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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
BrassicaceaeArabis adpressipilisSlender Rockcress, Hairy RockcressThin soils near outcrops of mafic or other rock weathering to nutrient-rich soils.OH to IL, south to c. TN and AR; disjunct east of the Blue Ridge Mountains in NC.image of plant
BrassicaceaeArabis georgianaGeorgia RockcressNutrient-rich streambanks and rock outcrops.Endemic to n. and sw. GA and c. ALimage of plant
BrassicaceaeArabis patensSpreading RockcressThin soils around calcareous or dolomitic outcrops, very rarely in nutrient-rich seepage from mafic rocks.Irregularly distributed, primarily in the sedimentary rock Appalachians, from se. PA, c. PA, and IN south to NC, e. TN, and AL. In NC, this species occurs over marble at Blowing Spring, Nantahala River Gorge, Swain County, at various sites over calcareous sedimentary rocks in the Hot Springs Window, near Hot Springs, Madison County, and in nutrient-rich seepage from amphibolite at Chimney Rock, Rutherford County.image of plant
BrassicaceaeArabis pycnocarpaSlender RockcressThin soils near outcrops of calcareous soils.QC west to AK, south to e. and sw. PA (Rhoads & Block 2007), c. KY (J. Campbell, pers.comm.), AR, and AZ, primarily west of the Blue Ridge. Reports of this taxon from GA (Fernald 1950, Kartesz 1999, Hopkins 1937) are based on material collected by A.W. Chapman near Rome, and later described as Arabis georgiana. See discussion under A. adpressipilis.image of plant