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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeAgeratum conyzoidesAgeratum, Tropical Whiteweed, GoatbushDisturbed areas.Apparently native of South America. Recently relocated in AL (Diamond 2015).image of plant
AsteraceaeAgeratum houstonianumAgeratumWet, disturbed areas.Apparently native of se. Mexico and Central America. Reported for AL by Diamond (2014).image of plant
AsteraceaeAgeratum maritimumSeaside Mistflower, Keys Ageratum, Seaside WhiteweedCoastal berms, rockland hammocks, coastal rock barrens.S. FL; West Indies (Cuba, Hispaniola); s. Mexico (CAM, ROO, YUC); Central America (Belize).image of plant