78 results for family: Verbenaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
VerbenaceaeAloysia citrodoraLemon Bee-brushNative of South America. Allegedly introduced in Iredell County, in the Piedmont of NC (Moldenke 1980); the documentation is unknown and the record rejected.image of plant
VerbenaceaeAloysia gratissima var. gratissimaCommon Beebrush, Whitebrush, JazminilloDry hillsides, outcrops.E. TX, nc. TX. s. TX, w. TX, and s. NM south into Mexico; disjunct in subequatorial South America (n. Argentina, Uruguay, s. Brazil, n. Chile, and Paraguay).image of plant
VerbenaceaeAloysia macrostachyaWoolly Beebrush, Sweetstem, Vara Dulce, Cabradora Cimarrona, AngelitosDry sandy and gravelly soils over limestone.S. TX and n. Mexico.
VerbenaceaeBouchea prismaticaPrism BoucheaOn ballast.Native of tropical America.
VerbenaceaeCitharexylumFiddlewoodimage of plant
VerbenaceaeCitharexylum berlandieriNegrito, Orca Juela, Encorba Gallina, Berlandier FiddlewoodThickets, flats, ravines, roadsides.S. TX south to Mexico (COL, DGO, GTO, GRO,HGO, JAL, MEX, NLE, OAX, QRO, SLP, SIN, TAM, VER).image of plant
VerbenaceaeCitharexylum spathulatumMission FiddlewoodChaparral.S. TX (Hidalgo and Starr counties), south into Mexico (CHIH, NLE, QRO, SLP, TAMS, ZAC).image of plant
VerbenaceaeCitharexylum spinosumFlorida Fiddlewood, Long TomMaritime hammocks, rockland hammocks, pine rocklands.FL peninsula; West Indies; South America.image of plant
VerbenaceaeDurantaimage of plant
VerbenaceaeDuranta erectaGolden Dewdrop, PigeonberryDisturbed areas, spread from horticultural use.Native of tropical America.image of plant
VerbenaceaeGlandulariaVervainimage of plant
VerbenaceaeGlandularia ×hybridaGarden VervainCultivated in gardens, uncommonly cultivated, rarely escaped or persistent; of garden origin.
VerbenaceaeGlandularia aristigeraMoss Vervain, South American VervainPastures, roadsides, other disturbed areas.Native of South America.image of plant
VerbenaceaeGlandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifidaDakota VervainDry prairies on clay soils; also as a waif in disturbed areas.KY, MO, SD, and CO south to c. GA, AL, AZ and s. Mexico; elsewhere in e. North America as waifs.image of plant
VerbenaceaeGlandularia canadensisRose Vervain, Rose Verbena, Creeping VervainRoadsides, longleaf pine sandhills, calcareous glades, rocky prairies, other dry sandy or rocky soils.IL and CO, south to FL, TX, and NM; introduced elsewhere.image of plant
VerbenaceaeGlandularia delticolaAlfombrillaOpen grounds, fields, orchards.S. TX, Mexico (AGS, CHIS, COAH,HGO, JAL, MICH, NLE, OAX, PUE, QRO, SLP, SON, TAMS,VER).
VerbenaceaeGlandularia elegans var. asperata
VerbenaceaeGlandularia incisa
VerbenaceaeGlandularia maritimaCoastal VervainDunes, dry pinelands near the coast, pine rocklands, marl prairies.Endemic to peninsular FL.
VerbenaceaeGlandularia polyanthaTX south to ne. Mexico (COA, NLE, TAM).
VerbenaceaeGlandularia pumilaPink VervainPrairies on sandy or gravelly soils, open woodlands, disturbed areas.Sw. AR and OK south to e. TX, s. TX, NM, and Mexico (COAH, NLE, SON, TAMS, ZAC).
VerbenaceaeGlandularia quadrangulataBeaked VervainBeaches, open grounds, disturbed areas.TX and NM south to ne. Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE, TAM).
VerbenaceaeGlandularia species 1Lime-bluff Vervain, Cumberland River VervainLimestone and chalk bluffs.Endemic to limestone bluffs and talus slopes in Smith, DeKalb, Clay, and Jackson counties, TN, and adjacent KY (D. Estes, pers. comm., 2012). Also reported to be in the Black Belt of AL.
VerbenaceaeGlandularia tampensisTampa VervainCoastal strands, openings in hammocks, flatwoods.Endemic to peninsular FL.
VerbenaceaeGlandularia teneraMoss Verbena, Latin American Mock-vervainOn ballast.Native of South America.
VerbenaceaeLantanaLantanaimage of plant
VerbenaceaeLantana achyranthifoliaDesert Lantana, Brushland Lantana, Hierba Negra, Mejorana, Yerba de CristoRocky or gravelly hills and bluffs, arroyos, roadsides, pastures.E. TX, s. TX, w. TX, and AZ south into Mexico.
VerbenaceaeLantana canescensHammock LantanaPine rocklands, especially rockland / hammock ecotones, hammocks, brushlands.S. FL; s. TX; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and South America.
VerbenaceaeLantana depressa var. depressaPine Rocklands LantanaPine rocklands, marl prairies.Endemic to s. FL.image of plant
VerbenaceaeLantana depressa var. floridanaFlorida Lantana, East Florida LantanaCoastal strands, xeric hammocks, scrubby pine flatwoods, edges of brackish marshes, dunes; the AL, SC, and NC occurrences apparently introduced from FL.Native from extreme se. GA and ne. FL south to se. FL.image of plant
VerbenaceaeLantana depressa var. sanibelensisSanibel Florida LantanaCoastal grasslands, coastal strands, marl prairies, disturbed uplands.Endemic to peninsular FL.
VerbenaceaeLantana involucrataWhite Sage, Button SageCoastal grasslands, coastal strands, maritime hammocks, pine rocklands, rockland hammocks, Florida scrub, disturbed uplands.FL; West Indies; s. Mexico, Central America, and n. South America.image of plant
VerbenaceaeLantana montevidensisTrailing Shrub-verbena, Trailing Lantana, Polecat-geraniumLandscaped areas, disturbed areas.Native of South America. Scattered locations in s. and e. GA (Jones & Coile 1988).image of plant
VerbenaceaeLantana strigocamaraCommon Lantana, Hedgeflower, Afrombrilla, HedionaDisturbed areas, eastwards especially near the coast.Of garden hybrid origin.image of plant
VerbenaceaeLantana urticoidesTexas Lantana, Hierba de Cristo, Calico-bushDisturbed and brackish areas.S. OK, TX, s. NM, and s. AZ southwards into tropical America (West Indies and sw. and sc. United States southwards).image of plant
VerbenaceaeLantana velutinaViolet LantanaOpen woods, thickets.S. TX south through Mexico to Central America.
VerbenaceaeLippiaimage of plant
VerbenaceaeLippia albaBushy LippiaForests, riverbanks, resacas, disturbed uplands.S. TX, Mexico, Central America, South America, and the West Indies.image of plant
VerbenaceaeLippia graveolensRedbrush Lippia, Té del País, Tarbay, Hierba Dulce, Oregano CimarronScrub, dry areas, chaparral.E. and s. TX south through Mexico to Central America.image of plant
VerbenaceaeLippia stoechadifoliaSouthern FrogfruitMarl prairies, short hydroperiod glades, swales, disturbed wetlands and uplands.S. FL; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and n. South America (Venezuela).image of plant
VerbenaceaePetreaimage of plant
VerbenaceaePetrea volubilisQueen's-wreathDisturbed areas.Native of tropical America.image of plant
VerbenaceaePhylaFrogfruitimage of plant
VerbenaceaePhyla canescensDisturbed areas.Native of South America. Discovered in Mobile, AL by Howard Horne (2014).image of plant
VerbenaceaePhyla cuneifoliaWedgeleaf FrogfruitPlains, low prairies, moist open areas.MO (?), SD, WY, and UT south to LA, TX, NM, AZ, s. CA, and n. Mexico.image of plant
VerbenaceaePhyla fruticosaDiamondleaf FrogfruitOpen, moist areas.N. LA and sc. OK south through se. NM and TX to Mexico, Central America, and n. South America; also s. FL (where probably not native).image of plant
VerbenaceaePhyla lanceolataMarsh Frogfruit, Northern FrogfruitOligohaline tidal marshes, tidal swamps, maritime swamps, dune swales and ponds, other marshes, seasonally exposed shores of rivers, ditches.ON west to SD, south to Panhandle FL, AL, MS, LA, CA, and n. Mexico.image of plant
VerbenaceaePhyla nodifloraCreeping Frogfruit, Capeweed, Turkey-tangle, MatgrassInterdune swales, shell middens, sandy soils of roadsides, lawns, ditches, impoundments, disturbed areas.Pantropical, in North America from se. VA south to s. FL and west to CA, north in the interior to AR, se. MO, and southward into the tropics.image of plant
VerbenaceaePrivaimage of plant
VerbenaceaePriva lappulaceaCat’s-tongue, Velvet-bur, Bur VervainHammocks, pinelands, disturbed areas (FL), fields, resacas, thickets, roadsides (TX).S. FL; West Indies; s. TX, Mexico, Central America, and South America.image of plant
VerbenaceaeStachytarphetaBlue-flower, Jamaica Vervain
VerbenaceaeStachytarpheta cayennensisNettleleaf VelvetberryRockland hammocks, disturbed upland areas.Native of Central America and n. South America.
VerbenaceaeStachytarpheta jamaicensisBlue-flower, Jamaica Vervain, Rat-tail Vervain, JoeeDunes, pine rocklands, coastal rock barrens, roadsides.FL peninsula; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and South America.image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbenaVerbena, Vervainimage of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena bonariensisPurple-top VervainRoadsides, disturbed areas, old fields.Native of South America.image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena bracteataProstrate Vervain, Big-bracted VervainGlades, riverbanks, sandy fields, other disturbed areas, waste areas near wool-combing mills.The original distribution uncertain, now distributed from ME west to BC, south to FL and Mexico, but apparently native of mw. and w. North America.image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena brasiliensisBrazilian VervainRoadsides, disturbed areas, old fields, clearings.Native of South America.image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena canescensGray VervainLimestone outcrops, eastwards in disturbed areas.Sc. OK south to se., s., and w. TX and Mexico. Reported for s. AL.image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena carneaCarolina VervainSandy woodlands, longleaf pine sandhills.E. NC (se. VA?) south to c. peninsular FL, west to e. TX.image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena cloveraeClover's VervainOpen slopes in clayey and sandy soils.E. TX, c. TX south to s. TX.
VerbenaceaeVerbena haleiTexas VervainDry hammocks, prairies, open woodlands, roadsides, pastures.C. GA south to c. peninsular FL, TX, AZ, and Mexico; scattered as an introduction farther north, as in NC and SC.image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena hastataCommon Vervain, Blue Vervain, Simpler's-joyFens, marshes, bogs, meadows, calcareous spring marshes, riverbanks, low fields.NS west to BC, south to NC, n. AL, AR, OK, n. TX, NM, AZ, CA; scattered occurrences farther south appear to be introductions.image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena hirtellaHillside VervainRocky areas.C. TX and NM southwards into Mexico.
VerbenaceaeVerbena incomptaPurpletop VervainRoadsides, disturbed areas, old fields.Native of South America.image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena montevidensisUruguayan VervainDisturbed areas.Native of South America.image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena officinalisEuropean Vervain, Juno’s Tears, Herb-of-the-crossDisturbed areas, riverbanks.Native of Europe.image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena plicataFanleaf VervainRocky or sandy areas, disturbed areas.OK, s. CO, and n. AZ south through nc., c., and s. TX and NM to n. Mexico.image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena rigidaVeiny VervainPrairies, pastures, roadsides, disturbed areas.Native of South America, distributed as an introduction from OK, CO, and AZ south to c. and s. TX and Mexico.image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena runyoniiMoist ground.Se. TX to s. TX to NLE.
VerbenaceaeVerbena scabraRough Vervain, Harsh VervainOligohaline tidal marshes, shell deposits, river shores, other wet habitats.VA and WV south to s. FL, west to TX and CA, south into tropical America; mainly coastal in our area but with scattered inland records (probably adventive).image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena simplexNarrowleaf VervainGlades, prairies, woodlands, forests, rock outcrops, and roadsides, over limestone or mafic rocks.NH west to MN and NE, south to Panhandle FL (Jackson County) and TX.image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena strictaHoary VervainPrairies, glades, barrens, pastures, and roadsides.W. NY ON, MI, MN, ND, and MT south to KY, TN, MS, AR, TX, and NM; the eastern extent of nativity is uncertain. Reported for AL (Madison County) by Keener et al. (2024), where considered "likely … not native".image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena supinaTrailing VerbenaOn ballast.Native of Mediterranean Europe.
VerbenaceaeVerbena urticifoliaWhite Vervain, Nettleleaf VervainFloodplain forests, mesic and dry upland forests, disturbed habitats.NB west to SK, south to Panhandle FL and TX.image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbena xuthaGulf Vervain, Coarse VervainBeaches, xeric alluvial sand barrens, blackland prairies, bottomlands along streams, fields, roadsides.AL west to TX.image of plant
VerbenaceaeVerbenaceaeVerbena Familyimage of plant