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3 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
RanunculaceaeAconitum noveboracenseNew York MonkshoodStreambanks, rocky forests.NY; OH; driftless area of sw. WI and ne. IA.image of plant
RanunculaceaeAconitum reclinatumWhite Monkshood, Trailing Wolfsbane, White AconiteRich cove forests, particularly along brookbanks, in seepages, and in periglacial boulderfields with seepage, primarily over mafic rocks (such as amphibolite, metagabbro, or greenstone), rarely over sandstone or granitic rocks.A Southern and Central Appalachian endemic: sw. PA, w. VA and e. WV south to w. NC and ne. TN.image of plant
RanunculaceaeAconitum uncinatumEastern Blue Monkshood, Appalachian Blue MonkshoodSeepages, saturated swamps, cove forests, other moist forests.C. MD and sw. PA south to e. VA, e. NC, wc. GA, and c. TN; disjunct in sc. MO (Yatskievych 2013).image of plant