48 results for family: Trilliaceae.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Trilliaceae | Trilliaceae | Trillium Family | | | 
Trilliaceae | Trillidium | | | | 
Trilliaceae | Trillidium undulatum | Painted Trillium, Striped Wake-robin | Acidic soils of ridges, slopes, and bog margins, mostly at high elevations and often associated with Rhododendron, Tsuga, Pinus, or Picea. | NB, e. QC, s. ON, and MI, south to w. NC, nw. SC, n. GA, e. TN, and ne. OH. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium | Trillium, Toadshade, Wake-robin | | | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium catesbyi | Catesby's Trillium, Bashful Trillium, Rosy Wake-robin | Bottomland forests, mesic slopes, cove forests. | Nc. NC south to sw. GA and se. AL, north in the interior to n. AL and se. TN, centered in the Piedmont from NC to GA, but extending into the Mountains and Coastal Plain | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium cernuum | Northern Nodding Trillium | Moist rich woods, seepage edges, damp forests with Fraxinus nigra and Ulmus americana, on mafic or calcareous substrates. | NL (Newfoundland), Hudson Bay area, and se. SK south to n. VA, ne. WV, n. IN, n. IL, n. IA, and SD. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium cuneatum | Sweet Betsy, Purple Toadshade, Large Toadshade, Wedge-petal Trillium, Bloody Butcher | In rich soils of cove forests, moist slopes, and bottomlands, usually over mafic or calcareous rocks, locally abundant. | Nc. NC, c. KY, and s. IL south to sc. GA, sc. AL, and s. MS. Sometimes spreading from cultivation outside of this area. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium decipiens | Chattahoochee Trillium, Deceptive Trillium | Moist forests. | FL Panhandle (Jackson and Walton counties) and sc. AL east to ec. GA. Material in Abbeville County, SC, previously attributed here is under study. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium decumbens | Decumbent Trillium | Moist forests. | Se. TN (Chester et al. 1993) south and west to nw. GA and nc. AL; it should be sought in extreme sw. NC, an extremely "under-botanized" area. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium delicatum | Ocmulgee Trillium, Oaky Woods Trillium | Rich, mesic, deciduous forests. | Known from five scattered populations in the c. and sw. GA Piedmont (Harris and Muscogee counties) and upper Coastal Plain (Houston, Bleckley, and Greene counties), in the Ocmulgee and Oconee River drainages. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium discolor | Pale Yellow Trillium, Pale Trillium, Small Yellow Toadshade | Rich cove and bluff forests, restricted to the Savannah River drainage; rare. | Endemic to the Savannah River drainage of nw. SC, ne. GA, and sw. NC, occurring in the Blue Ridge and Piedmont. In NC it is restricted to a few sites along the Whitewater and Thompson Rivers. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium erectum | Red Trillium, Purple Trillium, Stinking Willie, Stinking Benjamin, Wake-robin | Wooded slopes, usually at middle to high elevations. | NB, QC, and MI south to w. NC, nw. SC, n. GA, e. TN, IN, and se. WI. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium flexipes | Bent White Trillium | Moist coves over mafic or calcareous rocks. | E. PA, s. ON and s. MN south to w. NC, nw. GA, n. AL, ne. MS (Tishomingo County), mostly west of the Blue Ridge, but scattered in the Blue Ridge of NC, and disjunct east of the Blue Ridge in DE, PA, and MD. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium foetidissimum | Stinking Wake-robin | Bluffs, ravines, bottomlands. | MS west to LA. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium georgianum | Georgia Least Trillium | Hardwood flatwoods. | Endemic to n. GA. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium gracile | Slender Trillium, Graceful Trillium | Rich bottomland and slope forests. | W. LA and e. TX. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium grandiflorum | Large-flowered Trillium, White Trillium, Great White Trillium | Rich coves and mesic slopes, also less typically on ridges over "rich" rock types. | S. QC, s. ON, MI, and MN, south to NJ, c. NC, nw. SC, n. GA, n. AL, s. IL, and IA. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium lancifolium | Lanceleaf Trillium, Narrowleaf Trillium | Rich forests over marble, limestone, and other calcareous substrates, floodplain forests. | Se. TN south through w. GA and AL to Panhandle FL and se. AL. MS report is a false report -- misidentified T. stamineum. Material previously referred to this species from Kershaw County, SC represents T. oostingii. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium ludovicianum | Louisiana Wake-robin | Floodplains, streambanks, ravine forests. | MS west to e. TX. Reports of this species for AL are based on specimens of Trillium species 3. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium luteum | Yellow Trillium, Yellow Toadshade, Wax Trillium, Lemon-scented Trillium | Moist coves over mafic or calcareous rocks, locally abundant in the vicinity of the Great Smokies. | Nearly endemic to the Southern Appalachians: w. NC, e. TN, nw. GA, and se. KY, allegedly disjunct in c. AL (planted and naturalized in Frederick County, VA, and elsewhere, as in MD and PA). | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium maculatum | Mottled Trillium, Spotted Trillium | Rich forests and floodplains, over calcareous materials such as coquina limestone ("marl") or on shell middens. | S. SC south to n. FL, west to sc. AL | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium nivale | Snow Trillium, Dwarf White Trillium | Rocky, calcareous forests, characteristically growing very near rock outcrops or boulders. Further north growing in a variety of moist, rich woods, especially in alluvial or riparian situations. | MA, sw. PA, MI, WI, s. MN, and e. SD south to n. VA, KY, s. IN, s. IL, s. MO, and se. NE. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium oostingii | Wateree River Trillium | Rich bottomland forests. | So far as is known, endemic to Kershaw and Richland counties, SC, along the Wateree River. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium persistens | Persistent Trillium, Edna's Trillium | Acidic forests with hemlocks and heaths. | Endemic to a short stretch of the Tallulah-Tugaloo river system in nw. SC and ne. GA. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium pusillum var. 1 | Alabama Least Trillium | Swamps and floodplains. | C. TN south to n. AL. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium pusillum var. 3 | Aiken Least Trillium | Seepage bogs. | Endemic to sc. SC. | |
Trilliaceae | Trillium pusillum var. 4 | Carolina Least Trillium | Swampy forests, bottomland forests along small streams in the upper Coastal Plain and Piedmont-Coastal Plain fall-line transition zone. | E. NC (upper Coastal Plain and adjacent Piedmont), moist mafic areas in Grayson Co. VA. | |
Trilliaceae | Trillium pusillum var. 5 | Dismal Swamp Least Trillium | Swampy forests. | E. MD south to ne. NC. | |
Trilliaceae | Trillium pusillum var. monticulum | Appalachian Least Trillium | Dry to dry-mesic forests and woodlands, moist forests along small mountain streams. | Endemic to nw. VA, e. WV, and w. MD. | |
Trilliaceae | Trillium pusillum var. ozarkanum | Ozark Least Trillium | Dry to dry-mesic slopes, in NC under Quercus coccinea and Kalmia latifolia. | Centered in the Ozarks of sw. MO, nw. AR, and e. OK; disjunct eastward at scattered localities in sc. KY, nc. TN, sw. NC, and s. MS. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium pusillum var. pusillum | Carolina Least Trillium, Carolina Dwarf Trillium | Ecotones of calcareous savannas and swamp forests in the lower Coastal Plain. | Endemic to the outer Coastal Plain of e. NC and e. SC. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium pusillum var. virginianum | Virginia Least Trillium, Virginia Dwarf Trillium | Bottomland forests along small streams in the upper Coastal Plain, swamps and bottomland forests, also mesic beech islands in swamp forests. | Var. virginianum occurs in the Coastal Plain of se. VA. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium recurvatum | Prairie Trillium, Recurved Trillium, Prairie Wake-robin | Rich soils over calcareous or mafic rocks. | W. OH west to s. MI, s. WI, and e. IA, south to c. TN, c. AL, c. MS, n. LA, and e. TX; disjunct in the Cumberland Plateau of e. TN, e. KY, and the Blue Ridge and w. Piedmont of NC. The two known NC occurrences (Catawba and Madison counties) appear to be native. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium reliquum | Relict Trillium | Rich forests on bluffs and ravine slopes. | Known from two disjunct areas, along the Savannah River in the vicinity of Augusta, on the border of SC (Aiken and Edgefield counties) and GA (Richmond county), and along the Chattahoochee River and tributaries in sw. GA (Clay and Early counties) and se. AL (Lee, Bullock, and Henry counties). It also occurs in scattered locations in the upper coastal plain of GA in the drainages of the Chattahoochee, Flint, Ocmulgee, Oconee, and Savannah River drainages (S. Bowling, pers. comm., 2023). | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium rugelii | Southern Nodding Trillium | Rich woodlands and forests over mafic or calcareous rocks. | W. NC and e. TN south to c. GA, and c. AL | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium sessile | Sessile Trillium, Sessile Toadshade, Toad Trillium | Rich forests. | Primarily a species of the northern Midwest, T. sessile ranges from w. NY, s. MI, n. IL, n. MO, and e. KS south to e. VA, ne. NC, c. TN, n. AL, AR, and e. OK. The easternmost occurrences are disjunct populations east of the Blue Ridge, in MD, VA, and along the Roanoke River in ne. NC (where limited to very rich soils of natural levees and lower slopes along the Roanoke River). | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium simile | Sweet White Trillium | Very rich soils of slopes and coves over mafic or calcareous rocks, often also in or near seepage. | A Southern Appalachian endemic: Blue Ridge and uppermost Piedmont of w. NC, nw. SC, e. TN, and n. GA. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium species 2 | Amicalola Trillium | Rich forests. | N. GA and nw. SC. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium species 3 | Lookout Mountain Trillium, Ruby Falls Trillium, Freeman's Trillium | Rich forests. | Endemic to the Lookout Mountain region of nw. GA, se. TN, and ne. AL | |
Trilliaceae | Trillium species 4 | Radiant Trillium | Rich coves and other rich mesic forests. | Endemic to ne. AL, nw. GA, and se TN. | |
Trilliaceae | Trillium stamineum | Twisted Trillium, Helicopter Trillium | Floodplains, slopes, especially over limestone. | Sw. KY (Logan and Todd counties; Brock 2020) and c. TN (Chester et al. 1993) south to c. AL and e. MS. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium sulcatum | Southern Red Trillium, Barksdale’s Trillium | Coves and moist slopes. | Primarily a species of the sedimentary rock Appalachians, T. sulcatum ranges from s. WV, sw. VA, and e. KY south to nw. NC (where it enters the Blue Ridge), w. TN, nw. GA, and ne. AL | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium tennesseense | Tennessee Trillium | Rich forests over Sevier Shale. | Endemic to Hamblen and Greene counties, TN. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium texanum | Texas Trillium | Baygalls, acid seeps and bogs, hardwood slopes; "ground layer in acid hardwood bottoms and lower slopes, often in or downslope from acid sphagneous hillside seeps" (Carr 2016). | Nw. LA, sw. AR, and e. TX. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium underwoodii | Underwood's Trillium | Moist forests. | N. FL north to c. GA and c. and s. AL. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium vaseyi | Sweet Trillium, Vasey’s Trillium, Sweet Beth | Cove forests, other rich forests. | This species is a Southern Appalachian endemic: w. NC and e. TN south to nw. SC, n. GA, and ne. AL, but extending south into the Coastal Plain of GA and AL | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium viride | Green Trillium | Rich bottomland and slope forests, usually over calcareous rock. | W. IL west to e. MO. | 
Trilliaceae | Trillium viridescens | Ozark Green Trillium | Rich bottomland and slope forests, mainly over calcareous rocks. | S. MO and se. KS south to c. and sw. AR, ne. TX, and se. OK. | |