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6 results for genus: Carex. section: [26m] Section 9 Glareosae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CyperaceaeCarex arctaNorthern Cluster SedgeSeasonally wet swamps and wet forests, meadows.NL west to AK, south to NY, nw. PA (?), ec. OH, MI, WI, MN, WY, ID, and CA. The records for nw. PA (Presque isle) and e. OH are based on misidentified specimens (S. Grund, pers.comm., 2023).image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex billingsiiBillings’s SedgeWet, boggy areas.NL (Newfoundland) and ON south to s. NJ (Ocean County), ne. PA, and MI.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex brunnescens var. sphaerostachyaBrown SedgeGrassy balds, bogs, spruce-fir forests, northern hardwood forests, moist rock outcrops, at moderate to high elevations.Var. sphaerostachya is eastern North American, ranging south to NJ, OH, MI, and MN, south to w. NC, e. TN, and n. GA.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex canescensSilvery SedgeAcidic bogs, other wetlands.Greenland and AK south to MD, WV, IL, NM, and CA; South America, Eurasia; Australia.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex disjunctaSilvery SedgeBogs, depression ponds, swamps and marshes (including fresh to oligohaline tidal sites), often in disturbed areas.NL (Newfoundland) west to MN, south to VA, NC, SC, OH, and IN.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex trispermaThree-seeded SedgeBogs, seeps, and swamps at high elevations (in NC and VA), usually growing in living Sphagnum, in shaded situations under shrubs or trees in montane wetlands, northward in bogs at low elevations.NL (Labrador) west to SK, south to NJ, MD, OH, n. IN, IL, and MN; and in the mountains to w. NC and WV.image of plant