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12 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
RutaceaeCitrus ×aurantiifoliaKey LimeCultivated and persistent.image of plant
RutaceaeCitrus ×aurantiumSour Orange, Grapefruit, Sweet OrangeCultivated horticulturally, sometimes persistent and naturalizing.Native of se. Asia. Reported from several counties in s. and e. GA (Jones & Coile 1988).image of plant
RutaceaeCitrus ×jambhiriMandarin Lime, Rough LimeCultivated and persistent.
RutaceaeCitrus ×limonLemonCultivated and persistent.
RutaceaeCitrus ×microcarpaKumquat, CalomondinCultivated and persistent.image of plant
RutaceaeCitrus ×paradisiGrapefruitCultivated and persistent.
RutaceaeCitrus ×sinensisOrangeCultivated and persistent.Hybrid of species native to e. and se. Asia.
RutaceaeCitrus japonicaKumquatSuburban woodlands and disturbed hammocks.Native of se. Asia. Reported as naturalizing in suburban woodlands in the Tallahassee (Leon Co., FL) area by Clewell & Tobe (2011)image of plant
RutaceaeCitrus limoniaCanton Lemon
RutaceaeCitrus medicaCitronDisturbed hammocks.Native of se. Asia. Apparently naturalized in the FL Panhandle (Franklin County) (Wunderlin & Hansen 2003).image of plant
RutaceaeCitrus reticulataTangerineHammocks, disturbed areas.Native of se. Asia.
RutaceaeCitrus trifoliataTrifoliate Orange, Hardy OrangeBottomland and riparian forests, mesic upland forests, stream banks, spring runs, fencerows, roadsides, becoming common especially in suburban areas.Native of temperate China. See Nesom (2014a) for a detailed discussion of various aspects of this species in the se. United States.image of plant