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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeCrepis biennisRough HawkbeardDisturbed areas.Native of Europe.
AsteraceaeCrepis capillarisSmooth HawksbeardPastures, roadsides, disturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant
AsteraceaeCrepis foetidaStinking HawksbeardNative of Europe. Reported for NC (Kartesz (2010); documentation uncertain; rejected; not mapped; listed in RAB as a synonym of Hypochoeris elata.
AsteraceaeCrepis nicaeensisTurkish HawksbeardDisturbed areas.Native of Mediterranean Europe.
AsteraceaeCrepis pulchraSmallflower HawksbeardRoadsides, fields, disturbed areas.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
AsteraceaeCrepis setosaBristly HawksbeardDisturbed areas.Native of Europe. Reported for Polk County, TN by Chester, Wofford, & Kral (1997) and from s. PA by Rhoads & Klein (1993).
AsteraceaeCrepis tectorumDisturbed areas, perhaps not established.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
AsteraceaeCrepis vesicaria ssp. taraxacifoliaLawns.Native of Mediterranean and w. Europe.image of plant
AsteraceaeCrepis zacinthaStriped HawksbeardLawns, roadsides, disturbed areas.Native of Mediterranean Europe.