22 results for family: Valerianaceae.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Valerianaceae | Patrinia | | | | |
Valerianaceae | Patrinia villosa | White Patrinia | Moist soils at lake margin. | Native of e. Asia. Discovered naturalized in Wake County (T. Feldman, pers.comm. 2024). | |
Valerianaceae | Valeriana | Valerian | | | 
Valerianaceae | Valeriana ciliata | | | | 
Valerianaceae | Valeriana officinalis | Garden-heliotrope | Roadsides and abandoned pastures, southwards rarely cultivated and escaped. | Native of Europe. | 
Valerianaceae | Valeriana pauciflora | Pink Valerian, Long-tube Valerian | Very nutrient-rich alluvium in floodplain forests, and rich soils of lower slopes. | MD, se. PA, and sw. PA, west to s. IL, south to n. VA, sc. TN, KY, and MO. | 
Valerianaceae | Valeriana scandens | Florida Valerian | Floodplain forests, hammocks. | Ne. FL south to c. peninsular FL; Mexico (many states, from Tam and COA southwards) through Central America to South America; West Indies. | |
Valerianaceae | Valerianaceae | Valerian Family | | | 
Valerianaceae | Valerianella | Cornsalad | | | 
Valerianaceae | Valerianella amarella | Hairy Cornsalad | Limestone outcrops, and calcareous slopes and bottomlands. | S. OK south to e. and c. TX. | 
Valerianaceae | Valerianella chenopodiifolia | Goosefoot Cornsalad | Moist forests, bottomlands. | S. ON west to WI, south to PA, WV, sw. VA, IN, and IL. | 
Valerianaceae | Valerianella dentata | | Disturbed areas. | Native or Mediterranean Europe. Reported as naturalized in central TN (Kral 1981; Chester et al. 1997), in nc. GA (Jones & Coile 1988), and in AL (Kartesz 1999). | 
Valerianaceae | Valerianella florifera | Texas Cornsalad | Grasslands and early successional openings on sandy soils in post oak woodlands. | Endemic to ec. TX. | |
Valerianaceae | Valerianella locusta | European Cornsalad | Roadsides, moist forests, bottomlands, disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Valerianaceae | Valerianella longiflora | Long-flower Cornsalad | Rocky, thin-soil glades and woodlands, over novaculite, shale, and sandstone, roadcuts. | Interior Highlands of AR and OK. | |
Valerianaceae | Valerianella nuttallii | Nuttall's Cornsalad | | AR and OK. | |
Valerianaceae | Valerianella ozarkana | Ozark Cornsalad | Calcareous glades. | S. MO, AR, and e. OK. | |
Valerianaceae | Valerianella palmeri | Palmer's Cornsalad | | An Ouachita Mountains endemic, of w. AR and e. OK. | |
Valerianaceae | Valerianella radiata | | Moist forests, bottomlands, disturbed areas. | VA, s. IL, and KS, south to n. FL, Panhandle FL, and TX. | 
Valerianaceae | Valerianella stenocarpa | Bigflower Cornsalad | Rocky ledges, streamsides, especially "along creekbeds or in vernally moist grassy open areas" (Carr 2016). | Nc. TX to c. and se. TX (Comal, Dallas, Kerr, Medina, San Saba, Tarrant, and Travis counties). | |
Valerianaceae | Valerianella umbilicata | Navel Cornsalad | Moist forests, bottomlands, disturbed areas. | S. NY west to IL, south to NC and sc. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997). | 
Valerianaceae | Valerianella woodsiana | | | | |