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5 results for family: Schizaeaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
SchizaeaceaeActinostachysRay Fernimage of plant
SchizaeaceaeActinostachys pennulaRay FernBayheads, floodplain forests, mesic flatwoods, rockland hammocks, on stumps and Osmunda spectabilis bases.S. FL; West Indies; se. Mexico (CHP, ROO), Central America, and South America.
SchizaeaceaeSchizaeaCurly-grass Fernimage of plant
SchizaeaceaeSchizaea pusillaCurly-grass FernMoist, peaty soil in Coastal Plain bogs, often associated with Pseudolycopodiella caroliniana, Drosera filiformis, and Chamaecyparis thyoides (though not in dense Chamaecyparis stands).In acid, boggy sites in DE, NJ, NY, NL (Newfoundland), NS, and NB; a similar or possibly identical plant is known from Peru (Stolze 1987). See LeBlond & Weakley (2002) for further information on this species’ (apparently introduced) occurrence in Brunswick County, NC.image of plant
SchizaeaceaeSchizaeaceaeCurly-grass Familyimage of plant