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19 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
FabaceaeCrotalaria alataWinged RattleboxSuburban woodlands.Native of Himalayan Asia. Collected as an escape in Gainesville, FL in 1939 and not seen since (Nesom 2023b).
FabaceaeCrotalaria avonensisAvon Park Rattlebox, Avon Park HarebellsFlorida scrub.Endemic to c. FL peninsula (Highlands and Polk counties).image of plant
FabaceaeCrotalaria bifloraTwo-flower RattleboxChrome ore piles, as a waif.Native of s. Asia. Reported by Reed (1964).
FabaceaeCrotalaria incana var. incanaShake-shake, Velvety RattleboxDisturbed areas.Native of the tropics, variously interpreted as pantropical or only Paleotropical. Also in peninsular FL, from Alachua County southward.image of plant
FabaceaeCrotalaria junceaSunn HempRoadsides, also grown as a crop, and occurring as a waif in field edges (W. Barger, pers. comm., 2012; Zomlefer et al. 2018).Probably native of s. Asia.image of plant
FabaceaeCrotalaria lanceolata ssp. lanceolataLanceleaf RattleboxSandy fields, roadsides, other disturbed areas.Native of Africa.image of plant
FabaceaeCrotalaria linariaCoastal dunes, dry pinelands.S. peninsular FL, keys, north along the coasts, to Pinellas County on the west and Palm Beach County on the east.image of plant
FabaceaeCrotalaria maritimaLow Rattlebox, RabbitbellsSandy forests and woodlands, roadsides.E. SC south to s. FL, and west to e. LA, endemic to the Southeastern Coastal Plain.image of plant
FabaceaeCrotalaria ochroleucaSlenderleaf RattleboxRoadsides and sandy fields.Native of Africa.image of plant
FabaceaeCrotalaria pallida var. obovataSmooth RattleboxRoadsides and fields.Native of Africa.image of plant
FabaceaeCrotalaria pumilaLow RattleboxBeach dunes, coastal grasslands, coastal strands, pine rocklands, disturbed uplands.FL peninsula; West Indies; TX, AZ, and NM south through Mexico and Central America to South America.image of plant
FabaceaeCrotalaria purshiiCoastal Plain Rattlebox, Pursh's RattleboxMesic to dry pinelands, sandy openings, roadsides.A Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic: se. VA south to n. FL, c. peninsular FL, and west to e. LA, with scattered locations inland.image of plant
FabaceaeCrotalaria retusaRattleweedDisturbed areas.Native of the Old World tropics.image of plant
FabaceaeCrotalaria rotundifoliaLow Rattlebox, RabbitbellsSandy forests and woodlands, roadsides.Se. VA south to c. peninsular FL, west to se. LA; also widespread in Mexico.image of plant
FabaceaeCrotalaria sagittalis var. sagittalisCommon RattleboxWoodlands, woodland edges, barrens, prairies, openings, fields.MA and VT west to s. MI, s. WI, and c. MN, south to c. SC, s. AL, s. MS, TX, Mexico and Central America; West Indies.image of plant
FabaceaeCrotalaria spectabilisShowy RattleboxFields, roadsides, disturbed areas.Native of s. Asia.image of plant
FabaceaeCrotalaria trichotomaZanzibar Rattlebox, Curara PeaRoadsides, disturbed areas.Native of Africa.image of plant
FabaceaeCrotalaria verrucosaBlue Rattlebox, Purple PopbushDisturbed areas.Native of Asia.
FabaceaeCrotalaria virgulata ssp. grantianaGrant's RattleboxDisturbed areas.Native of Africa.

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