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10 results for family: Tamaricaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
TamaricaceaeTamaricaceaeTamarisk Familyimage of plant
TamaricaceaeTamarixTamarisk, Saltcedar, Athelimage of plant
TamaricaceaeTamarix africanaAfrican TamariskBrackish marshes, coastal sands.Native of sw. Mediterranean Europe, ne. Africa, and the Canary Islands.
TamaricaceaeTamarix aphyllaSaltcedar, AthelAlong streams, salt flats, disturbed areas.Native of w. Asia.
TamaricaceaeTamarix canariensisCanary Island TamariskBrackish marshes, coastal hammocks, coastal sands.Native of sw. Europe, ne. Africa, and the Canary Islands.image of plant
TamaricaceaeTamarix chinensisChinese Tamarisk, SaltcedarBrackish marshes, coastal hammocks, dunes and coastal sands, sand and gravel bars along rivers, along streams (TX), disturbed areas.Native of China, Korea, and Japan.image of plant
TamaricaceaeTamarix gallicaFrench TamariskBrackish marshes.Native of the w. Mediterranean region of Europe. Most reports of this taxon from the Southeast represent misidentifications or a very broad interpretation of the species.image of plant
TamaricaceaeTamarix parvifloraSmall-flower TamariskCoastal sands.Native of se. Europe (Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey).image of plant
TamaricaceaeTamarix ramosissimaSalt-cedarBrackish marshes, coastal hammocks, dunes and coastal sands, sand and gravel bars along rivers, disturbed areas.Native of w. to e. Asia.image of plant
TamaricaceaeTamarix tetragynaCoastal sands.Native of the Middle East. Established on Cumberland Island, Camden County, GA (Crins 1989b).image of plant