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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PoaceaeErianthus alopecuroidesSilver Plume GrassDry to moist fields, roadsides, woodlands, and woodland borders.NJ west to IN, IL, MO, and OK, south to FL and TX.image of plant
PoaceaeErianthus brevibarbisShort-bearded Plume GrassMarshes, ditches.SC south to n. FL, west to AR, e. OK, and e. TX; disjunct in s. IL. Reports from NC appear to be in error.image of plant
PoaceaeErianthus coarctatusBrown Plume GrassMarshes, ditches, clay-based Carolina bays, swamps, peaty powerline rights-of-way.DE and MD south to FL, west to TX (Brown & Marcus 1998).image of plant
PoaceaeErianthus contortusBent-awn Plume GrassMoist to wet clearings, open woodlands and forests, woodland borders.DE and MD south to Panhandle FL, west to TX and AR, with scattered occurrences north to TN.image of plant
PoaceaeErianthus giganteusSugarcane Plume Grass, Giant Plume GrassMarshes, roadbanks, lake and pond margins, cypress ponds, wet pine flatwoods, ditches.NY south to FL, west to se. TX and AR, mainly Coastal Plain, but with an extensive distribution inland as well.image of plant
PoaceaeErianthus strictusNarrow Plume GrassMarshes, clay-based Carolina bays, depression ponds, ditches.E. VA south to FL, west to TX, AR, scattered northward inland to TN and MO.image of plant