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7 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
LamiaceaeConradina brevifoliaShortleaf RosemaryFlorida scrub.Endemic to c. peninsular FL.image of plant
LamiaceaeConradina canescensGray RosemaryLongleaf pine sandhills, Florida scrub, pine flatwoods, riverine sandbars.Panhandle FL and s. AL west to s. MS.image of plant
LamiaceaeConradina cygnifloraSwan-flowered RosemaryFlorida scrub and longleaf pine sandhills.Endemic to ec. Putnam County, FL (Dunns Creek State Park).image of plant
LamiaceaeConradina etoniaEtoniah RosemarySand pine (white sand) scrub and longleaf pine sandhills.Endemic to nw. Putnam County, FL.image of plant
LamiaceaeConradina glabraApalachicola RosemaryLongleaf pine sandhills.Panhandle FL (Liberty County).image of plant
LamiaceaeConradina grandifloraLarge-flowered RosemaryFlorida scrub and scrubby pine flatwoods.N. peninsular FL (Marion and Volusia counties) south to s. peninsular FL (Miami-Dade County).image of plant
LamiaceaeConradina verticillataCumberland RosemaryFlood-scoured cobble bars of large rivers.Endemic to the Cumberland Plateau area of ne. TN and se. KY.image of plant