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9 results for genus: Carex. section: [26o] Section 11 Stellulatae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CyperaceaeCarex atlanticaPrickly Bog SedgeBogs and seepages.NS west to MI and nw. IN, south to ne. FL, Panhandle FL, and e. TX.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex echinata ssp. echinataStar SedgeBogs, seeps, fens.Ssp. echinata is circumboreal, ranging in North America from NL (Newfoundland) west to SK, south to DE, PA, IN, IA, and ND, and in the mountains to w. NC, nw. SC {Bradley et al. [in prep.]), and e. TN; also in w. North America from AK (Aleutians) and BC south to CO, UT, and s. CA.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex exilisMeager Sedge, Exiled SedgePeaty seepage bogs.NL (Newfoundland) and NL (Labrador) west to ON and n. MN, south to NJ, DE, MD, NY, n. MI, n. WI, and n. MN; disjunct southward in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of sc. NC and in the Gulf Coastal Plain of se. MS, sw. GA, and sw. AL. The southern occurrences are remarkably disjunct from the Canadian, northern Coastal Plain, and Great Lakes distribution.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex howeiHowe's Sedge, Prickly Bog SedgeBogs and seepages, often growing in Sphagnum.NS west to MI and nw. IN, south to c. peninsular FL and e. TX, predominantly (but by no means strictly) on the Coastal Plain.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex interiorInland SedgeCalcareous or ultramafic seeps, fens, and wet meadows.NL (Newfoundland) and NL (Labrador) west to s. AK, south to w. VA, n. AR, n. AZ, and n. CA; disjunct in Mexico (CHI) (but not in VillaseƱor 2016).image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex ruthiiRuth's SedgeSeepage areas, in forest or open areas.A Southern Appalachian endemic: sw. VA south through w. NC and e. TN to nw. SC and n. GA.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex seorsaWeak Stellate SedgeSwamp forests in acid, organic soils.MA south to GA and Panhandle FL in the Coastal Plain, scattered inland westward to NY, OH, MI, IN, AR, and TN.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex sterilisSterile SedgeMafic and calcareous fens and swamps.NL (Newfoundland) west to SK, south to sw. VA (Grayson County), ne. TN (formerly), IL, and MO. First reported for VA by Wieboldt et al. (1998).image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex wiegandiiWiegand's SedgeBogs.NL west to ON, south to MA, nc. PA, MI.image of plant