Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Rutaceae | Citrus ×aurantiifolia | Key Lime | Cultivated and persistent. | |
Rutaceae | Citrus ×aurantium | Sour Orange, Grapefruit, Sweet Orange | Cultivated horticulturally, sometimes persistent and naturalizing. | Native of se. Asia. Reported from several counties in s. and e. GA (Jones & Coile 1988). |
Rutaceae | Citrus ×jambhiri | Mandarin Lime, Rough Lime | Cultivated and persistent. | | |
Rutaceae | Citrus ×limon | Lemon | Cultivated and persistent. | | |
Rutaceae | Citrus ×microcarpa | Kumquat, Calomondin | Cultivated and persistent. | |
Rutaceae | Citrus ×paradisi | Grapefruit | Cultivated and persistent. | | |
Rutaceae | Citrus ×sinensis | Orange | Cultivated and persistent. | Hybrid of species native to e. and se. Asia. | |
Rutaceae | Citrus japonica | Kumquat | Suburban woodlands and disturbed hammocks. | Native of se. Asia. Reported as naturalizing in suburban woodlands in the Tallahassee (Leon Co., FL) area by Clewell & Tobe (2011) |
Rutaceae | Citrus limonia | Canton Lemon | | | |
Rutaceae | Citrus medica | Citron | Disturbed hammocks. | Native of se. Asia. Apparently naturalized in the FL Panhandle (Franklin County) (Wunderlin & Hansen 2003). |
Rutaceae | Citrus reticulata | Tangerine | Hammocks, disturbed areas. | Native of se. Asia. | |
Rutaceae | Citrus trifoliata | Trifoliate Orange, Hardy Orange | Bottomland and riparian forests, mesic upland forests, stream banks, spring runs, fencerows, roadsides, becoming common especially in suburban areas. | Native of temperate China. See Nesom (2014a) for a detailed discussion of various aspects of this species in the se. United States. |