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5 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CyperaceaeBolboschoenus fluviatilisRiver BulrushFreshwater tidal marshes, river marshes, marl marshes.NB west to SK, BC (Vancouver Island) and WA, south to VA, WV (Vanderhorst et al. 2013), KY, TN, n. AL (Barger et al. 2012), s. AL (where probably not native), OH, IN, KS, AZ, and CA; Asia; Australia and New Zealand.image of plant
CyperaceaeBolboschoenus glaucusFresh to brackish shores and marshes, disturbed areas.Native of Eurasia and n. Africa.image of plant
CyperaceaeBolboschoenus maritimus ssp. paludosusAlkali Bulrush, Salt-marsh BulrushMarshes.Interruptedly circumboreal, south in North America to VA (?), NY, MN, MO, OK, TX, and Mexico.image of plant
CyperaceaeBolboschoenus novae-angliaeNew England BulrushFresh to brackish (oligohaline) tidal marshes, ditches.ME to NC (or GA?).image of plant
CyperaceaeBolboschoenus robustusSaltmarsh BulrushBrackish marshes; inland in saline glades and marshes.Along the coasts, from NS to s. FL, west to TX, and into tropical America; also in CA.image of plant