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2 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeErechtites hieraciifoliusFireweed, American BurnweedIn disturbed soil in nearly all habitats except the extremely xeric, present in most parts of the modern (beat-up) landscape at least as seedlings, liable to turn up at the smallest disturbance (such as small tree-fall tip-up mounds or campfires, even in large natural areas), most abundant in areas extensively disturbed or scarified by timber-harvest, bulldozing, or severe fire.NL (Newfoundland) west to SK, south to s. FL and e. TX; West Indies; tropical America.image of plant
AsteraceaeErechtites megalocarpusCoastal Marsh Fireweed, Marsh BurnweedCoastal marshes (brackish or salty).MA to NJ (and should additionally be sought further south).

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