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4 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeCroptilon divaricatumScratch-daisySandy or otherwise dry soils of fields, roadsides, longleaf pine sandhill woodlands, and sand pine woodlands.Se. VA south to c. peninsular FL and west to c. TX, inland to n. GA, n. AL, se. OK and c. AR.image of plant
AsteraceaeCroptilon hookerianum var. hookerianumHooker's ScratchdaisySands and other open areas.C. and e. TX south to s. TX; disjunct in MS (J. Kees, pers.comm., 2022).
AsteraceaeCroptilon hookerianum var. validumHooker's True Scratch-daisyRock outcrops, sandy areas.KS and AR south through OK to c. TX. Found in MS by John Kees.
AsteraceaeCroptilon rigidifoliumStiffleaf ScratchdaisySandy woodlands, prairies, and coastal flats.E. and sc. TX south through s. TX to ne. Mexico (TAM).

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