22 results for family: Valerianaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
ValerianaceaePatrinia villosaWhite PatriniaMoist soils at lake margin.Native of e. Asia. Discovered naturalized in Wake County (T. Feldman, pers.comm. 2024).
ValerianaceaeValerianaValerianimage of plant
ValerianaceaeValeriana ciliataimage of plant
ValerianaceaeValeriana officinalisGarden-heliotropeRoadsides and abandoned pastures, southwards rarely cultivated and escaped.Native of Europe.image of plant
ValerianaceaeValeriana paucifloraPink Valerian, Long-tube ValerianVery nutrient-rich alluvium in floodplain forests, and rich soils of lower slopes.MD, se. PA, and sw. PA, west to s. IL, south to n. VA, sc. TN, KY, and MO.image of plant
ValerianaceaeValeriana scandensFlorida ValerianFloodplain forests, hammocks.Ne. FL south to c. peninsular FL; Mexico (many states, from Tam and COA southwards) through Central America to South America; West Indies.
ValerianaceaeValerianaceaeValerian Familyimage of plant
ValerianaceaeValerianellaCornsaladimage of plant
ValerianaceaeValerianella amarellaHairy CornsaladLimestone outcrops, and calcareous slopes and bottomlands.S. OK south to e. and c. TX.image of plant
ValerianaceaeValerianella chenopodiifoliaGoosefoot CornsaladMoist forests, bottomlands.S. ON west to WI, south to PA, WV, sw. VA, IN, and IL.image of plant
ValerianaceaeValerianella dentataDisturbed areas.Native or Mediterranean Europe. Reported as naturalized in central TN (Kral 1981; Chester et al. 1997), in nc. GA (Jones & Coile 1988), and in AL (Kartesz 1999).image of plant
ValerianaceaeValerianella floriferaTexas CornsaladGrasslands and early successional openings on sandy soils in post oak woodlands.Endemic to ec. TX.
ValerianaceaeValerianella locustaEuropean CornsaladRoadsides, moist forests, bottomlands, disturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant
ValerianaceaeValerianella longifloraLong-flower CornsaladRocky, thin-soil glades and woodlands, over novaculite, shale, and sandstone, roadcuts.Interior Highlands of AR and OK.
ValerianaceaeValerianella nuttalliiNuttall's CornsaladAR and OK.
ValerianaceaeValerianella ozarkanaOzark CornsaladCalcareous glades.S. MO, AR, and e. OK.
ValerianaceaeValerianella palmeriPalmer's CornsaladAn Ouachita Mountains endemic, of w. AR and e. OK.
ValerianaceaeValerianella radiataMoist forests, bottomlands, disturbed areas.VA, s. IL, and KS, south to n. FL, Panhandle FL, and TX.image of plant
ValerianaceaeValerianella stenocarpaBigflower CornsaladRocky ledges, streamsides, especially "along creekbeds or in vernally moist grassy open areas" (Carr 2016).Nc. TX to c. and se. TX (Comal, Dallas, Kerr, Medina, San Saba, Tarrant, and Travis counties).
ValerianaceaeValerianella umbilicataNavel CornsaladMoist forests, bottomlands, disturbed areas.S. NY west to IL, south to NC and sc. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997).image of plant
ValerianaceaeValerianella woodsiana