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6 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeAphanostephus pilosusHairy Lazy-daisyPrairies.OK south to n. TX.
AsteraceaeAphanostephus ramosissimus var. ramosissimusPlains Lazy-daisyOpen, calcareous sites.C. and w. OK south to s. TX, NM, and Mexico.
AsteraceaeAphanostephus riddelliiRiddell's Lazy-daisyOpen, calcareous sites.TX Panhandle and NM south through Edwards Plateau and s. TX to Mexico (COA, NLE, TAM).
AsteraceaeAphanostephus skirrhobasis var. kidderiMatorral and scrub.S. TX and ne. Mexico (NLE, TAM).image of plant
AsteraceaeAphanostephus skirrhobasis var. skirrhobasisArkansas Lazy-daisyPrairies, sandy woodlands.AR, s. KS, and nw. NM south to s. TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeAphanostephus skirrhobasis var. thalassiusDune Doze-daisyDunes, disturbed coastal sands.S. LA and sw. AR west to s. KS, e. NM, coastal TX and Mexico (NLE, TAM); scattered in n. FL, both Panhandle FL (Bay and Escambia counties) and ne. FL (St. Johns County) (Wunderlin & Hansen 2004).

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