Fern | Freshwater lakes, beaver ponds, artificial impoundments. | Native of w. North America, south into Mexico, Central America, South America, e. Asia. This species is reported for e. GA from a freshwater lake on Sapelo Island, McIntosh County (Bates & Browne 1981), presumably as an accidental introduction. Bunch & Hayden (2020) report it for two locations in the Coastal Plain of VA (Chesterfield and Sussex counties). It seems likely to be more widespread that currently reported. |
Salviniaceae | Azolla microphylla | Mexican Mosquito Fern | Stagnant fresh waters. | Mostly w. North America (east to the Mississippi River areas of MN and WI south to AR and w. TN; also e. and s. TX); Mexico to South America. |
Salviniaceae | Azolla pinnata ssp. asiatica | Asian Mosquito Fern | Still waters. | Native of Asia. | |
Salviniaceae | Salvinia | Water Spangles | | |
Salviniaceae | Salvinia minima | Water Spangles | Quiet waters. | Native of the Neotropics. |
Salviniaceae | Salvinia molesta | Giant Salvinia, Kariba Weed | Still waters of farm ponds, calcareous seepage ponds, and other situations. | Native of Brazil. S. molesta has been found at scattered sites in GA (Gwinnett and Lamar counties) (Carter, Baker, & Morris 2009), NC (Brunswick, Carteret, Craven, Cumberland, Duplin, Durham, Johnston, Jones, Lenoir, Mecklenburg, New Hanover, Onslow, Orange, Person, Pitt, Sampson, and Wake counties), SC (Colleton County), and VA (Shenandoah County), where it has been subjected to extermination efforts; it will likely be reintroduced (Anonymous 1999, D. Patterson, pers. comm.) |
Salviniaceae | Salviniaceae | Floating Fern Family | | |