Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×abbreviata | Moist lowlands, prairies. | E. and coastal Texas. | ||
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×amicalis | Friendly Hawthorn | Upland woods. | Sw. AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×anamesa | Anamesa Hawthorn | Moist lowlands, prairies. | E. and coastal Texas. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×antimima | Antimina Hawthorn | Moist lowlands, prairies. | E. and coastal Texas. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×antiplasta | Antiplasta Hawthorn | Moist lowlands, prairies. | E. and coastal Texas. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×atrorubens | Hybrid Red Hawthorn | Bottomland forests, upland woodlands, brush. | S. IL, MO. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×brazoria | Brazos River Hawthorn | Stream bottoms, brushy uplands, blackland prairies. | E. TX (Brazoria and Matagorda counties) (Carr 2016). | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×canescens | Stern's Medlar | Woodlands in the Grand Prairie. | Apparently known only from Prairie County, AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×collicola | Hybrid Hill Hawthorn | Streamsides, pastures, hillsides, open woodlands. | W. VA, w. NC, west to KY, MO, n. AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×dallasiana | Dallas Hawthorn | Brush, streamsides, fields. | C. and e. TX, s. OK. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×danielsii | Daniel's Hawthorn | Limestone glades, hillsides, brush. | MO, ? n. AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×delawarensis | Delaware Hawthorn | Brushy areas. | Endemic to DE. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×disperma | Two-seed Hawthorn | Upland forests, pastures, brushy hillsides. | PA west to IN, south in the Appalachians to VA and e. KY. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×dispessa | Monteer Hawthorn | Streamsides, brushy woodlands. | MO, AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×enucleata | Fulton Hybrid Hawthorn | Upland woodlands. | Sw. AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×fecunda | St. Clair Hawthorn | Rich forests. | KY, s. IL, and MO south to ne. AR, along the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×flava | Yellow Hawthorn | Dry woodlands. | Uncertain owing to uncertainties in the concept and application of the name. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×harveyana | Harvey's Hawthorn | Rocky woodlands. | Endemic to n. and c. AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×incaedua | Uncut Hawthorn | Moist woodlands, streamsides, rocky basins, openings. | IN, KY w. to MO, AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×lettermanii | Letterman's Hawthorn | Mesic woodlands, scrubland, pastures. | Endemic of s. MO. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×levis | Connecticut Hawthorn | Thin woodlands, scrubland. | MA to NY, s. to OH, PA; reported from w. NC (Phipps 2014d). | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×lucorum | Grove Hawthorn | Woodlands, streambanks. | Sporadic in NY, OH, IN, IL (w. VA?). | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×minor | Small-leaf Ouachita Hawthorn | Brushy woodlands, rocky ridges and slopes. | Endemic to the Ouachita Mountain region of AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×mohrii | Mohr’s Hawthorn | Hardwood and pine-hardwood forest understories. | Rare and sporadic from MS to GA, n. to TN. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×nitida | Shining Hawthorn | Alluvial forests. | S. IL, e. MO, e. AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×notha | Mongrel Hawthorn | Gravelly hills in oak woodlands. | Endemic to Hempstead County, AR; no collections since 1921 suggest this entity may be extinct. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×oreophila | Balsam Mountain Hawthorn | High elevation forests, balds. | Endemic to central and western Great Balsam Mountains (Jackson, Haywood Counties, NC). | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×persimilis | Plumleaf Hawthorn | Mesic, open forests, pastures. | Of a fragmentary range, known from s. PA, c. and s. OH, n. and w. KY, sw VA, s. MO. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×poliophylla | Rosemary Hawthorn | Moist woodlands, thickets. | E. and coastal Texas. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×rufula | Florida Mayhaw, Rufous Mayhaw | Flatwoods ponds, river swamps. | Sw. GA and adjacent Panhandle FL and s. AL. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×sicca | Dryland Hawthorn | Rocky woodlands, forest margins, roadsides, brushy fields. | S. MO, s. OH, AR (?). | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×spes-aestatum | Hope-of-Summers | Open woodlands, thickets, streambanks. | S. IL to s. MO, historically near Mississippi River. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×stenosepala | Narrow-sepaled Hawthorn | Moist woodlands, thickets. | Se. and coastal Texas. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×sutherlandensis | Sutherland Springs Hawthorn | Streamsides, thickets. | Sc. TX. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×thermopegaea | Hot Springs Hawthorn | Rocky woodlands, thickets. | Endemic to AR; described from near Hot Springs, Garland Co. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×tripartita | Three-parted Hawthorn | Lowland woods. | E. TX. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×vailiae | Vail’s Hawthorn | Pastures, woodlands, streambanks. | VA and NC w. to MO, AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ×verruculosa | Warty Hawthorn | Forest edges, streamsides, pastures, scrubland. | S. MO, possibly n. AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus aemula | Rome Hawthorn | Upland hardwood and pine-hardwood forests over sandstone, calcareous rock or circumneutral clay soils, uncommon but sometimes locally abundant. | Nw. GA and ne. AL principally, disjunct in McCormick and Greenville counties, SC. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus aestivalis | Eastern Mayhaw | Swamp forests, generally where flooded for much of the year, often flowering and fruiting while standing in water, often associated with Taxodium distichum, Nyssa aquatica, Nyssa biflora, and Planera aquatica, uncommon but sometimes locally abundant; occasionally growing as groves or stands in ‘mayhaw flats’. | Se. NC south to n. FL and se. AL. A historic report of C. aestivalis in VA appears to be based on a single specimen collected 22 July 1934 by M.L. Fernald & B. Long, in Princess Anne County; this specimen is actually C. crus-galli. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus alabamensis | Alabama Hawthorn | Upland pine and pine-oak forests over clay soil. | S. AL, reported from n. FL | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus alleghaniensis | Allegheny Hawthorn | Upland pine and pine-oak forests with clay soils. | E. c. and ne. GA to c. and n. AL; reported from n. MS, e. TN, sw NC. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus aprica | Sunny Hawthorn | Upland pine forests, pine-oak forests, mixed hardwood forests over rocky or sandy substrates, abandoned fields, roadsides. | Se. VA and NC south to s. GA and n. FL, west to e. AL. This species is most common in the upper Piedmont and Southern Appalachians of NC and SC, and sporadic in the Coastal Plain. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ashei | Ashe Hawthorn | Prairies, hardwood forests, pine-hardwood flats, especially over calcareous clay soils. | Core of range is central MS, where this species is locally common in Scott and Smith counties; sporadic in c. and s. AL, e. LA, se. AR (s. TN ?). | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus austromontana | Valley Head Hawthorn, Southern Mountain Hawthorn | Mountain woodlands, over sandstone or calcareous rock. | N. AL, c. and se. TN? Recently verified form Paint Rock, AL (R. Lance, pers.comm., 2023). | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus beata | Rochester Hawthorn | Pastures, thickets. | A northern species, distributed from NY to WI, s. to OH; ? VA, NC, TN. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus berberifolia var. berberifolia | Barberry Hawthorn | Mixed hardwood and pine forests. | C. VA south to n. FL, west to TX, MO; most common in LA, s. AR, e. TX. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus berberifolia var. engelmannii | Engelmann's Hawthorn | Mixed hardwood and pine forests of uplands, usually in subxeric to xeric habitats, especially over basic to calcareous soils. | Appears most common in MO and AR, mixed sporadically with the species eastward to e. TN, c. NC. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus brachyacantha | Blueberry Hawthorn | Oak flatwoods, bottomland forests, margins of prairies and saline barrens, pine flatwoods. | LA, s. AR, se. OK, e. TX; one historic, disjunct record in sw. GA. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus brittonii | Britton's Hawthorn | Thinly forested hills and slopes, bluffs, rock outcrops, disturbed lands, roadsides, streamsides. | Range apparently limited to sw. NC and adjacent NC Piedmont to c. SC, e. and n. GA. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus buckleyi | Buckley’s Hawthorn | Upland pine and hardwood forests, rock outcrops. | W. NC, w. SC, n. GA west to n. AL. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus calpodendron | Pear Hawthorn | Mixed hardwood forests, open slopes, wooded ravines, streamsides, especially over basic or calcareous rocks. | NY w. to MN, s. to GA, OK. This species is relatively common in its generally northern range, uncommon in its southern range extensions in uplands from VA to MO, and rare in the Coastal Plain of GA, AL. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus coccinea | Scarlet Hawthorn | Deciduous forest understories, pastures, upland thickets. | ME w. to MN, s. to NC, OH. From its mostly northern range, this species is uncommon and sporadic in its southerly range extension on the Appalachian Plateau. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus coccinioides | Kansas Hawthorn, Broadleaf Hawthorn | Thin woodlands, prairies, scrubland, pastures. | PA w. to IL, MO, se. KS, s. to KY, AR, OK. Reported from a single county in WV. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus collina | Hillside Hawthorn | Hardwood and pine-oak forests of hills and valleys, brushy lands. C. collina occupies sub-xeric uplands in the Appalachian Region and is tolerant of lowland floodplains in GA, AL, TN. | Sw. VA west to KS, south to c. GA, s. AL, c. MS, AR and OK. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus compacta | Clustered Hawthorn | Rocky hardwood forests, mountain pastures. | NY, ONT, and MI, south to w. VA, WV, OH. This northern species is known in VA from only 3 counties. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus craytonii | Crayton Hawthorn | Wooded slopes, roadsides, streamsides. | W. NC to n. GA, n. AL, possibly e. TN; an ambiguous record in New Kent County, VA. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus crus-galli var. crus-galli | Cockspur Hawthorn | Pastures, thickets, disturbed woodlands and forests, fencerows. | Ranges throughout the eastern US, except c. and s. peninsular FL, sometimes forming extensive colonies. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus crus-galli var. pyracanthifolia | Narrowleaf Cockspur Hawthorn | Bottomland forests, swamp borders, lowlands, sometimes locally abundant. | DE south to n. FL, west to MO, e. TX. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus dispar | Aiken Hawthorn | Upland pine or pine-oak forests under sub-xeric to xeric conditions, in well-drained clay or sandy soils. | Nc. & sc. SC and adjacent e. GA; single sporadic collections known from Panhandle FL and ne. AL. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus dodgei | Dodge Hawthorn | Mesic hardwood forests, streamside thickets, pastures. | A northern species predominately of the Great Lakes Region east to CT, sporadic southward in the Appalachians to WV, VA, and nw. NC (Ashe County). | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus florens | Mississippi Hawthorn | Pine and pine-oak forests, subxeric to mesic habitats with sandy or clay soils. | E. NC south to n. FL, west to LA. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus frugiferans | Fruitful Hawthorn | Upland, open woodlands, brushy areas. | C. and s. GA, n. FL w. to AL, MS. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus furtiva | Albany Hawthorn | Upland pine forests, pine-oak scrub, longleaf pine sandhills, disturbed woodlands, abandoned fields. | Se. NC to c. AL, s. to peninsular FL. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus harbisonii | Harbison’s Hawthorn | Hardwood forest understories, loess hills, calcareous woodlands. | Endemic to c. and w. TN and currently known to be extant only in Davidson and Obion Counties, TN. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus holmesiana | Holmes’s Hawthorn | Woodland borders, pastures, brushy fencerows. | Reported for WV; sporadic from ME to MN, s. to PA, IL. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ignava | Valley Head Hawthorn | Upland pine and pine-oak forests, clay soils. | Ec. SC to sw. GA, north to n. AL and n. GA. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus incilis | Cutleaf Beautiful Hawthorn | Mixed pine and hardwood forests, wooded hills, rocky woods. | Sw. GA and Panhandle FL, west to s. MS, north to ne. AL; locally abundant in the vicinity of lower Little River Canyon, AL and sporadically elsewhere in the known range. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus intricata var. biltmoreana | Biltmore Hawthorn | Wooded hills, rock outcrops, thickets. | VT south to c. GA, west to AR, MO. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus intricata var. boyntonii | Boynton’s Hawthorn | Upland forest understories, pastures, rock outcrops, shrubby thickets. | W. NC and n. SC west to n. GA. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus intricata var. fortunata | Yellow-fruited Hawthorn | Hardwood forest edges, rock outcrops, thickets. | PA and WV; disjunct in w. NC (known in NC only from Chimney Rock Mountain in Rutherford County). | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus intricata var. intricata | Entangled Hawthorn | Pastures, wooded hills, rock outcrops, thickets. | VT to MI, IL, s. to GA, AR; relatively common in the Appalachian region. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus intricata var. neobushii | Bush Hawthorn | Wooded hills, pastures, thickets. | Reported from w. NC and n. GA w. to AR, MO; more common in AR and MO. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus intricata var. rubella | Little Red Hawthorn | Hardwood forests, rock outcrops, thickets. | DE, MD, VA w. to MO, s. to GA, AL. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus intricata var. straminea | Straw-fruited Hawthorn | Wooded hills, thickets, disturbed forests. | PA s. to n. GA, w. to OH, c. KY, ne. AL. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus iracunda var. iracunda | Forest Hawthorn | Swamps, bottomlands, moist slopes, wooded hills, overall uncommon but sometimes locally abundant. | C. MD and VA to SC, w. to s. AR, n. LA. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus iracunda var. populnea | Poplar Hawthorn | Mesic to subxeric woodlands, brush, pastures. | NY w. to WI, s. to NC (n. SC?), TN, OH. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus jesupii | Jesup's Hawthorn | Thickets, thin woodlands. | CT, ON, MI,WI south to PA and OH. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus lacrimata | Weeping Hawthorn | Xeric, sandy soils, in scrublands and in association with sparse stands of Pinus clausa or Pinus palustris. | Endemic to the western FL Panhandle; perhaps in adjacent sandhill scrub of AL | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus lancei | Lance’s Hawthorn | Upland hills, hardwood-pine forests, scrubland, pastures. | S. NC to e. GA, reported from sw. GA, n. peninsular FL and se. AL. Appears to have a core range in w. SC and ne. GA, sporadic elsewhere in a fragmented range that involves broad areas devoid of specimens. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus lassa var. colonica | Bluffton Hawthorn | Oak-pine scrub and sandy uplands. | Se. NC to n. FL, west to n. SC, e. GA. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus lassa var. integra | Lake Ella Hawthorn | Oak-pine scrub and sandy uplands. | Central SC south to peninsular FL, west to s. and c. AL; the core range is peninsular FL and n. FL, where this entity is most common. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus lassa var. lanata | Lanate Hawthorn | Oak-pine scrub and sandy uplands. | Se. NC to c. peninsular FL, west to n. GA, c. AL. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus lassa var. lassa | Sandhill Hawthorn | Pine forests, oak-pine scrub, upland scrublands, xeric woodlands, especially in deep sand and soils of rapid drainage. | Central NC south to n. FL, west to s. AL. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus lassa var. recurva | Ocala Hawthorn | Oak-pine scrub and sandy uplands. | Ec. NC to peninsular FL, west to s. AL; the core range is peninsular FL and n. FL, where this entity is most common. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus lepida | Pygmy Hawthorn | Xeric, sandy soils of open pinelands, wiregrass-dominated roadsides and forest edges, oak-pine scrub. | S. GA south to c. peninsular FL | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus macrosperma | Eastern Hawthorn | Mesic to subxeric hardwood forests, wooded slopes, rock outcrops, pastures, thickets, mountain balds and rocky summits. | ME to MN, south to GA, AL, AR; C. macrosperma is widespread, particularly common in the Appalachians. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus margaretiae var. angustifolia | Narrowleaf Margaret's Hawthorn | Woodland margins, brush. | S. MI and IN. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus margaretiae var. brownii | Brown's Hawthorn | Mesic to subxeric woodlands, thickets, pastures. | Sporadic in VA, KY, MO, reported from WV, IN, PA. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus margaretiae var. margaretiae | Margaret's Hawthorn | Mesic hardwood forests, streamside thickets, pastures. | PA west to WI, IA, south to w. VA, MO {TN, w. VA}. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus marshallii | Parsley Hawthorn, Parsley Haw | Swamps, alluvial forests, mesic to subxeric upland slopes over mafic or calcareous rocks. | Se. VA south to c. peninsular FL, west to e. TX, and north in the interior to n. AL, sc. and w. TN, n. MS, s. IL, se. MO, se. OK. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus mendosa | Albertville Hawthorn | Mesic hardwood forests, mixed pine-hardwood forests, upland wooded hills over calcareous substrates and well-drained clays. | Lower Piedmont and upper Coastal Plain of sc. SC, wc. GA, ne. and c. AL, and c. and s. MS. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus mollis var. dumetosa | Missouri Downy Hawthorn | Mesic woodlands, calcareous uplands, pastures. | Known from IN, IL, MO and AR, reported from e. TX, ne. GA (specimens from Pocket Branch, Pigeon Mountain, GA attributable to this variety). | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus mollis var. lanuginosa | Webb City Hawthorn | Dry, gravelly hills. | Endemic (so far as is known) to Jasper County, MO. This entity has not been seen in many decades in its type locality and is presumed extirpated; it does survive in cultivation. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus mollis var. meridionalis | Southern Downy Hawthorn | Prairies, streamsides, scrubland. | Rare and sporadic in central and s. AL and MS, primarily distributed in the Black Belt / Jackson Prairie ecoregion. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus mollis var. mollis | Downy Hawthorn | Mesic forests, alluvial forests, prairies, streamsides, wooded uplands over basic or calcareous soils. | MI to e. ND, s. to AL, TX south to s. TX, e. to nw. GA; an occurrence of this species in the mountains of VA is atypical of the majority of the range, which is mostly Midwestern, west and southwest of the Appalachians. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus mollis var. texana | Texas Downy Hawthorn | Riverine woodlands, brushlands, prairies. | MO, AR, TX, s. OK. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus mollis var. viburnifolia | Viburnum-leaf Hawthorn | Bottomlands. | Endemic in se. TX. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus monogyna | English Hawthorn, One-seeded Hawthorn | Mesic soil. | Native of Europe. Naturalized in northeastern US south to Fairfax County, VA. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus munda | Dwarf Hawthorn, Neat Hawthorn | Longleaf pine sandhills, other xeric or subxeric forests, scrublands, disturbed woodlands. | C. NC south to n. FL, west to s. and c. AL. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus nananixonii | Nixon's Dwarf Hawthorn | Sandy soil in shortleaf pine and oak woodlands. | Endemic to e. TX. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus opaca | Western Mayhaw | Bottomlands, swampy forests, lowland depressions and wetland soils where flooded for periods of the year. | E. TX to Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, FL (Kunzer et al. 2009). | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ouachitensis | Ouachita Hawthorn | Thickets along streams, rocky ridges and slopes. | Endemic to the Ouachita Mountain region of AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus padifolia | Cherry-leaf Hawthorn | Rocky woodlands, brushland, streamsides. | S. MO, e. OK, AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus pallens | Pale-fruited Hawthorn | Slopes and rock outcrops, especially over mafic substrates. | Endemic to southern Appalachians: w. NC (Buncombe, Madison Cos), and perhaps in ne. AL, n. GA. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus palmeri | Palmer's Hawthorn | Hardwood and pine-hardwood forests, scrubland, brush. | Sporadic from se. KS, e. OK, e. TX to AR, MO, and TN (?). | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus pennsylvanica | Pennsylvania Hawthorn | Mesic, open forests, alluvial forests. | PA and OH, s. to c. WV; somewhat disjunct in sw. VA where it is apparently native; naturalizing near a cultivated specimen in Buncombe Co, NC. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus pexa | Woolly Dwarf Hawthorn | Longleaf pine sandhills, other xeric or subxeric forests, pine and oak scrublands, and disturbed woodlands. | Sc. NC south to n. FL, west to s. and c. AL; one population in Southampton County, VA (Lance 2014). This taxon is locally common in Cumberland County, NC. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus phaenopyrum | Washington Hawthorn | Mesic upland woodlands, floodplain forests, pastures, thickets, disturbed areas, sometimes locally abundant. | Native range presumed to be PA south to SC, west to sw. MO, AR; also c. and s. AL s. to n. FL; naturalized populations originating from widespread cultivation may be involved in parts of this range, with additional expansions becoming evident. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus pinetorum | Pineland Hawthorn | Upland hardwood and hardwood-pine forests, rock outcrops. | Nw. SC, n. GA, n. & c. AL, and MS. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus pruinosa var. dissona | Northern Frosted Hawthorn | Upland hardwood forests, brush, pastures, rock outcrops. | PA to NC, w. to MO, se. OK. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus pruinosa var. gattingeri | Gattinger's Hawthorn | Hardwood and pine-hardwood woodlands, brush, pastures. | PA to GA, west to MO, AR; extending south into the Coastal Plain in AL, MS, LA, and AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus pruinosa var. magnifolia | Bigleaf Frosted Hawthorn | Rocky woodlands, streamsides, chalk barrens. | MO, ?AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus pruinosa var. parvula | Small-leaf Frosted Hawthorn | Sparse woodlands, pastures. | MA to MI, s. in Appalachians to w. VA, and NC (?). | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus pruinosa var. pruinosa | Frosted Hawthorn | Upland hardwood forests, pastures, rock outcrops, mountain summits and balds, sometimes colonial or locally abundant. | ME to WI, IA, s. to NC, TN, AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus pruinosa var. rugosa | Wide-leaved Frosted Hawthorn | Rocky woodlands, upland forests, rock outcrops, mountain pastures. | NY to WI, IA, s. to NC, TN, AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus pruinosa var. virella | Hairy Frosted Hawthorn | Open woodlands, rocky uplands. | NY to WI, s. to n. VA, OH; also in MO, AR, se. OK. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus pulcherrima var. opima | Broad-leaved Beautiful Hawthorn | Hardwood and hardwood-pine forests, ravines, mesic slopes. | Sw. GA, s. & c. AL, MS, e. TX. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus pulcherrima var. pulcherrima | Beautiful Hawthorn | Hardwood and hardwood-pine forests, ravines, mesic slopes, sometimes locally abundant. | W. GA and Panhandle FL, w. to LA and extreme e. TX; disjunct populations have been reported from Richmond and Burke Cos, GA. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus punctata | Dotted Hawthorn | High elevation forests, grassy balds, rock outcrops. C. punctata, often in company with C. macrosperma, comprises the majority of hawthorn forests, ‘orchards’, and thickets seen in the high elevations of the North Carolina Blue Ridge, in openings and disturbed northern hardwood and spruce-fir forests. | E. Canada and ME west to MN, IA, south (mainly montane) to VA, WV, KY, NC and TN. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus quaesita var. egens | Sand Barren Hawthorn | Sandy scrublands, pine woodlands. | S. SC to s. AL and peninsular FL. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus quaesita var. floridana | Jacksonville Hawthorn | Oak-pine forests, sandy scrublands. | Se. NC to c. GA, s. AL, s. to Panhandle and peninsular FL. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus quaesita var. quaesita | Florida Hawthorn | Oak-pine forests, xeric woodlands, especially in sandy soils. | S. GA, n. and peninsular FL. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus ravenelii | Ravenel’s Hawthorn | Longleaf pine sandhills, upland pine and pine-oak forests, rocky woodlands, xeric or subxeric habitats with sandy or well-drained clay soils. | Se. NC s. to n. FL, w. to central AL. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus reverchonii | Reverchon Hawthorn | Scrubland, prairie borders, streamsides. | C. and e. TX, OK, se KS, sw MO, w AR, nw. LA. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus sargentii | Sargent's Hawthorn | Upland forests, rocky woodlands, over calcareous or circumneutral substrates. | W. GA, n. and c. AL, reported from c. MS and c. panhandle FL. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus scabrida var. asperifolia | Rough Hawthorn | Mesic hardwood forests, streamside thickets. | A northern species predominantly of eastern Canada and the Great Lakes Region, east to NH; the var. asperifolia (Sargent) Kruschke is reported as disjunct for VA by Phipps (FNA9). | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus schuettei | Schuette's Hawthorn | Mesic upland forests, thin woodlands, brushy fields, rock outcrops, sometimes locally abundant. | Ranging predominately north of our area, in NH, NY, PA west to WI and n. IL, extending south in Appalachian Plateau to WV and w. NC (e. TN?), and south to MO and n. AR (?). | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus senta | Rough Hawthorn | Hardwood-pine forests, sandhill woodlands, scrubland, pastures. | NC to s. GA, with outlier populations reported from n. FL, AL and LA. The type locality is Buncombe Co., NC, but this species has not been re-located there in recent times; it appears best represented in SC. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus sororia | Sister Hawthorn | Upland disturbed forests, scrublands, roadsides. | C. NC to n. AL, s. to n. FL. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus spathulata | Littlehip Hawthorn | Scrubland, pine-oak woodlands, bottomland forests, rocky uplands over mafic or calcareous substrates, oak savannas. | Se. VA and c. NC south to panhandle FL, west to e. TX, north in the interior to c. TN, sw. MO, e. OK; sporadic in TN, sw. NC. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus submollis | Quebec Hawthorn | Scrubland, field margins, usually on calcareous substrates. | E. Canada south to n. PA, n. MI, e. WI. This northern species is rare in our area but might be expected to locally spread from cultivation in OH, WV and MD. A MA form with 16-20 mm fruit, larger than the typical 10-15 mm fruit, was known in the Arnold Arboretum and promoted for cultivation in the early 1900's. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus succulenta var. macracantha | Large-spine Hawthorn | Rocky or mesic hardwood forests, upland pastures, clearings, shaley soils. | Ranging across all of southern Canada and ME to OR, s. in mountainous uplands to AZ, NM, e. to KS, n. MO, sw. VA, ?NC; the most widely distributed hawthorn in North America. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus succulenta var. neofluvialis | New River Hawthorn | Rocky summits, mesic forests, streamsides, brushy fields. | NC, VA, MO, VT (?); the core range appears to be the Blue Ridge of nw. NC and adjacent VA, but entire range is unclear due to scant records and ambiguous morphology. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus succulenta var. succulenta | Fleshy Hawthorn | Rocky summits, mesic forests, upland pastures, especially over basic soil or mafic substrates. | Widespread from eastern Canada and Great Lakes area to New England, s. from MN to n. MO, OH, PA, extending along the Appalachians in WV, VA and NC. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus teres | Smooth Alabama Hawthorn | Pine-oak forests, sandy woodlands. | S. AL, possibly e. to GA. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus triflora | Threeflower Hawthorn | Wooded ravines, mesic slopes, limestone outcrops, flatwoods, prairies. | Nw. GA to n. MS, s. to s. AL, MS; disjunct populations in prairie sites of Houston Co, GA, c. LA, s. AR (possibly in se. TN?). | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus uniflora | Oneflower Hawthorn | Thin woodlands, disturbed lands, roadsides, rock outcrops, often in xeric or sub-xeric conditions. | NY to peninsular FL, w. to IL, MO, OK, e. TX. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus venusta | Red Mountain Hawthorn | Rocky woodlands, brush, cutover forests. | C. AL and Grundy County, TN. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus viridis var. glabriuscula | Texas Green Hawthorn | Alluvial woodlands, streamsides, prairies, usually where soils are basic or calcareous. | E. TX n. to s. OK, e. AR. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus viridis var. lanceolata | Lanceleaf Green Hawthorn | Moist forests and woodlands, streamsides, calcareous uplands. | SC to FL, w. to e. TX, AR; range sympatric with much of the typical variety of the species. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus viridis var. ovata | Roundleaf Green Hawthorn | Alluvial woodlands, moist, brushy fields, uplands in calcareous soils. | MO s. to AR, n. LA, e. TX. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus viridis var. velutina | Velvety Green Hawthorn | Bottomland forests, field borders, moist to wet woodlands. | MS, AR, n. LA, e. TX. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus viridis var. viridis | Green Hawthorn, Greenhaw | Swamps, bottomland forests, alluvial woodlands, streamsides, wet flatwoods, and uplands where soils are often basic to calcareous. | MD to n. FL, w. MO, c. TX; absent or rare on Appalachian Plateau. | |
Rosaceae | Crataegus visenda | Bristol Hawthorn | Longleaf pine sandhills, other upland pine and pine-oak forests, disturbed lands, wooded hills with clay or sandy soils, often in xeric or sub-xeric conditions. | C. NC and nw. GA south to n. FL and s. AL. |
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