10 results for family: Tamaricaceae.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Tamaricaceae | Tamaricaceae | Tamarisk Family | | |
Tamaricaceae | Tamarix | Tamarisk, Saltcedar, Athel | | |
Tamaricaceae | Tamarix africana | African Tamarisk | Brackish marshes, coastal sands. | Native of sw. Mediterranean Europe, ne. Africa, and the Canary Islands. | |
Tamaricaceae | Tamarix aphylla | Saltcedar, Athel | Along streams, salt flats, disturbed areas. | Native of w. Asia. | |
Tamaricaceae | Tamarix canariensis | Canary Island Tamarisk | Brackish marshes, coastal hammocks, coastal sands. | Native of sw. Europe, ne. Africa, and the Canary Islands. |
Tamaricaceae | Tamarix chinensis | Chinese Tamarisk, Saltcedar | Brackish marshes, coastal hammocks, dunes and coastal sands, sand and gravel bars along rivers, along streams (TX), disturbed areas. | Native of China, Korea, and Japan. |
Tamaricaceae | Tamarix gallica | French Tamarisk | Brackish marshes. | Native of the w. Mediterranean region of Europe. Most reports of this taxon from the Southeast represent misidentifications or a very broad interpretation of the species. |
Tamaricaceae | Tamarix parviflora | Small-flower Tamarisk | Coastal sands. | Native of se. Europe (Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey). |
Tamaricaceae | Tamarix ramosissima | Salt-cedar | Brackish marshes, coastal hammocks, dunes and coastal sands, sand and gravel bars along rivers, disturbed areas. | Native of w. to e. Asia. |
Tamaricaceae | Tamarix tetragyna | | Coastal sands. | Native of the Middle East. Established on Cumberland Island, Camden County, GA (Crins 1989b). |