Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta americana | American Dodder | Hammocks, pine flatwoods, disturbed areas, mainly on woody hosts. | C. and s. peninsular FL; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and South America. |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta boldhingii | Caribbean Dodder, Boldhing’s Dodder | Parasitic on herbs and woody plants, including Citrus. | Possibly native in s. FL (Monroe County); West Indies (Puerto Rico); Mexico; Central America; n. South America. |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta campestris | Field Dodder, Prairie Dodder | Roadsides, fields, open disturbed areas, especially (but not only) on herbaceous Fabaceae. Other hosts include Acanthaceae, Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Convolvulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, Polygonaceae, Solanaceae, Uerticaceae, and Verbenaceae (Costea & Tardif 2006). | Nearly cosmopolitan because of its common association with cultivated legumes, its original distribution unclear. |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta cassytoides | African Dodder | On Quercus phellos. | Native of s. Africa. | |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta cephalanthi | Buttonbush Dodder | Primarily on woody hosts. | NB west to BC, south to GA, TX, CA, and Mexico (but not cited in Villaseñor 2016). See Nelson (1993) for the first SC record. |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta compacta | Compact Dodder | Bottomland forests, stream banks, marshes, swamps, pine savannas, calcareous seeps and streambanks, wet fields, other wet habitats, on herbaceous and especially on woody hosts. | VT, QC, and NE south to s. FL and TX. |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta coryli | Hazel Dodder | Open woodlands and woodland borders, on a wide variety of woody and herbaceous hosts. | MA, NY, and SK south to SC, AL, TX, and AZ. |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta cuspidata | Cusp Dodder | Bottomland forests and fields, especially on Asteraceae. | IN, ND, and UT south to KY, MS, TX, and NM. |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta epilinum | Flax Dodder | Primarily on Linum. | Native of Europe. South to NJ, DE, PA, and n. OH (Kartesz 2022). |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta epithymum ssp. epithymum | Clover Dodder | Primarily on Trifolium and Medicago. | Native of Europe. Also known from scattered localities in PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993); reported for VA by Kartesz (1999), based on Massey (1961). |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta exaltata | Tall Dodder | Dry hammocks (FL), dry woodlands (TX), parasitic on woody hosts (Quercus, Ulmus, Diospyros, Vitis, Rhus, etc.) | N. peninsular FL (St. Johns, Putnam, and Levy counties) south to s. FL; TX southward (but not cited in Villaseñor 2016). |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta glabrior | Engelmann's Dodder, Bushclover Dodder | On a wide range of herbaceous hosts. | E. and w. OK south to sw. LA, s. TX, NM, and n. Mexico. |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta glomerata | Rope Dodder | Floodplains and other moist forests and thickets, primarily on Asteraceae. | OH, MI, MN, and ND south to KY, TN, MS, and TX. |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta gronovii var. calyptrata | | Bottomlands and wet areas. | AR south to LA and TX; Europe. | |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta gronovii var. curta | | Wetlands. | ON west to AB, south to se. KS, NM, and AZ. | |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta gronovii var. gronovii | Swamp Dodder, Common Dodder | Stream banks, bottomland forests, bogs, marshes, swamps, wet fields, wet disturbed areas, on a very wide variety of herbaceous and woody plants. | QC west to BC, south to s. FL and AZ. | |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta harperi | Harper's Dodder | Outcrops of granite (Piedmont), sandstone (Cumberland Plateau, Ridge and Valley), and Altamaha grit (Coastal Plain), typically on plants such as Liatris microcephala, Bigelowia nuttallii, Hypericum gentianoides, Helianthus longifolius, and Croton willdenowii. | Ec. and wc. GA west to ne. and nw. AL. |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta indecora var. attenuata | Bigseed Alfalfa Dodder, Pretty Dodder | Salt marshes (on Iva frutescens), pine savannas, bogs, roadsides, disturbed areas. | | |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta indecora var. indecora | | | | |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta indecora var. longisepala | Bigseed Alfalfa Dodder, Pretty Dodder | Salt marshes (on Iva frutescens), pine savannahs, bogs, roadsides, disturbed areas. | NJ, MN, and ID, south to s. FL, TX, CA, Mexico, Central America, and South America. See Nelson (1993) for the first SC record. Silberhorn (1998) described an occurrence of this species in VA. | |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta japonica var. formosana | | Known to parasitize Citrus, Hedera, Lagerstroemia, Ligustrum, Malus, Nerium, Prunus, Quercus, Vitis, and other woody plants (Costea & Nesom 2023). | Native of e. Asia. Known as an introduction (in our region) in TX. | |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta japonica var. japonica | | Parasitizing herbaceous and woody hosts. | Native of e. Asia. Known in our region from AL (?), FL, NJ, and TX. | |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta leptantha | Slender Dodder, Spurge Dodder | Parasitic on Euphorbia subg. Chamaesyce. | S. TX, c. TX, and NM south to Mexico (BCN, BCS, SIN, SON). | |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta obtusiflora var. glandulosa | Glandular Dodder | In calcareous glades, swampy thickets, and other habitats. Remarkably growing submersed and parasitic on Hygrophila polysperma (Williams, Tippery, & Les 2022). Usually parasitic on Persicaria, but also known from Alternanthera, Dalea, Hygrophila, Justicia, Ludwigia, Lythrum, and Xanthium. | GA and OK south to FL, TX, Mexico; West Indies. See Anderson (2007) for FL Panhandle record and Floden & Brant (2018) for the MO records. |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta pentagona | Five-angled Dodder | Roadsides, fields, open disturbed areas, on a wide variety of (mostly herbaceous) hosts, especially Fabaceae. | MA, NY, MI, MN, MB, and MT south to FL, TX, and Mexico. |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta polygonorum | Smartweed Dodder | On Persicaria and other hosts. | NY and ON west to ND, south to FL and TX. |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta rostrata | Appalachian Dodder, Beaked Dodder | High elevation hardwood forests and thickets, especially on Asteraceae (Rudbeckia, Solidago, Symphyotrichum, Eurybia, Eupatorium), but also reported on Collinsonia canadensis, Diervilla, Hydrangea arborescens, Impatiens, Laportea, Rubus, Salix, Urtica, and Symphoricarpos. | A Southern Appalachian endemic: WV and MD south through w. VA, e. KY, e. TN, w. NC to n. GA. |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta runyonii | Runyon's Dodder | On Asteraceae and other hosts. | Apparently endemic to the Rio Grande Plains of s. TX. | |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta saururi | | Streambanks, wet meadows, bottomland forests, usually on Acalypha, Bidens, Boehmeria, Decodon, Cephalanthus, Impatiens, Penthorum, Persicaria, Salix, Saururus, Sium, and Solidago. | QC west to ON, south to NC, AR, and TX. | |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta squamata | Scale-flower Dodder | Usually parasitic on Asteraceae. | TX and NM south into Mexico (CHH, COA, DUR). | |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta suaveolens | Fringed Dodder, Lucerne Dodder, Alfalfa Dodder | Fields, especially on herbaceous Fabaceae. | Native of South America. Reported from scattered sites in eastern North America, allegedly including AL, MD, and OH. | |
Convolvulaceae | Cuscuta umbellata var. umbellata | Flat-globe Dodder | Beach dunes and coastal strands, especially on herbaceous hosts. Known hosts include Acleisanthes, Allionia, Alternanthera, Amaranthus, Atriplex, Boerhavia, Gilia, Iresine, Kallstroemia, Salsola, Sesuvium, Suaeda, Tidestromia, Trianthema, and Tribulus (Costea & Nesom (2023). | Peninsular FL; West Indies; KS and CO south through sw. LA, TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico; South America. |