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10 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AnnonaceaeAsimina angustifoliaSlimleaf PawpawDry pinelands, dry maritime forests.Se. GA south to n. peninsular FL (Levy, Alachua, and Putnam counties), west to about the Suwannee River in the e. Panhandle of FL; disjunct northwards in Charleston County, SC, where reported by McMillan & Porcher (2005) as A. longifolia var. spatulata and by Gramling (2010) as A. angustifolia.image of plant
AnnonaceaeAsimina incanaWoolly Pawpaw, Flag Pawpaw, Polecat BushDry pinelands.E. GA south to c. peninsular FL.image of plant
AnnonaceaeAsimina manasotaManasota PawpawLongleaf pine sandhills and dry pine flatwoods.Endemic to wc. Panhandle FL (Manatee, Sarasota, and Hardee counties).image of plant
AnnonaceaeAsimina obovataBiglower PawpawScrub, sandhills, open dry hammocks.FL peninsula (Glades County north to Clay County).image of plant
AnnonaceaeAsimina parvifloraSmall-flowered Pawpaw, Small-fruited PawpawSandy or rocky, dry to fairly moist forests.Se. VA south to c. peninsular FL, west to se. TX, primarily on the Coastal Plain, but inland to w. NC, nw. SC, n. GA, n. AL, n. MS, and s. AR.image of plant
AnnonaceaeAsimina pygmaeaDwarf PawpawPine flatwoods, wet savannas.Se. GA south to s. peninsular FL (Collier County).image of plant
AnnonaceaeAsimina reticulataNetleaf PawpawWet flatwoods, pine savannas, sandhills, dry flatwoods, wiregrass prairies, and low scrub. Also persisting in scraped, grazed, or otherwise disturbed scrubby flatwoods and prairies.S. GA south to s. peninsular FL.image of plant
AnnonaceaeAsimina spatulataSlimleaf PawpawDry pinelands.E. GA south to n. FL (west of the Suwanee River), west to Panhandle FL and s. AL.image of plant
AnnonaceaeAsimina tetrameraFourpetal PawpawFlorida scrub.Endemic to se. peninsular FL (Martin and Palm Beach counties)image of plant
AnnonaceaeAsimina trilobaCommon Pawpaw, Indian-banana, Hipster-bananaAlluvial forests, other moist, nutrient-rich forests.NJ, w. NY, and s. ON west to s. MI and e. NE, south to Panhandle FL, s. LA, and ne. TX.image of plant

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