5 results for family: Zamiaceae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
ZamiaceaeZamiaCoontie, Zamiaimage of plant
ZamiaceaeZamia furfuraceaCardboard PalmPine rocklands, hammocks, scrubby pine flatwoods, disturbed areas.Native of e. Mexico.image of plant
ZamiaceaeZamia integrifolia var. integrifoliaCommon Coontie, Bay-rushXeric to mesic pinelands.Endemic to FL and the most widespread and common variety: upper west peninsula (Taylor, Suwannee, and w. Marion counties), south along west coast (Pinellas and Charlotte counties), upper east coast (Volusia County), to the south peninsula (Highlands, St Lucie, Miami-Dade counties).image of plant
ZamiaceaeZamia integrifolia var. umbrosaEast Coast Coontie, Broad-leaflet Coontie, Palatka Giant CoontieDry woodlands.Endemic to FL (and possibly in se. GA): upper east peninsula of FL (St. Johns County, e. Marion County, south to Brevard County).image of plant
ZamiaceaeZamiaceaeZamia Familyimage of plant