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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PoaceaeChloris andropogonoidesSlimspike Windmill-grassPrairies, brush, especially on clay soils; eastwards in lawns, pastures, roadsides.C. and s. TX south into Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE, SLP, TAM).image of plant
PoaceaeChloris barbataSwollen Windmill-grassLower Rio Grande Valley; eastwards in disturbed areas, waste areas near wool-combing mills.Native of either or both the New World Tropics (West Indies, e. Mexico, Central America, and South America) or the Old World tropics (Africa, s. Asia).image of plant
PoaceaeChloris cucullataHooded Windmill-grassPrairies, especially sandy or gravelly, also on roadsides and in disturbed areas, and eastwards (SC) in waste areas near wool-combing mills, other disturbed areas, such as historically on ballast (perhaps only a waif).KS, NM, and AZ south into Mexico (CAM, COA, NLE, TAM, YUC).image of plant
PoaceaeChloris divaricataDisturbed areas, including in waste areas near wool-combing mills, perhaps only a waif.Native of Australia.image of plant
PoaceaeChloris gayanaRhodes GrassPastures (where planted for forage), disturbed areas, roadsides; eastwards in waste areas near wool-combing mills, other disturbed areas (perhaps only a waif).Native of Africa.image of plant
PoaceaeChloris pectinataWaif in disturbed areas, such as near wool-combing mills.Native of Australia.image of plant
PoaceaeChloris pilosaDisturbed areas.Native of equatorial Africa.
PoaceaeChloris radiataPlush GrassDisturbed areas, agricultural fields, and tree farms.Native of tropical America.image of plant
PoaceaeChloris subdolichostachyaShortspike Windmill-grassDisturbed sandy areas.South to Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE, TAM)image of plant
PoaceaeChloris texensisTexas Windmill-grassCoastal prairies, in relatively bare areas in coastal prairie grassland remnants on sandy to sandy loam soils (Carr 2011).Endemic to se. TX.image of plant
PoaceaeChloris truncataStargrass, Black Windmill-grassPastures, waste areas near wool-combing mills, perhaps only a waif.Native of Australia. Reported for Livingstone Parish, LA (Urbatsch 2013)image of plant
PoaceaeChloris ventricosaWaste areas near wool-combing mills, perhaps only a waif.Native of Australia. Also reported for VA (Hitchcock & Chase 1951; Kartesz 1999)image of plant
PoaceaeChloris verticillataWindmill-grass, Tumble Windmill-grassDisturbed areas, bottomland fields.IA, SD, WY south to n. AR, s. TX, NM, AZ, and n. Mexico (BCS, COA, NLE); scattered elsewhere as introductions or waifs.image of plant
PoaceaeChloris virgataFeather Windmill-grass, Feather Finger-grass, Showy ChlorisRoadsides, other disturbed areas.Native of tropical America.image of plant