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6 results for genus: Carex. section: [26a] Section 1b Vulpinae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CyperaceaeCarex conjunctaSoft Fox SedgeWell-drained floodplain forests, mesic to dry-mesic upland forests over mafic or calcareous rocks.NY, NJ, MN, and SD, south to VA, sc. TN, n. AL, and AR.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex crus-corviCrowfoot Sedge, Ravenfoot SedgeSwamp forests, especially over calcareous substrates.Se. VA south to Panhandle FL, west to TX, north in the interior to IN, s. ON, MI, and MN.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex laevivaginataSmooth-sheathed SedgeMarshes, swamp forests, alluvial forests.MA, MI, and MN, south to Panhandle FL, AL, and MO.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex oklahomensisOklahoma SedgeSeepages, disturbed wetlands, roadside ditches, eastwards probably adventive.Se. MO west to KS, south to AR, and ne. TX; disjunct (and apparently adventive) in various scattered sites east of the Mississippi River, as in AL, MS, GA, w. NC (Graham County) and w. VA (Giles County). First reported for VA by Wieboldt et al. (1998). See Bryson & Rothrock (2010) for further discussion; they consider that this species is "introduced during highway and reservoir construction or maintenance in contaminated hay, grass seeds or on construction, maintenance, and mowing equipment."image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex stipata var. maximaLarge Stalk-grain SedgeMarshes, ditches, sloughs, alluvial forests, cypress-gum forests.NJ south to c. peninsular FL, west to TX, north in the interior to s. MO, s. IN, w. TN, and w. KY, primarily on the Coastal Plain.
CyperaceaeCarex stipata var. stipataStalk-grain Sedge, Awl-fruit SedgeMarshes, ditches, alluvial forests.NL (Newfoundland) west to AK, south to SC, TN, KS, and NM.image of plant

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