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4 results for genus: Carex. section: [26uu] Section 34 Squarrosae. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CyperaceaeCarex aureolensisSouthern Frank’s Sedge, Broad-scaled Sedge, Golden Cattail SedgeFloodplain forests and marshes.VA, KY, IL, and NE south to n. peninsular FL, Panhandle FL, TX, NM, COA, and NLE; South America.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex frankiiFrank’s Sedge, Cattail SedgeBottomland forests, other wet to moist forests and disturbed areas.W. NY and s. ON west to MI and se. NE, south to GA, AR, and OK.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex squarrosaSquarrose SedgeBottomland forests, tidal swamps.CT west to se. ME and NE, south to NC, n. SC, and AR.image of plant
CyperaceaeCarex typhinaCattail SedgeBottomland forests, swamp forests.ME and QC west to WI and se. MN, south to GA, Panhandle FL, and e. TX.image of plant