33 results for family: Xyridaceae.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Xyridaceae | Xyridaceae | Yellow-eyed Grass Family | | |
Xyridaceae | Xyris | Yellow-eyed-grass | | |
Xyridaceae | Xyris ambigua | Coastal Plain Yellow-eyed-grass | Wet pine savannas and flatwoods, pinelands, edges of depression ponds. | Se. VA south to s. FL, west to AL and ec. TX, primarily on the Coastal Plain; also West Indies (Cuba), and Mexico south into Central America. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris baldwiniana | Grassleaf Yellow-eyed-grass, Baldwin's Yellow-eyed-grass | Wet pine savannas, seepage bogs, sandhill seeps, wet savanna ecotones. | Se. NC south to n. peninsular FL, west to s. AR and ec. TX, primarily on the Coastal Plain; also s. Mexico and Central America. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris bracteicaulis | Bracted Yellow-eyed Grass | Coastal Plain pond-shore. | Apparently endemic to Long Island, NY. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris brevifolia | Shortleaf Yellow-eyed-grass | Wet sands of pinelands, especially seasonally wet, open, white sands of spodosol longleaf pine flatwoods (Leon series soils), margins of Carolina bay sandrims. | Se. NC south to s. FL, west to s. AL and w. FL; West Indies and South America. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris calcicola | Limestone Yellow-eyed-grass | Wet calcareous savannas and flatwoods. | C. and s. peninsular FL; disjunct in ne. FL (Baker County; Wunderlin & Hansen 2011). |
Xyridaceae | Xyris caroliniana | Pineland Yellow-eyed-grass | Dry to moist pine pine flatwoods, moist pine savannas, longleaf pine sandhills, scrubby flatwoods, FL dry prairies. | Se. VA south to s. FL, west to se. TX; disjunct in s. NJ; West Indies (Cuba). |
Xyridaceae | Xyris chapmanii | Chapman's Yellow-eyed-grass | Sandhill seepage bogs in areas of copious lateral seepage in deep muck soils, beaver pond margins. | With a disjunct distribution in the Southeastern Coastal Plain: s. NJ (Moyer & Bridges 2015); sc. NC south to c. SC (in the fall-line Sandhills) (Sorrie, Van Eerden, & Russo 1997); wc. GA; Panhandle FL west through s. AL to s. MS; e. TX. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris correlliorum | Corrells’ Yellow-eyed-grass | Lake margins and on floating mats; sometimes growing submerged in shallow water along lake margins. | Endemic in c. FL peninsula (Highlands County). |
Xyridaceae | Xyris curtissii | Curtiss's Yellow-eyed-grass | Longleaf pine savannas, inland in acid bogs and seeps. | Se. VA south to ne. FL, FL Panhandle, and west to s. AR and ec. TX, primarily on the Coastal Plain; disjunct in w. SC in the uppermost Piedmont (Blue Ridge Escarpment region); disjunct in s. NJ; Central America (Belize). |
Xyridaceae | Xyris difformis | Bog Yellow-eyed-grass | Pine savannas, roadside ditches, pond margins, acid seeps, bogs, other wet habitats. | New England and s. Canada south to n. peninsular FL and ec. TX. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris drummondii | Drummond's Yellow-eyed-grass | Wet pine flatwoods, ditches. | Se. GA south to ne. FL, west to Panhandle FL and s. MS. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris elliottii | Elliott's Yellow-eyed-grass | Margins of drawdown zones of clay-based Carolina bays, limesinks and flatwoods swales, wet savannas. | E. SC south to s. FL, west to s. AL; Nicaragua, Belize, Mexico (Tabasco); West Indies; South America. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris fimbriata | Fringed Yellow-eyed-grass | In mucky or sandy soils of upland depression ponds, also along sandhill streams, impoundments and in deep muck of sandhills seepage slopes often just below the zone occupied by Xyris chapmanii. | Se. VA south to c. peninsular FL, west (interruptedly) to se. TX; disjunct in s. NJ, DE, and c. TN. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris flabelliformis | Fanleaf Yellow-eyed-grass | Wet sands of pinelands, especially seasonally wet, open, white sands of spodosol longleaf pine flatwoods (Leon series soils), margins of Carolina bay sandrims. | Se. NC south to s. FL, west to se. LA, on the Coastal Plain; Cuba. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris floridana | Florida Yellow-eyed-grass | Pine savannas, wet pine flatwoods, ditches. | Se. NC south to s. FL, west to se. LA; Central America. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris iridifolia | Irisleaf Yellow-eyed-grass | Marshes, upland pond margins, blackwater river channels, floodplain pools, other wet habitats. | Se. VA south to ne. FL and FL Panhandle, west to e. TX; disjunct in c. TN and Mexico. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris isoetifolia | Quillwort-leaved Yellow-eyed-grass | Seepage bogs, pine savannas, depression pond margins (with seepage), and (less typically) coastal scrubby flatwoods; often in the intermittently exposed, outer drawdown zones of depression pond margins in open saturated sands. | Endemic to FL Panhandle and s. AL. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris jupicai | Richard’s Yellow-eyed-grass | Acid wetlands, ditches, various wet habitats. | NJ south to s. FL, west to TN, AR, se. OK (Singhurst, Bridges, & Holmes 2007), and TX; Mexico, Central America, South America, West Indies. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris longisepala | Panhandle Yellow-eyed-grass, Long-sepaled Yellow-eyed-grass | Depression pond margins. | Endemic to FL Panhandle and s. AL. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris louisianica | Louisiana Yellow-eyed-grass | Pine savannas, bogs, ditches and disturbed areas. | FL Panhandle west to se. TX. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris montana | Northern Yellow-eyed-grass | Bogs (especially in floating bog mats), poor fens, acidic seepage areas. | NL west to ON, south to CY, NY (Long Island), ne. PA, s. MI, s. WI, n. MN. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris panacea | St. Marks Yellow-eyed-grass | Mucky depression ponds. | Endemic to FL Panhandle (Wakulla County) |
Xyridaceae | Xyris platylepis | Bulbous Yellow-eyed-grass | Sandhill seeps, pine savannas, ditches, rarely inland in acid seepage over rock. | Se. VA south to s. FL, west to se. LA; disjunct in sw. LA and se. TX; disjunct in w. SC in the uppermost Piedmont in the Blue Ridge Escarpment region. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris scabrifolia | Roughleaf Yellow-eyed-grass | Sandhill seepage bogs and wet pine savannas. | Sc. and se. NC south to Panhandle FL, west to s. AL and s. MS; disjunct in sw. LA-se. TX. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris serotina | Gray-leaved Yellow-eyed-grass | Depression meadows, ultisol savannas (Lynchburg/Rains complex or Eulonia/Oketee), ditches. | Se. NC south to c. peninsular FL, west to s. MS, in the Coastal Plain. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris smalliana | Small's Yellow-eyed-grass | Pond margins, ditches; often growing in standing water in the intermediate zones of basin marshes adjacent to Hypericum fasciculatum and Pontederia cordata [in peninsular FL]. | S. ME south to s. FL, west to s. MS; disjunct to se. TX; s. Mexico south into Central America; West Indies (Cuba). |
Xyridaceae | Xyris spathifolia | Ketona Yellow-eyed-grass | Seeps over dolomite. | Apparently endemic to Bibb County, c. AL. | |
Xyridaceae | Xyris stenotera | | Margins of drawdown zones of clay-based Carolina bays, limesinks. | Endemic to FL peninsula. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris stricta | Strict Yellow-eyed-grass | Depression ponds, depression meadows, borrow pits, ultisol pine savannas, and ditches. | SC south to ne. FL and Panhandle FL, west to s. MS and se. LA. Reported for our area by Kral (1966b). P. McMillan (pers. comm.) reports this species from a number of locations in the outer Coastal Plain of NC and SC. |
Xyridaceae | Xyris tennesseensis | Tennessee Yellow-eyed-grass | Seepy, fenlike areas over limestone. | TN, AL, and nw. GA (Jones & Coile 1988) |
Xyridaceae | Xyris torta | Twisted Yellow-eyed-grass, Mountain Yellow-eyed-grass, Slender Yellow-eyed-grass | Mountain bogs, seeps, marshes, streambanks, ditches. | NH west to WI, south to e. VA, e. NC, w. SC, c. GA, LA, OK, and TX. This is one of the few species of Xyris in our area that is not strongly associated with the Coastal Plain. |