4 results for genus: Carex. section: [26pp] Section 29 Carex. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CyperaceaeCarex atherodesAwned SedgeMarl fens, bottomland prairies, wet meadows, marshes.Circumboreal, south in North America to NY, n. VA, n. WV, MO, CO, UT, and OR.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex hirtaDry sandy areas.Native of Europe. The report of C. hirta for NC (Burk 1961, RAB) is based on a misidentification of C. pumila (Reznicek 1993).image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex laeviconicaSmooth-cone SedgeMoist forests and wetlands.ON west to SK, south to IL, MO, KS, and MT.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex trichocarpaHairy-fruited SedgeCalcareous fens, wet meadows, marshes.QC west to MN, south to DE, w. NC, WV, IN, and MO.image of plant