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7 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
FagaceaeCastanea alabamensisAlabama ChinquapinDry forests and woodlands.Endemic to nw. GA and n. AL (and perhaps e. MS).image of plant
FagaceaeCastanea crenataJapanese ChestnutCultivated, and persisting.Native of Japan and s. Korea.image of plant
FagaceaeCastanea dentataAmerican ChestnutMesic and xeric forests.S. ME, s. ON, MI, c. IN, s. IL, south to c. NC, c. GA, Panhandle FL, and sc. MS.image of plant
FagaceaeCastanea mollissimaChinese ChestnutForests.Native of China. This species is relatively resistant to chestnut blight and has been planted widely as an ornamental and nut tree; it sometimes naturalizes and appears nearly native. Reported for NC (Macon County) by Pittillo & Brown (1988).image of plant
FagaceaeCastanea ozarkensisOzark ChinquapinDry to dry-mesic upland woodlands and forests, bluffs, glade margins, usually in acid soils derived from sandstone or chert.S. MO, e. OK, and w. AR south to n. LA; reports from AL were apparently based on a different concept of the species.image of plant
FagaceaeCastanea pumilaCommon ChinquapinXeric forests and woodlands, generally in fire-maintained habitats.NJ, s. PA, n. KY, and s. MO, south to c. peninsular FL and se. TX. Riley, Vincent, & Widrlechner (2020) removed C. pumila from OH's flora.image of plant
FagaceaeCastanea sativaSpanish ChestnutPlanted and perhaps locally naturalizing.Reported as naturalized in KY, AL, PA, and elsewhere in e. North America (Clark et al. 2005).image of plant

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